No pain,No gain.

No pain no gain.this is a proverb full of logic.If we are to reach the top of a mountain,we must climb it,

if we hope to achieve success,we have to do hard and painstaking work .On the contrary,the less one

pains,the less he gains.To do nothing is to bring ruin upon oneself. Idleness is the source of all failure.

and sometimes,of all evil,for trouble is likely to be made out of nothing.

     Examples can be easily found to make a case for this proverb. A scientist may be well known for his

discovery.He is greatly rewarded for it and praised whereever he goes.Yet ,how many sleepless nights

did he spend doing experiments in his laboratory?No one knows,Only the seicentist himself knows what

reputation.reward and praise mean to him.For a champion athlete ,all the sweat,bruises and perseverance

prove to be necessary.Even a student'scholarship is preceded by hard work.

     In a word .happiness brought by success goes along with sacrifice of rest.relaxation and entertainment

Gain and pain unexceptionally go hand in hand.
