I'm very miss my parent and some relatives.

     The labor holiday is only three days, for me it is hardly to go home, and as the holiday approached, I'm become more and more miss about my parent.
     Recent years, as the grandparent depart away from this world, and I'm very sad, although all of them's age is very high, and it sames normal, I always felt even sad than others, I don't imagine what will be happened when someday the parent leaves me alone in this world.
    After graduation, I'm currently working in a software company, but I had to refund my credit, and I'm very selfish  and don't give them even more many to let them just living in a very ease circumstance, and them currently also struggling for their life. And often, when I dial a phone to home, and ask whether they have money, they always said they have money, and let me don't care about them, and should be take more care about myself.
    One of my net friends said, she's biggest dream is to let her parent live very ease, and don't let them to care about other things. And it seems she aways considering her parent before she do everything. And, I told she, sometimes should be consider for yourself. Util this time, I think I have made a mistake, maybe before I can't have this feeling.
    I hope these days my parent is healthy and happy.
