Wizard has 3 layers.
The first layer.
IDialogPage:is the base interface for the pages in any multipage dialog. The interface privider mehtods to configure all the attributes for a given page, such as its title, a desc,or an image. The most inporttant method is createControl().
IWizardPage: it extends IDialogPage, it defines getName,getNextPage,getPreviousPage,isPageComplete,canFlipTONExtpage.
WizardPage:it is abstract. It implements IWizardPage interface and provides mush of the basic logic for a page. You only need implement createControl mehtod.
The second layer.
IWizard:it is a interface ,it has quite a few methods, most of which are straightforward accessors for configuiration options.
Wizard:it implements IWizard.
e.g . We can do this
public class ProjectWizard extends Wizard{
public void addPages(){
addPage(new WizardPage(..){..});
public boolean performFinish(){
WizardPage wp=(WizardPage)getPage(strPageName);
return true;
The third layer.......wizard container.
WizardDialog: it implements IWizardContainer and IRunnableContext,and extends TitleAreaDialog.Client can provide their own implementations of IWizardContainer, but WizardDialog will be sufficient for most needs.
public class WizardDialogDemo{
public static void main(String[]args){
WizardDialog wd=new WizardDialog(shell,wizard);
Persistent wizard data
DialogSettings: it provides an implementation of the IDialogSettings interface using hash table and backed by an XML file.