US Taps Pro-Aid Economist

美国财政部选择世界银行经济学家杜大伟(David Dollar)担任美国对华经济特使,尽管外界对杜大伟的经济研究存在尖锐批评。Bloomberg News/Landov杜大伟5月份在北京出席一次经济论坛杜大伟与人合着了数份颇有影响力的研究报告,指出在经济自由化和减少贫困方面,救助行动是有效之举,降低关税能起到重要作用。不过在2006年,普林斯顿大学经济学家狄顿(Angus Deaton)牵头对世界银行所做研究进行的详细评估认为,由于研究方法上存在问题,有关救助的报告难以令人信服。这份评估认为,报告的结果只提供了非常薄弱的证据来支持中心论点──即在拥有完善的政策时,救助是有效的。参与评估的人士说,在贸易和增长方面的研究工作对这些证据是否真的能支持论点提出了严肃质疑。世界银行对杜大伟在贸易方面的研究进行了辩护,说他的工作引发了一场有益的持续的辩论。杜大伟现任世界银行中国局局长。他将继续留在北京负责美国财政部交给他的工作。杜大伟没有回复记者的置评请求。此外,财政部还任命洛文杰(David Loevinger)为负责中国事务的高级协调人,他将常驻华盛顿。美国财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)说,杜大伟和洛文杰是担任这些职务的独一无二人选,因为他们对美中经济问题有着渊博的学识和丰富的经验。Bob Davis

The U.S. Treasury chose World Bank economist David Dollar as economic emissary to China despite sharp criticism of his economic research.Mr. Dollar co-authored several influential studies that argued for the effectiveness of aid and the importance of tariff cuts in liberalizing economies and reducing poverty.But in 2006, a detailed review of World Bank research led by Princeton economist Angus Deaton called the aid paper 'unconvincing' because of methodological problems. The paper's results 'provide only the weakest of evidence for their central contention, that aid is effective when policies are sound,' the review said. The reviewers said the work on trade and growth raised 'serious questions about whether the review is really supported by the evidence.'The Bank defended Mr. Dollar's work on trade and said that Mr. Dollar's work 'stimulated a useful and ongoing debate.'Mr. Dollar is now the World Bank's country director for China. He will remain in Beijing for his Treasury job. Mr. Dollar didn't respond for comment.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner called Mr. Dollar and David Loevinger, who was appointed as the Washington-based senior coordinator for China affairs, 'uniquely qualified to serve in these roles because of their deep expertise and extended experience' in U.S.-China economic issues.Bob Davis
