% Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Rusty Klophaus % See MIT-LICENSE for licensing information. % This is a "simple as possible" session handler. Unfortunately, % due to time constraints, had to leave out some great code % contributed by Dave Peticolas that fit Nitrogen sessions % into a gen_server. My code below is far inferior. % Someone please make it better! - Rusty -module (redis_session_handler). -include_lib ("wf.hrl"). -behaviour (session_handler). -export ([ init/2, finish/2, get_value/4, set_value/4, clear_all/2 ]). -record (state, {unique}). init(_Config, _State) -> Cookie = wf:cookie(get_cookie_name()), State = case wf:depickle(Cookie) of undefined -> new_state(); Other -> Other end, {ok, State}. finish(_Config, State) -> % Drop the session cookie... Timeout = wf:config_default(session_timeout, 20), ok = wf:cookie(get_cookie_name(), wf:pickle(State), "/", Timeout), {ok, []}. get_value(Key, DefaultValue, _Config, State) -> %Host = wf:config_default(erldis_host, ""), %Port = wf:config_default(erldis_port, 6379), %{ok, Client} = erldis:connect(Host, Port), %io:format("~p",[?LINE]), %io:format("get_value, Key = ~p~n",[Key]), Client = erldis_sup:client(), Value = case erldis:hget(Client, State#state.unique, Key) of nil -> DefaultValue; Any -> binary_to_term(Any) end, %io:format("get_value, Key = ~p, Value = ~p~n",[Key, Value]), Timeout = wf:config_default(session_timeout, 20), erldis:expire(Client, State#state.unique, Timeout*60), {ok, Value, State}. set_value(Key, Value, _Config, State) -> %io:format("set_value, Key = ~p, Value = ~p~n",[Key, Value]), Client = erldis_sup:client(), OldValue = case erldis:hget(Client, State#state.unique, Key) of nil -> undefined; Any -> binary_to_term(Any) end, %io:format("~p",[?LINE]), %io:format("OldValue = ~n~p~n",[OldValue]), erldis:hset(Client, State#state.unique, Key, term_to_binary(Value)), Timeout = wf:config_default(session_timeout, 20), erldis:expire(Client, State#state.unique, Timeout*60), {ok, OldValue, State}. clear_all(_Config, State) -> Client = erldis_sup:client(), case erldis:del(Client, State#state.unique) of nil -> undefined; Any -> %io:format("~p",[?LINE]), %io:format("~n~p~n",[Any]), Any end, {ok, State}. %%% PRIVATE FUNCTIONS get_cookie_name() -> wf:config_default(cookie_name, "lxbssn"). new_state() -> Unique = erlang:md5(term_to_binary({now(), erlang:make_ref()})), #state { unique=Unique }.