

排除防火墙设定,NetBIOS使能问题后,发现导致该问题产生的原因是NetBIOS的Node Type不对。使用ipconfig/all命令检查网络设定,出现问题的机器,其NodeType为Peer-Peer(对等),而正常的机器NodeType为Hybrid。


  • B-node (broadcast): it uses broadcasts for name resolution and registration. In a large network, a broadcast increases the network’s load. In addition, routers usually stop all broadcasts to forward, so only computers within the local network will respond. 即仅通过广播的方式解析。
  • P-node (peer-to-peer): it uses a NetBIOS name server such as WINS to resolve NetBIOS names. P-node does not work with broadcasts because it directly queries the name server, enabling computers to resolve NetBIOS names across routers. P-node requires all computers to be configured with the NetBIOS name server IP address. If the NetBIOS name server is not functioning, computers will not be able to communicate. 即仅通过NetBIOS服务器(如WINS)的方式解析。
  • M-node (mixed): combines B-node and P-node, but functions as B-node by default. If M-node cannot resolve name using broadcast, then it uses the NetBIOS name server P-node. 即先广播,再使用NetBIOS服务器的方式解析。
  • H-node (hybrid): combines P-node and B-node, but functions as P-node by default. If H-node cannot resolve a name with a NetBIOS name server, then a name broadcast is used. 即先使用NetBIOS服务器,再广播的方式解析。


  • Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  • Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
  •   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBt\Parameters

  • In the right pane of Registry Editor, delete the following values if they are present:
  •   NodeType

  • Quit Registry Editor.
  • Restart the computer.

  • 参考 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/903267/en-us
