
Display.getDefault(): 该方法会返回用户图形界面线程中的Display实例,不管当前线程是否是用户图形界面线程.如果这个实例不存在,默认创建一个用户图形界面线程中的Display实例.

 * Returns the default display. One is created (making the thread that
 * invokes this method its user-interface thread) if it did not already
 * exist.
 * @return the default display
public static Display getDefault()
	synchronized (Device.class)
		if (Default == null)
			Default = new Display();
		return Default;

Display.getCurrent(): 返回当前线程中的Display实例.如果这是一个图形界面线程,实例非空;如果当前线程不是一个图形界面线程,则实例为空.

 * Returns the display which the currently running thread is the
 * user-interface thread for, or null if the currently running thread is not
 * a user-interface thread for any display.
 * @return the current display
public static Display getCurrent()
	return findDisplay(Thread.currentThread());
