My C# CookBook

Personally, because ofmy thinking thatthe Windows 8 Application will be popular, I startto learn the C# andwill use it to develop theWindows Eight Application and the Application of the WP8,and I need one kind media for me to record the detial which I do not want to forget, which is the reason that I create this blog. And this blogwill continue updating...............


THE DATE: 2012.11.03

[How to use the visual studio 2012 to create the Class Library. Something like the package in Java]

[1]Create a new C# Project in the solution.

[2]Right-Click the solution and create the new Project.

[3]In the selective box, choose the Class Library.

[4]In this Class Library, creating the new C# class file.

[5]Return the project, and right-click the project to add the reference.

[6]Find that class library which may in the "Solution", and click "Ok".

[7]Add the only the namespace of that Class Library with the "using" dictate, where you need the class which is in that class library.

