Which Extension Should I Use?

Which Extension Should I Use?


Whether you use robots or gadgets is not mutually exclusive. You can use them together, but they generally serve different purposes. Each extension has a specific use case, noted below:


Arobotis an automated participant on a wave.


Robots are programs which run on an application server and can modify state within the wave itself.


A robot can read the contents of a wave in which it participates, modify the wave's contents, add or remove participants, and create new blips and new waves. Robots perform actions in response to events.

Robot能读取一个wave目录包括:参与者,修改wave的目录,增加或者删除参与者,并且建立新的blip和新的wave. Robots回复执行动作给事件。

For example, a robot might publish the contents of a wave to a public blog site and update the wave with user comments.


Agadgetis a small application that runs within a client.


The gadget is owned by the wave, and all participants on a wave share the same gadget state.


The only events a gadget responds to are changes to its own state object, and changes in the wave's participants (for example, participants joining or leaving the wave).


The gadget has no influence over the wave itself. Wave gadgets typically aren't full blown applications, but small add-ons that improve certain types of conversations.

这个gadget 没有能够左右wave它本身的能力。Wave gadget 典型不是膨胀应用程序,但小型附件软件(提供会话的某些类型)。

For example, a wave might include a sudoku gadget that lets the wave participants compete to see who can solve the puzzle first.

