Part I: Introductory Material
Part II : Maven by Example
Part III : Maven Reference
Chapter1. Introducing Apache Maven
1. serve as both an authoritative reference and an introduction.
Build and deploy
Project Mgmt tool(Report , generate web site , teamwork)
A set of standards ,
a project lifecycle
A dependency mgmt tool.
Project Object Model.
1.2.ConventionOver Configuration
1. classpath is src/main/java|resource src/test/java|resource
2. process jar file in target/classes
3. byte code location target/classes
4. Conversions for compiling source code , packaging , testing …
5. can custom these conventions
1.3.A Common Interface
1. Before Maven provided a common interface, each project has a custom build system , and developers had to take time to learn the system.
2. When new testing framework or new source analysis tools are developed, you have to change the build file.
3. Move to a common view of project builds.
4. Problems
a) What dependency project?
b) What library
c) Where I put the library
d) What goal can I execute in the build
5. Key to Success
a) Common interface
b) Dependency management
c) Reuse of build logic through plugins
6. Most Importance command
a) Mvn install
1.4 Universal Reuse through Maven Plugins
1. Core of Maven
a) How to parsing xml documents
b) Keeping track of a lifecycle and a few plug-ins.
c) Delegated most responsibility to plug-ins. The plug-ins affect maven’s lifecycle and offer access to goals.
d) The first time run mvn install will try to get the latest version of plugins.
a) Reuse build logic is achived by retrieves both dependencies and plugins from remote repository.
3. Maven Surefire plugin is responsible for running unit tests.
a) When updated the plugin to support testNG or Junit 4.4 , you only need to change a version number in pom.
4. Jar plugins
5. JRuby and Groovy plugins
6. Publish plugins
7. Maven has abstracted common build tasks into plugins which are maintained centrally and shared universally.
1.5.Conceptual Model of a "Project"
1. Attribute of a project
a) License of the project
b) Who develops and who attributes
c) The depdending projects
2. Feature
a) Dependency Management
i. Group
ii. Artifact
iii. Version
b) Remote Repositories
c) Universal Reuse of Build logic
i. Plugins are coded to work with POM
ii. Everything is in the model, plugin configuration and customization happens in the model.
d) Tool portability / Integration
i. Support IDEs for custom POM infos.
e) Easy seaching and Filtering of Project Artifacts
i. Nexus
1.6. Is Maven an alternative to XYZ?
1. Convert ant build script to maven build script.
2. Maven is more like a platform than a build tools.
1.7.Comparing Maven with Ant
1. POM examples
a) Mvn install
b) Mvn site
c) Run mvn test
i. Write under src/test/java
ii. Add dependency in test scope.
iii. Mvn test
d) Deploy a war
i. Change type to war
ii. Put docroot to src/main/webapp
3. Benefits
a) Your can get new function of build logic when change the version number.
4. maven project can run ant scripts
Chapter2.Installing and Running Maven
2.1.Verify your Java Installation
Java –version
2.2.Downloading Maven[ 2.0.9]
2.3.Installing Maven
2.3.2.Installing Maven on Microsoft Windows
3. Set envirement:
a) M2_HOME
2.4.Testing a Maven Installation
4. mvn –v
2.5.Maven Installation Details
5. Files and Directorys
a) LICENSE.txt
b) NOTICE.txt
c) README.txt
d) bin/
i. mvn
e) boot/
i. classwords-1.1.jar
f) conf/
i. Settings.xml (global settings)
ii. Override in ~/.m2
g) lib/
i. maven-core-2.0.9-uber.jar (The core of jar)
2.5.1.User-specificConfiguration and Repository
6. ~/.m2/settings.xml
a) User specific config
i. Authentication
ii. Repositories
iii. Custom Information
7. ~/.m2/repository/
a) Local repositories
2.5.2.Upgrading a Maven Installation
Just change the M2_HOME
2.6.Getting Help with Maven
l MavenUserMailingList
2.7.Using the Maven Help Plugin
l plugins
l profile
l setting file
l POM files
l The plugins maven is using
l List active maven profiles
n Mvn help:Active-profiles
l Display an effective POM
n Mvn help:Effective-pom
l Print the effective settings
n Mvn help:Effective-settings
l List the attribute of a Maven plugin
l The goal of a particular maven plugin
n Mvn help:describe –Dplugin=surefire –Dfull
n mvnhelp:describe -Dplugin=compiler -Dmojo=compile -Dfull
l In Maven, a Plugin goal is known as a"Mojo".
Part I. Maven by Example
l Maven: A Developer’s Notebook
Chapter 3. A Simple Maven Project
l Dd
n Build lifecycle