Steve Jobs Ready To Retake Apple's Helm - Sources

据知情人士透露,在健康状况扑朔迷离了几个月之后,苹果公司(Apple)首席执行长乔布斯(Steve Jobs)本月有望结束病假重返公司。苹果的业务伙伴投资者和粉丝们现在的一大问题就是:乔布斯会不会在下周于旧金山召开的苹果年度软件开发商会议上再度现身,届时是不是会推出一款新的iPhone手机?Josh Lowensohn/CNET News工作人员装饰旧金山的Moscone Center,为苹果年度软件开发商会议作准备。曾患胰腺癌的乔布斯1月份开始休病假。乔布斯此前曾表现出明显的消瘦,当时他解释说是荷尔蒙失调导致的营养问题。由于乔布斯是突然休病假,外界对他病情的详细情况又知之甚少,一些投资者当时担心乔布斯是否还能回来。从那时起,苹果公司就没有公布过有关乔布斯健康状况的最新情况。据一位知情人士透露,尽管乔布斯一直在休病假,一些公司董事每周都会从乔布斯的医生那里得到他的最新治疗情况。这位人士最近几周见过乔布斯,他说,乔布斯一直在逐步恢复,他定于本月晚些时候重新开始工作。这位人士还说,乔布斯确实曾病得很重。在一段长达9个月的时间里,乔布斯一直在挨饿,他不能消化蛋白质。但他后来接受了矫正治疗。一位人士说,开始休病假之后,乔布斯偶尔还会去苹果总部。他曾经在苹果总部见过乔布斯。Steve Jobs苹果业务伙伴和分析师的猜测声音正在不断升温,他们猜测乔布斯会不会在公司下周的全球软件开发商会议上现身,乔布斯喜欢在此类活动上宣布惊人消息的特点更加重了这种猜测。很多猜测声音似乎延续了多年来围绕苹果和乔布斯的那种期待性猜测。但两位和苹果有业务往来的人士说,苹果高管告诉他们,苹果现在正打算将乔布斯的回归和一款产品的发布或公众活动结合在一起。苹果发言人唐宁(Dowling)周四说,我们期待着乔布斯在6月底重返苹果。他重申了苹果此前的声明。乔布斯没有回复记者的置评请求。苹果已经表示,市场总监席勒(Philip Schiller)将在下周一发表主题讲话──过去数年这一直是乔布斯的专利。Piper Jaffray的分析师孟斯特(Gene Munster)预计,不管乔布斯会不会参加会议,苹果都会发布一款新的iPhone,哪怕苹果不会立即开始发售。其他人士则提醒说,乔布斯下周可能还不会回来。科技咨询公司Envisioneering Group的分析师多赫蒂(Richard Doherty)说,乔布斯喜欢给人惊喜,但我们不认为他会出现在下周的全球开发商会议上。一位见过新手机的人士说,苹果对这款最新的iPhone已经做好了充分准备,完全可以在下周发布。他说,新手机外观和去年的款式类似,但处理能力更强,还加入了视频编辑等一些新功能。Yukari Iwatani Kane / Joann S. Lublin相关阅读乔布斯病中仍掌控苹果 2009-04-13苹果CEO乔布斯将休病假 2009-01-15苹果已成熟 乔布斯可放手矣 2009-01-08迟来的iPhone文档处理功能 2009-05-21 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年06月05日10:40', 'T'));美国电话电报公司英文名称:AT&T Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:Tdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年06月05日10:40', 'AAPL'));苹果公司英文名称:Apple Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:AAPL

After months of uncertainty about Steve Jobs's health, the Apple Inc. (AAPL) chief executive appears on track to return from medical leave this month, said people familiar with Apple.The big question now among Apple's business partners, investors and fans: Will Jobs make his reappearance at Apple's annual software developers' conference next week in San Francisco, possibly to unveil a new iPhone?Jobs, a survivor of pancreatic cancer, went on medical leave in January. He had earlier exhibited significant weight loss, and cited a nutritional problem related to a hormone imbalance. The unexpected departure, and the few details about Jobs's ailment, left some investors worried about whether he would return.Since then, Apple hasn't provided any updates on Jobs's health.While Jobs has been on sick leave, some Apple directors have gotten weekly updates about his medical condition from the CEO's physician, according to a person familiar with the matter. Jobs's recovery 'is coming along' and he is on schedule to return to work later this month, said this person, who has seen Jobs in recent weeks.'He was one real sick guy,' added this person. 'Fundamentally he was starving to death over a nine-month period. He couldn't digest protein. [But] he took corrective action.'Jobs occasionally has come into Apple's headquarters since his leave began, said a person who has seen him there.Speculation is mounting among Apple's business partners and analysts about whether Jobs will make an appearance at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference next week - particularly because he is known for making surprise announcements at these events.Much of the buzz appears to be conjecture of the type that has swirled around Apple and Jobs for years. But two people who do business with Apple said senior Apple managers have told them the company is now trying to coordinate Jobs's return with a product launch or public event.'We look forward to Steve returning to Apple at the end of June,' Apple spokesman Steve Dowling said Thursday, reiterating the company's previous statements. Jobs didn't respond to a request for comment. Apple has said its marketing chief, Philip Schiller, will give Monday's keynote address - a role reserved for Jobs in past years.With or without Jobs at the conference, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster expects Apple to unveil a new iPhone model, even if the company doesn't immediately start selling it.Others caution against expecting Jobs back next week. 'He likes to surprise people, but we don't think that's likely to happen at WWDC,' said Richard Doherty, an analyst at technology consultancy Envisioneering Group.Apple is ready enough with its latest iPhone to be in a position to unveil it next week, said a person who has seen the new model. The new phone will look similar to last year's model but has more processing power and some new features like video editing, this person said.Yukari Iwatani Kane / Joann S. LublinCopyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
