昨天在研究getDeclaredMethod(String name,Class<?>... parameterTypes)API时,发现这么一段话:
The name
parameter is a String
that specifies the simple name of the desired method, and the parameterTypes
parameter is an array of Class
objects that identify the method's formal parameter types, in declared order. If more than one method with the same parameter types is declared in a class, and one of these methods has a return type that is more specific than any of the others, that method is returned; otherwise one of the methods is chosen arbitrarily. If the name is "<init>"or "<clinit>" a NoSuchMethodException
is raised.
Note that there may be more than one matching method in a class because while the Java language forbids a class to declare multiple methods with the same signature but different return types, the Java virtual machine does not. This increased flexibility in the virtual machine can be used to implement various language features. For example, covariant returns can be implemented with bridge methods ; the bridge method and the method being overridden would have the same signature but different return types.
一.convariant return type:
package classTest;
class A {
class B extends A {
// Classes demonstrating method overriding:
class C<T extends A> {
T a;
public void setFoo(T t){
this.a = t;
public T getFoo() {
return a;
class D extends C<B> {
public void setFoo(B b){
super.a = b;
public B getFoo() {
return super.getFoo();
你 可能会认为D中的getFoo()会overrideC中的getFoo(),但是在正常情况下,JAVA语言认为这个构成了override,但是 JVM会认为这个仅构成了overload。也就是说对于JVM这个相当于在D中包含了两个getFoo(),仅靠返回类型来区分。因此当执行下面代码 时:
D dd = new D();
Class d = dd.getClass();
Class<?>[] p = null;
Method m = d.getMethod("getFoo");
getMehod(“getFoo”)由于方法名和参数完全相同会得到两个getFoo,因此只能根据更精确的返回类型(上面提示的more specific)来找到那个方法。
这 里需要说明一下对于泛型只是针对编译器的,JVM是不支持泛型的。JVM中的类都是raw type的,即没有类型参数的。编译器会将所有的类型进行擦除,擦除规则:如果仅仅是<?>,将所有的<?>对应的类型替换为 java.lang.Object;如果有<T extends SuperClass>,则将所有的<T>替换为SuperClass;对于方法泛型方法调用处,会将Object换成具体对应的类。 如上面的类C,经过编译器擦除后为:
class classTest.C extends java.lang.Object{
classTest.A a;
C( );
public void setFoo(classTest.A);
public classTest.A getFoo( );
二.bridge methods
class classTest.D extends classTest.C{
D( );
public void setFoo(classTest.B);
public volatile void setFoo(classTest.A);
public classTest.B getFoo( );
public volatile classTest.A getFoo( );
可以看到增加了一个public volatile的方法。这个方法是我们没有定义的,是由编译器增加的,这个就是bridge method。当你调用dd.getFoo()时,实际调用的是这个增加的方法,而在这个方法中调用D中的getFoo方法:
public volatile classTest.A getFoo( ){
return this.getFoo();
public void setFoo(A a){
Name clash: The method setFoo(A) of type D has the same erasure as setFoo(T) of type C<T> but does not override it
还 是重申一点对于D中和C的重名方法事实上在JVM中是overload的方法,是依靠返回值区分的。编译器动态增加了一个‘桥方法’对C中的 getFoo()进行override,而在该函数内部间接调用了D的getFoo()方法。而用户实际调用的是这个‘桥方法’,因此看起来D的 getFoo()对C的getFoo()进行了override。