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13.2 Optimizing message producers
13.2 优化消息生产者
The rate at which producers send messages to an ActiveMQ message broker before
they’re dispatched to consumers is a fundamental element of overall application
performance. We’ll now cover some tuning parameters that affect the throughput
and latency of messages sent from a message producer to an ActiveMQ broker.
13.2.1 Asynchronous send
13.2.1 异步发送
We’ve already covered the performance gains that can be achieved if you use
nonpersistent delivery for messages. In ActiveMQ nonpersistent delivery is
reliable, in that delivery of messages will survive network outages and system
crashes (as long as the producer is active—it holds messages for redelivery in
its failover transport cache). But you can also get the same performance gain
for persistent messages by setting the useAsyncSend property on the message
producer’s connection factory, as shown next.
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