source: http://www.philipandrew.com/?p=34

There will be different layers, the UI layer will be a combination of JQuery, HTML, Spry Framework and whatever LiftWeb and Scala can output.
The logic, control and presentation layer will be Scala and LiftWeb.
The services layer will be java providing services to Scala and LiftWeb.
The database layer will be MySql combined with Sling content store.

The platform should be Tomcat or Jetty (keep it simple, not J2EE, we are a CMS not a Enterprise project).
Use Hibernate for database access.
Use Spring as well.
Use Apache commons.
Sling will be the content store.
Drools for business rules engine.
OSWorkflow for workflow.
Quartz for job schedule.
Clickstream to track users.
Maybe OFBiz, but I don’t understand it yet.
Compass for search or MG4J.
(I’ll keep searching for the set of java libraries which are harmonious together)

Use Maven for the builds.
Use ActiveMQ for message Queue.
Use Scala for CMS logic and LiftWeb for CMS programming environment.
