out after dinner

Old grateful look she suddenly a splash kneeling in front of Lee: tragicomic thanked the saving my life she has been the benefactor

of the elderly behavior started quickly raised the old road:
  Elderly people are doing what you do is fold kill boy?
  The old road: benefactor! but for you our granddaughter said the old man took the girl's hands: Yan er also not get thanked

benefactor of saving my life
  Girls hear Grandpa said: o road: Li Yan er thanked benefactor saving my life: girls don't hesitate roars one's sword is our

  Thomas h. Lee Road: elderly people you didn't eat it! for the elderly of the road we are ashamed just to this ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  Thomas h. Lee Road: take me please eat
  The old road: how it works
  Or I call en public!
  Thomas h. Lee Road: elderly people you don't en public front en public after the
  Just call me another!
  Said she has taken the lead in walked into the side of a man named Panda restaurant restaurant two men looked also followed

into the tavern
  Some people see Lee-quick road: several keguan is stay or eat
  Thomas h. Lee Road: eat to live the waiter high heart road: will the objective to several rooms
  Thomas h. Lee Road: three good rooms
  Square: good function! several please tell me to do a requested action
  She has few people follow the waiter came to the second floor of the square push Yue:
  The objective of this but we had the best hotel rooms don't know several satisfied
  RI, Providence: good to have these three
  Square: good function!
  Thomas h. Lee Road: how much money,?
  Square: 100 gold coins
  She remained in the hands of Flash a colorful stones appear in Li de hand μêe??t surprised at the hands of Lee stone
  Eyes do not blink at slag
  She patted square shoulders, like enough!
  Children quickly road: enough!
  She has also produced from the ring in a rest the spar road: square you go outside every woman and man dress down-time and

meals together brought as regards the remaining coins even give you a fare
  Said strike: square happy road: objective you wait I'm going to buy: said out of the room in fact she did not know the spar in

the value of one of tianyuan continent teaches the spar are priceless
  She then road: elderly people who are just what the humans?
  The old road: they are the masters of the hands
  Thomas h. LEE: Oh a
  The old road: really sorry en public let you get something like this
  Thomas h. Lee Road: elderly people very kind
  I've lost parents if you favor the elderly don't I'll ask you a Grandpa
  Old man surprised look at Lee long before road: this
  • • • inappropriate!
  Thomas h. Lee Road: why not appropriate to say that a
  Said she would kneel down the road: Grandpa grandson at please be worship said Al down
  Old man quickly grabbed by Lee Road: then I feel ashamed to accept the
  Thomas h. Lee Road, that's right
  Later we all have a family
  The old road that strike: Yan er quickly met your brother
  Yan er red face road: brother!
  Thomas h. Lee Road: Yan er sister
  Said strike together laughing
  , A square will take meals and clothing came in
  See Lee happy road: objective you want and the meal is sending you to a
  Thomas h. Lee Road: tonig
  The waiter: OK
  Thomas h. Lee Road: wait a minute meal also want to trouble you took us around here we just come here on are not yet familiar

  The waiter: no problem?
  When you call me is
  Thomas h. Lee Road: thank you square up Costa
  With square will retreat
  Thomas h. Lee Road: Yan er Grandpa you're out on the clothes, go out after dinner
  Yan er: en a
  After a while
  Lee naive in thinking about this thing suddenly a beautiful voice, she wakes she looked back
  After that she stunned
  See the gate stood a 2-year-old girl in a purple dress jet-black hair
  Long Li genius came from reeling
  Yan er see Lee look shy of his head she hurriedly road: Grandpa?
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  I am in this?
  Thomas h. Lee Road: Grandpa come for dinner
