Linux shell script:
#!/bin/bash ###dennis zhao linux shell script automatic deploy application server(svn) ###2013-07-21 ###[email protected] source /etc/profile export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8' echo "==$1==#####################################`date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`" echo "dev parametre=====stress,local" echo "stage parametre=====staging" echo "prod parametre=====prod" backup_sql_path=/data2/backup/sql backup_war_path=/data2/backup/war current_date=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M"` db_name=laneige password=xxxx2011 if [ ! -d "${backup_sql_path}" ]; then mkdir -p "${backup_sql_path}" fi if [ ! -d "${backup_war_path}" ]; then mkdir -p "${backup_war_path}" fi if [ "$1" = "local" -o "$1" = "" -o "$1" = "stress" ]; then password=xxxx2012 mysqldump -uroot -p${password} ${db_name} > ${backup_sql_path}/${current_date}.sql cd ${backup_sql_path} tar -zcvf ${current_date}.tar.gz ${current_date}.sql --remove-files sleep 3 #ls -lth ${backup_sql_path} echo "backup database ${db_name} OK........." elif [ "$1" = "staging" ]; then password=xxxx2011 elif [ "$1" = "prod" ]; then password=xxxx2011 fi echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "compile class file.............begin............." resource=/data/src/laneige tomcat_home=/opt/app/tomcat webapps=${tomcat_home}/webapps echo "backup war file.............begin............." cp ${webapps}/laneige_Web.war ${backup_war_path}/laneige_Web_${current_date}.war sleep 6 echo "backup war file.............end............." echo "SVN update ...........start..............." cd ${resource} svn up sleep 1 svn up echo "SVN update .............end............." if [ "$1" = "" -o "$1" = "local" -o "$1" = "stress" ]; then mvn -U clean package -PSTRESS echo "dev complie completed-----------------" elif [ "$1" = "staging" ]; then mvn -U clean package -PSTAGING echo "staging complie completed-----------------" elif [ "$1" = "prod" ]; then mvn -U clean package -PPROD echo "prod complie completed-----------------" fi echo "compile class file.............end............." echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" sleep 5 if [ "$1" = "" -o "$1" = "local" -o "$1" = "stress" ]; then echo "stop tomcat application server.....begin.........." echo "stop tomcat application server..............." process_id=`ps -ef | grep tomcat | awk '{print $2,$8}' | grep 'java$'| awk '{print $1}'` #echo "process_id=========================${process_id}" if test -z "${process_id}" then echo "The tomcat stopped already.................`pwd`" else kill ${process_id} echo "kill tomcat process finish.............." #ps -ef | grep tomcat fi echo "stop tomcat application server.....end.........." sleep 2 rm -rf ${webapps}/laneige_Web* cp -rf ${resource}/laneige-web/target/laneige_Web.war ${webapps}/ sleep 3 echo "------------------start tomcat---------`pwd`---------------------------" ${tomcat_home}/bin/startup.sh echo "------------------finish tomcat------------------------------------" sleep 3 ps -ef | grep tomcat elif [ "$1" = "staging" ]; then echo "Copy files to stage environment........................" echo "Start copying files takes a few minutes........................" scp -P 61 /data/src/laneige/laneige-web/target/laneige_Web.war [email protected]:/data/src/temp echo "Copy file finished, please check it-----------------" #sleep 10 #ssh -t -p 61 [email protected] '/tmp/sh/stageStart.sh' echo "You should start the tomcat application server in the stage server.........." #echo "The staging environment has been deployed already, please check it, thank you!!!!!!!" elif [ "$1" = "prod" ]; then echo "Copy files to production environment........................" echo "Start copying files takes a few minutes........................" scp -P 65 /data/src/laneige/laneige-web/target/laneige_Web.war [email protected]:/data/src/temp echo "Copy file finished, please check it-----------------" #sleep 10 #ssh -t -p 65 [email protected] '/tmp/sh/prodStart.sh' echo "You should start the tomcat application server in the production server.........." #echo "The production environment has been deployed already, please check it, thank you!!!!!!!" fi echo "==$1==#####################################`date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`"