Online video meeting VS traditional meeting

      I'm so stupid just forgot yesterday's journal, so I make up it today. I hope God can forgive  my stupid.
     Online video meeting is becoming more and more popular, it provides many convenient to hold a meeting.   Online video meeting can solve the transportation problem, especially the company have many branches in different places. It can save the perticipant's time and cost distinctively compared to the traditional meeting which hold in a central place require every participant take part in it on time.   
      Although the online video is popular, but it sames to evidence to replace the traditional meeting. The first problem is the equipment and maintain service for the online meeting is expensive, and only the big enterprise company can afford to these, such as government back-ground company, bank, and some dominant company.
       The second problem is the meeting efficient, the participant is negative accept the speaker's idea, not in a responsive way, and it is often makes the participant felt boring,sleepy, and makesthe participant felt time-consuming. 
       May be we should combine the two ways together, some important meetings and if we have the condition to proceed a face-to-face meeting, we should hold a face-to-face meeting. Some unimportant meeting, and don't have the condition to hold in a face-to-face way, it should be hold in online video meeting, may be we can require some person to supervise the participant to make sure they are listening the speaking with  satiety energy.
