版本、兼容性以及标准 续(翻译)


Commitment to Standards and Interoperability

Yet another reason we feel more mode switches are not a good idea for WebKit is our commitment to Web standards, and to interoperability with other browsers. We strongly believe that Web standards are the path forward for interoperability, and we work closely with Web standards groups and other browser vendors to align behavior.

Part of this commitment is delivering standards-compliant behavior out of the box. We don’t ask you to set a special preference, or to add extra markup to your web page, or anything else beyond the long established standards mode switch. That means WebKit can truly pass standards-based tests like Acid2 and someday the forthcoming Acid3, and we’ll work more like other standards-based browsers over time. In general, web developers are happy to get automatic ever-advancing standards support from our engine, and indeed our support for advanced CSS3 properties has unleashed a wave of creativity in iPhone web apps.
让遵循标准的行为即时可用,也是这一承诺的应有之义。我们不会要求你设置特别选项,或是在你的网页中加入额外标记,除了已经存在的标准和怪癖模式切换之外,我们不会要求你做任何其他额外的事情。这意味着WebKit能真正的通过基于标准的测试,如 Acid2和未来的Acid3,我们也会与其他基于标准的浏览器逐步趋向一致。总的来说,web开发者乐于从我们的引擎获得自动不断提升的标准支持,事实上我们对于高级CSS3特性的支持已经在iPhone的web应用中释放了 巨大的创造力

Reducing Engine Fragmentation

Another key reason to avoid more modes is to reduce the number of different compatibility profiles that web content authors have to deal with. With many different vendors shipping WebKit-based products, we rely a lot on the fact that uptake of WebKit-based browsers is really fast. Already many web developers are focusing primarily on Safari 3 and not Safari 2, because in only a few months the majority of users have upgraded.
应避免更多模式的另一个关键原因,是为了减少web内容创作者所需面对的不同兼容性配置方案(profile)的数量。随着许多不同的厂商采用基于WebKit的产品,市场对于基于WebKit的浏览器接受很快。已经有许多web开发者主要为Safari 3而不是Safari 2做开发,因为在很短时间内大多数用户就已经升级。

But locking in compatibility would mean you have to think about the compatibility profiles of old browsers a lot longer. And no one wants to think about the state of the engine in Safari 2 - I sure don’t! We made thousands of fixes and improvements and those fixes deserve to stick.
而兼容性锁定意味着你必须更长久的考虑旧浏览器的兼容性配置方案。没有人想去考虑Safari 2中引擎的版本状况——至少我不想。我们已经做了数以千计的修补与改进,它们可不好对付【这句意思吃不准】。

We Don’t Really Need It

Finally, while we sympathize with the tough road that the IE team has to travel to achieve a high degree of standards compliance, we haven’t really experienced the same problem. The IE team has mentioned severe negative feedback on the IE7 release, due to sites expecting standards behavior from most browsers, but IE6 bugs from IE.


But WebKit already has a high degree of standards compliance. And we are not in the enviable but tough position of being the most widely used browser. The fixes we do for standards compliance rarely cause widespread destruction, and when they do, it’s often a sign that the standards themselves may need revision. We do not get complaints from web content authors about their sites breaking, on the contrary we get a lot of praise for each version of the engine handling web sites better.


So, in conclusion, we don’t see a great need to implement version targeting in Safari. We think maintaining multiple versions of the engine would have many downsides for us and little upside. The IE team is, of course, under different constraints and free to make their own choices.
所以,结论是,我们并没有发现有必要在Safari中实现版本目标(version targeting)。我们认为维护引擎的多个版本对我们来说是弊大于利。当然,IE团队处于不同的约束条件下,自然可自行作出他们自己的决策。


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