1.select a.rwmc,a.fpr,a.rwgq,b.jhkssj,b.jhjssj from YG_RW_JHRW a left join
(select rwid,min(jhrwsj) jhkssj,max(jhrwsj) jhjssj from YG_RW_JHRWMX group by rwid) b
on a.rwid=b.rwid where a.xmid='090837043_115716625_115817953_104354109' order by b.jhkssj,b.jhjssj
2.group by 与 distinct
GROUP BY 语句 用于结合聚合函数,根据一个或多个列对结果集进行分组。
SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator value GROUP BY column_name
3.select top 20 id,title from hs_xy_bbsmessage
where (boardid=@boardid and parentid=@parentid)
and (id not in
(select top 120 id from hs_xy_bbsmessage where boardid=@boardid and parentid=@parentid order by id desc)
) order by id desc
4.select b.goodsname 品名,b.ggxinghao 规格型号,b.shengchancj 生产厂家,b.caizhi 材质,b.danwei 计量单位,case a.isdingchi when 1 then '是' when 0 then '否' end 是否定尺,a.lizhong 理重,a.chengzhong 称重,a.jianshu 件数,a.rushu 入数 from yew_rkplandandetail a left join base_goods b on a.goodsid=b.id
5.select * into tableB from tableA
insert into tableB(fld1, fld2) select fld1, fld2 from tableA
以上两句都是将 tableA 的数据插入到 tableB,但两句又有区别的:
第一句(select into from)要求目标表(tableB)不存在,因为在插入时会自动创建。
第二句(insert into select from)要求目标表(trableB)存在。
6. create table DYXY_TBDATA_HG as select * from dongying1.DYXY_TBDATA_HG
7.select bb.StatisticsCount,aa.* from spb_Collocation aa left join (select * from tn_Counts_100304 where CountType='CommentCount') bb on aa.CollocationId=bb.ObjectId order by bb.StatisticsCount desc
8.select DateDiff(day,birthday,getdate()) from user
sqlserver数据库两时间相减求时间差 差几天day 差几年year等 http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/100147236