在VB中得到C语言函数time(&lnow )得到的数据

在VB中得到C语言函数time(&lnow )得到的数据 ( 2006-10-18 15:30 )

VB中只能操作自己的DATE类型,同时,API操作也仅有SYSTEMTIME,FILETIME这两个类型可以操作,要得到C语言中的 time_t 这一类型的数据,确实很费脑筋。




Option Explicit

'   Constants

Private Const TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN = 0

'   Types
   wYear                   As Integer
   wMonth                  As Integer
   wDayOfWeek              As Integer
   wDay                    As Integer
   wHour                   As Integer
   wMinute                 As Integer
   wSecond                 As Integer
   wMilliseconds           As Integer
End Type

Private Type FILETIME                            ' Win32 date
   dwLowDateTime           As Long
   dwHighDateTime          As Long
End Type

   Bias                    As Long
   StandardName(63)        As Byte
   StandardDate            As SYSTEMTIME
   StandardBias            As Long
   DaylightName(63)        As Byte
   DaylightDate            As SYSTEMTIME
   DaylightBias            As Long
End Type

'   Private Members

'   Declares
Private Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib "kernel32" _
   (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME) As Long

Private Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib "kernel32" _
   (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Long

Private Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib "kernel32" _
   (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long

Private Declare Function LocalFileTimeToFileTime Lib "kernel32" _
   (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long

Friend Function UtcToLocalFileTime(FILETIME As FILETIME) As FILETIME
'   UtcToLocalFileTime - Converts local FILETIME to UTC/GMT FILETIME.

   Dim Success     As Boolean

   ' Exit if null date supplied.
   If FILETIME.dwHighDateTime = 0 And FILETIME.dwLowDateTime = 0 Then
       Exit Function
   End If

   ' Convert to local time
   Success = FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FILETIME, UtcToLocalFileTime)
   Debug.Assert Success

End Function

Friend Function UtcFromLocalFileTime(FILETIME As FILETIME) As FILETIME
'   UtcFromLocalFileTime - Converts UTC/GMT FILETIME to a local FILETIME.

   Dim Success     As Boolean

   ' Exit if null date supplied.
   If FILETIME.dwHighDateTime = 0 And FILETIME.dwLowDateTime = 0 Then
       Exit Function
   End If

   ' Convert to UTC time
   Success = LocalFileTimeToFileTime(FILETIME, UtcFromLocalFileTime)
   Debug.Assert Success

End Function

Friend Function FileTimeToDate(FILETIME As FILETIME) As Date
'   FileTimeToDate - Converts FILETIME structure to a VB Date data type.
'   NOTE: The FILETIME structure is a structure of 100-nanosecond intervals since
'   January 1, 1601.  The VB Date data type is a floating point value Where the
'   value to the left of the decimal is the number of days since December 30,
'   1899, and the value to the right of the decimal represents the time. the
'   hour of the time value can be calculated by multiplying by 24, with the
'   remainder multiplied by 60 to get the minutes, and that remainder can then
'   be multiplied by 60 to get the seconds.
'   FileTime            The FILETIME structure to convert.
'   RETURNS             A date/time value in the intrinsic VB Date data type.

   Dim Success     As Boolean
   Dim SysTime     As SYSTEMTIME

   Success = FileTimeToSystemTime(FILETIME, SysTime)
   Debug.Assert Success

   ' Create a date/time value from the system time parts
   With SysTime
       FileTimeToDate = DateSerial(.wYear, .wMonth, .wDay) + _
           TimeSerial(.wHour, .wMinute, .wSecond)
   End With

End Function

Friend Function FileTimeFromDate(FromDate As Date) As FILETIME
'   FileTimeFromDate - Converts a VB Date data type to a FILETIME structure.
'   NOTE: The FILETIME structure is a structure of 100-nanosecond intervals since
'   January 1, 1601.  The VB Date data type is a floating point value Where the
'   value to the left of the decimal is the number of days since December 30,
'   1899, and the value to the right of the decimal represents the time. the
'   hour of the time value can be calculated by multiplying by 24, with the
'   remainder multiplied by 60 to get the minutes, and that remainder can then
'   be multiplied by 60 to get the seconds.
'   FromDate            The VB DAte to convert.
'   RETURNS             A date/time value in the native Win32 FILETIME structure.

   Dim Success     As Boolean
   Dim SysTime     As SYSTEMTIME

   ' Create SYSTEMTIME from each date part in a date/time value.
   With SysTime
       .wYear = Year(FromDate)
       .wMonth = Month(FromDate)
       .wDay = Day(FromDate)
       .wHour = Hour(FromDate)
       .wMinute = Minute(FromDate)
       .wSecond = Second(FromDate)
   End With

   ' convert the SYSTEMTIME to the FILETIME
   Success = SystemTimeToFileTime(SysTime, FileTimeFromDate)
   Debug.Assert Success

End Function

Public Function UtcToLocalTime(ByVal UtcTime As Date) As Date
'   UtcToLocalTime - Converts UTC/GMT time to local time.


   FILETIME = FileTimeFromDate(UtcTime)
   FILETIME = UtcToLocalFileTime(FILETIME)
   UtcToLocalTime = FileTimeToDate(FILETIME)

End Function

Public Function UtcFromLocalTime(ByVal LocalTime As Date) As Date
'   UtcFromLocalTime - Converts local time to UTC/GMT time.


   FILETIME = FileTimeFromDate(LocalTime)
   FILETIME = UtcFromLocalFileTime(FILETIME)
   UtcFromLocalTime = FileTimeToDate(FILETIME)

End Function

Public Function GetUTCLongTime() As Long

   Dim UtcDate As Date
   Dim UTCLongTime As Long
   UtcDate = UtcFromLocalTime(Now())
   UTCLongTime = DateDiff("s", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", UtcDate)
   GetUTCLongTime = UTCLongTime
End Function



         Dim lnow As Long

         Dim Gus As CGUSTime
         Set Gus = New CGUSTime
         lnow = Gus.GetUTCLongTime()
         Set Gus = Nothing

那么,这里得到的lnow 与C语言中 time(&lnow )数值是一样的。
