cocos2d CCLabel Type

CCLabelTTF : CCSprite : CCNode
CCLabelAtlas : CCAtlasNode : CCNode
CCLabelBMFont : CCSpriteBatchNode : CCNode

CCLabel objects are slow.
Consider using CCLabelAtlas or CCLabelBMFont instead.


CCLabelAtlas is a subclass of CCAtlasNode.

It can be as a replacement of CCLabel since it is MUCH faster.

CCLabelAtlas versus CCLabel:
- CCLabelAtlas is MUCH faster than CCLabel
- CCLabelAtlas "characters" have a fixed height and width
- CCLabelAtlas "characters" can be anything you want since they are taken from an image file

A more flexible class is CCLabelBMFont. It supports variable width characters and it also has a nice editor.


CCLabelBMFont is a subclass of CCSpriteBatchNode
- Treats each character like a CCSprite. This means that each individual character can be:
   - rotated
   - scaled
   - translated
   - tinted
   - chage the opacity
- It can be used as part of a menu item.
- anchorPoint can be used to align the "label"
- Supports AngelCode text format
