can not create ...Temp\EditorLineEnds.ttr

打开delphi2010时,出现了can not create ...Temp\EditorLineEnds.ttr。

原因:升级了windows的补丁KB2993651, kb:2982791 , kb:2970228,导致EditorLineEnds.ttr生成所在的文件夹无法被修改,固而出错!(此错误好像XE6不会发生,可能Delphi调整了方式吧!)

wusa /uninstall /KB:2993651 
wusa /uninstall /kb:2982791 
wusa /uninstall /kb:2970228
同时在windows更新中,禁止这些(及最新的KB开头)的更新补丁, 防止再次安装了更新。


LEO原创,转载请注明, qq: 1505250187

With a new windows update Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2010 did not start anymore.
you get a error delphi can not create ...Temp\EditorLineEnds.ttr
most important information by microsoft:
Known issues with this security update
After you install this security update, fonts that are installed to a location other than the default fonts directory (%windir%\fonts\) cannot be modified when they are loaded into any active session. Attempts to change, replace, or delete these fonts will be blocked, and a "File in use" message will be presented.
you can rollback easy in two ways
1: create a batch file with following lines
wusa /uninstall /kb:2982791 
wusa /uninstall /kb:2970228
this batch file you run on start up of windows. but with auto update both updates installs every time
2: disable the KB's from autoupdate
after update goto WindowsUpdates in your system. disable both KB's so on new updates it will be not installed again
these are only workarounds. with newer Delphi Versions like XE6 this error will not be come. Hope Embarcadero will create a patch for "older" Delphi Versions.
