
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<title>Wanna tell her - interactive DHTML </title>
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">
<style type="text/css">
html {
overflow: hidden;
body {
position: absolute;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
background: #fff;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#screen {
position: absolute;
left: 10%;
top: 10%;
width: 80%;
height: 80%;
background: #fff;
#screen img {
position: absolute;
cursor: pointer;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
#bankImages {
visibility: hidden;
#FPS {
position: absolute;
right: 5px;
bottom: 5px;
font-size: 10px;
color: #666;
font-family: verdana;


<script type="text/javascript">
/* ==== Easing function ==== */
var Library = {};
Library.ease = function () {
this.target = 0;
this.position = 0;
this.move = function (target, speed) {
this.position += (target - this.position) * speed;

var tv = {
/* ==== variables ==== */
O : [],
fps : 0,
screen : {},
angle : {
x : new Library.ease(),
y : new Library.ease()
camera : {
x    : new Library.ease(),
y    : new Library.ease()
create3DHTML : function (i, x, y, z, sw, sh) {
/* ==== create HTML image element ==== */
var o = document.createElement('img');
o.src = i.src;
/* ==== 3D coordinates ==== */
o.point3D = {
x  : x,
y  : y,
z  : new Library.ease(),
sw : sw,
sh : sh,
w  : i.width,
h  : i.height
o.point3D.z.target = z;
/* ==== push object ==== */
o.point2D = {};

/* ==== on mouse over event ==== */
o.onmouseover = function () {
if (this != tv.o) {
this.point3D.z.target = tv.mouseZ;
tv.camera.x.target = this.point3D.x;
tv.camera.y.target = this.point3D.y;
if (tv.o) tv.o.point3D.z.target = 0;
tv.o = this;
return false;

/* ==== on mousedown event ==== */
o.onmousedown = function () {
if (this == tv.o) {
if (this.point3D.z.target == tv.mouseZ) this.point3D.z.target = 0;
else {
tv.o = false;

/* ==== main 3D function ==== */
o.animate = function () {
/* ==== 3D coordinates ==== */
var x = this.point3D.x - tv.camera.x.position;
var y = this.point3D.y - tv.camera.y.position;
this.point3D.z.move(this.point3D.z.target, this.point3D.z.target ? .15 : .08);
/* ==== rotations ==== */
var xy = tv.angle.cx * y  - tv.angle.sx * this.point3D.z.position;
var xz = tv.angle.sx * y  + tv.angle.cx * this.point3D.z.position;
var yz = tv.angle.cy * xz - tv.angle.sy * x;
var yx = tv.angle.sy * xz + tv.angle.cy * x;
/* ==== 2D transform ==== */
var scale = tv.camera.focalLength / (tv.camera.focalLength + yz);
x = yx * scale;
y = xy * scale;
var w = Math.round(Math.max(0, this.point3D.w * scale * this.point3D.sw));
var h = Math.round(Math.max(0, this.point3D.h * scale * this.point3D.sh));
/* ==== HTML rendering ==== */
var o    = this.style;
o.left  = Math.round(x + tv.screen.w - w * .5) + 'px';
o.top    = Math.round(y + tv.screen.h - h * .5) + 'px';
o.width  = w + 'px';
o.height = h + 'px';
o.zIndex = 10000 + Math.round(scale * 1000);

/* ==== init script ==== */
init : function (structure, FL, mouseZ, rx, ry) {
this.screen.obj = document.getElementById('screen');
this.screen.obj.onselectstart = function () { return false; }
this.screen.obj.ondrag        = function () { return false; }
this.mouseZ = mouseZ;
this.camera.focalLength = FL;
this.angle.rx = rx;
this.angle.ry = ry;
/* ==== create objects ==== */
var i = 0, o;
while( o = structure[i++] )
this.create3DHTML(o.img, o.x, o.y, o.z, o.sw, o.sh);
/* ==== start script ==== */
mouse.y = this.screen.y + this.screen.h;
mouse.x = this.screen.x + this.screen.w;
/* ==== loop ==== */
setInterval(tv.run, 16);
setInterval(tv.dFPS, 1000);

/* ==== resize window ==== */
resize : function () {
var o = tv.screen.obj;
if (o) {
tv.screen.w = o.offsetWidth / 2;
tv.screen.h = o.offsetHeight / 2;
for (tv.screen.x = 0, tv.screen.y = 0; o != null; o = o.offsetParent) {
tv.screen.x += o.offsetLeft;
tv.screen.y += o.offsetTop;

/* ==== main loop ==== */
run : function () {
/* ==== motion ease ==== */
tv.angle.x.move(-(mouse.y - tv.screen.h - tv.screen.y) * tv.angle.rx, .1);
tv.angle.y.move( (mouse.x - tv.screen.w - tv.screen.x) * tv.angle.ry, .1);
tv.camera.x.move(tv.camera.x.target, .025);
tv.camera.y.move(tv.camera.y.target, .025);
/* ==== angles sin and cos ==== */
tv.angle.cx = Math.cos(tv.angle.x.position);
tv.angle.sx = Math.sin(tv.angle.x.position);
tv.angle.cy = Math.cos(tv.angle.y.position);
tv.angle.sy = Math.sin(tv.angle.y.position);
/* ==== loop through images ==== */
var i = 0, o;
while( o = tv.O[i++] ) o.animate();

/* ==== trace frames per seconds ==== */
dFPS : function () {
document.getElementById('FPS').innerHTML = tv.fps + ' FPS';
tv.fps = 0;

/* ==== global mouse position ==== */
var mouse = {
x : 0,
y : 0
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
if (window.event) e = window.event;
mouse.x = e.clientX;
mouse.y = e.clientY;
return false;

/* ==== starting script ==== */
onload = function() {
onresize = tv.resize;
/* ==== build grid ==== */
var img = document.getElementById('bankImages').getElementsByTagName('img');
var structure = [];
for (var i = -300; i <= 300; i += 120)
for (var j = -300; j <= 300; j += 120)
structure.push({ img:img[0], x:i, y:j, z:0, sw:.5, sh:.5 });
/* ==== let's go ==== */
tv.init(structure, 350, -200, .005, .0025);



<div id="screen"> </div>

<div id="bankImages">
<img alt="" src="http://avatar.profile.csdn.net/D/0/9/2_cicadu.jpg">
<div id="FPS"> </div>


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> 
        <title>Wanna tell her - interactive DHTML </title> 
        <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no"> 
        <style type="text/css"> 
            html { 
                overflow: hidden; 
            body { 
                position: absolute; 
                margin: 0px; 
                padding: 0px; 
                background: #fff; 
                width: 100%; 
                height: 100%; 
            #screen { 
                position: absolute; 
                left: 10%; 
                top: 10%; 
                width: 80%; 
                height: 80%; 
                background: #fff; 
            #screen img { 
                position: absolute; 
                cursor: pointer; 
                width: 0px; 
                height: 0px; 
            #bankImages { 
                visibility: hidden; 
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                position: absolute; 
                right: 5px; 
                bottom: 5px; 
                font-size: 10px; 
                color: #666; 
                font-family: verdana; 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            /* ==== Easing function ==== */ 
            var Library = {}; 
            Library.ease = function () { 
                this.target = 0; 
                this.position = 0; 
                this.move = function (target, speed) { 
                    this.position += (target - this.position) * speed; 
            var tv = { 
                /* ==== variables ==== */ 
                O : [], 
                fps : 0, 
                screen : {}, 
                angle : { 
                    x : new Library.ease(), 
                    y : new Library.ease() 
                camera : { 
                    x    : new Library.ease(), 
                    y    : new Library.ease() 
                create3DHTML : function (i, x, y, z, sw, sh) { 
                    /* ==== create HTML image element ==== */ 
                    var o = document.createElement('img'); 
                    o.src = i.src; 
                    /* ==== 3D coordinates ==== */ 
                    o.point3D = { 
                        x  : x, 
                        y  : y, 
                        z  : new Library.ease(), 
                        sw : sw, 
                        sh : sh, 
                        w  : i.width, 
                        h  : i.height 
                    o.point3D.z.target = z; 
                    /* ==== push object ==== */ 
                    o.point2D = {}; 
                    /* ==== on mouse over event ==== */ 
                    o.onmouseover = function () { 
                        if (this != tv.o) { 
                            this.point3D.z.target = tv.mouseZ; 
                            tv.camera.x.target = this.point3D.x; 
                            tv.camera.y.target = this.point3D.y; 
                            if (tv.o) tv.o.point3D.z.target = 0; 
                            tv.o = this; 
                        return true; 
                    /* ==== on mousedown event ==== */ 
                    o.onmousedown = function () { 
                        if (this == tv.o) { 
                            if (this.point3D.z.target == tv.mouseZ) 
                                this.point3D.z.target = 0; 
                            else { 
                                tv.o = false; 
                    /* ==== main 3D function ==== */ 
                    o.animate = function () { 
                        /* ==== 3D coordinates ==== */ 
                        var x = this.point3D.x - tv.camera.x.position; 
                        var y = this.point3D.y - tv.camera.y.position; 
                        this.point3D.z.move(this.point3D.z.target, this.point3D.z.target ? .15 : .08); 
                        /* ==== rotations ==== */ 
                        var xy = tv.angle.cx * y  - tv.angle.sx * this.point3D.z.position; 
                        var xz = tv.angle.sx * y  + tv.angle.cx * this.point3D.z.position; 
                        var yz = tv.angle.cy * xz - tv.angle.sy * x; 
                        var yx = tv.angle.sy * xz + tv.angle.cy * x; 
                        /* ==== 2D transform ==== */ 
                        var scale = tv.camera.focalLength / (tv.camera.focalLength + yz); 
                        x = yx * scale; 
                        y = xy * scale; 
                        var w = Math.round(Math.max(0, this.point3D.w * scale * this.point3D.sw)); 
                        var h = Math.round(Math.max(0, this.point3D.h * scale * this.point3D.sh)); 
                        /* ==== HTML rendering ==== */ 
                        var o    = this.style; 
                        o.left  = Math.round(x + tv.screen.w - w * .5) + 'px'; 
                        o.top    = Math.round(y + tv.screen.h - h * .5) + 'px'; 
                        o.width  = w + 'px'; 
                        o.height = h + 'px'; 
                        o.zIndex = 10000 + Math.round(scale * 1000); 
                /* ==== init script ==== */ 
                init : function (structure, FL, mouseZ, rx, ry) { 
                    this.screen.obj = document.getElementById('screen'); 
                    this.screen.obj.onselectstart = function () { return false; } 
                    this.screen.obj.ondrag        = function () { return false; } 
                    this.mouseZ = mouseZ; 
                    this.camera.focalLength = FL; 
                    this.angle.rx = rx; 
                    this.angle.ry = ry; 
                    /* ==== create objects ==== */ 
                    var i = 0, o; 
                    while( o = structure[i++] ) 
                    this.create3DHTML(o.img, o.x, o.y, o.z, o.sw, o.sh); 
                    /* ==== start script ==== */ 
                    mouse.y = this.screen.y + this.screen.h; 
                    mouse.x = this.screen.x + this.screen.w; 
                    /* ==== loop ==== */ 
                    setInterval(tv.run, 16); 
                    setInterval(tv.dFPS, 1000); 
                /* ==== resize window ==== */ 
                resize : function () { 
                    var o = tv.screen.obj; 
                    if (o) { 
                        tv.screen.w = o.offsetWidth / 2; 
                        tv.screen.h = o.offsetHeight / 2; 
                        for (tv.screen.x = 0, tv.screen.y = 0; o != null; o = o.offsetParent) { 
                            tv.screen.x += o.offsetLeft; 
                            tv.screen.y += o.offsetTop; 
                /* ==== main loop ==== */ 
                run : function () { 
                    /* ==== motion ease ==== */ 
                    tv.angle.x.move(-(mouse.y - tv.screen.h - tv.screen.y) * tv.angle.rx, .1); 
                    tv.angle.y.move( (mouse.x - tv.screen.w - tv.screen.x) * tv.angle.ry, .1); 
                    tv.camera.x.move(tv.camera.x.target, .025); 
                    tv.camera.y.move(tv.camera.y.target, .025); 
                    /* ==== angles sin and cos ==== */ 
                    tv.angle.cx = Math.cos(tv.angle.x.position); 
                    tv.angle.sx = Math.sin(tv.angle.x.position); 
                    tv.angle.cy = Math.cos(tv.angle.y.position); 
                    tv.angle.sy = Math.sin(tv.angle.y.position); 
                    /* ==== loop through images ==== */ 
                    var i = 0, o; 
                    while( o = tv.O[i++] ) o.animate(); 
                /* ==== trace frames per seconds ==== */ 
                dFPS : function () { 
                    document.getElementById('FPS').innerHTML = tv.fps + ' FPS'; 
                    tv.fps = 0; 
            /* ==== global mouse position ==== */ 
            var mouse = { 
                x : 0, 
                y : 0 
            document.onmousemove = function(e) { 
                if (window.event) e = window.event; 
                mouse.x = e.clientX; 
                mouse.y = e.clientY; 
                return false; 
            /* ==== starting script ==== */ 
            onload = function() { 
                onresize = tv.resize; 
                /* ==== build grid ==== */ 
                var img = document.getElementById('bankImages').getElementsByTagName('img'); 
                var structure = []; 
                var off=0;
                for (var i = -150; i <= 150; i += 101) 
                for (var j = -150; j <= 150; j += 101) {
                    structure.push({ img:img[off], x:i, y:j, z:0, sw:.5, sh:.5 }); 
                /* ==== let's go ==== */ 
                tv.init(structure, 350, -200, .005, .0025); 

        <div id="screen"> </div> 
        <div id="bankImages"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_001.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_002.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_003.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_004.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_005.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_006.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_007.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_008.jpg"> 
            <img alt="" src="http://www.zz208.com/datas/pic2/i/1%20(4)/1%20(1)/ka1_009.jpg"> 
        <div id="FPS"></div> 
