Part 1:程序流程简介
Part 2:数据库和PCA算法简介
1.Matrix X (input data) N dimensional input space
2.Matrix QX (Covariance of X) QX = cov(X) = E[(x-m)(x-m)T]
3.Valuable λk(eigenvalue of QX) λ1≥λ2≥λ3。。。
4.Vector Vk
5.Projection: V*X
Part 3:具体代码
%********************************************** % Aim : The first AI program homework % Title : PCA for face recognition % Author : GongWanlu & Hufei % Version : 1.0 final % Submit Time : 2011-04-07 %********************************************** % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%INITIAL clear all clc close all % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Some variables according to the Yale Face DB Num_subject = 15; Num_image = 11; Train_num_image = 8; %for every subject we choose 8 to train Test_num_image = 9; %choose the left 3 images to test % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Load Data Data = []; for i=1:Num_subject for j=1:Train_num_image path = sprintf('FaceDB_yaleA/%03d/%02d.jpg',i,j); pic = imread (path); %read one picture %Make Data ,Add pic into Data pic_line = pic(1:147*137); %The pic size is 147*137 %pic_line is 1*N ,N=147*137. from up to %down,left to right. %Reshape 2D image to 1D image %vectors Data = [Data;double(pic_line)]; %add pic_line into Data end end % End of Load Data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Substract mean from Data and make covariance from centering Data samplemean = mean(Data); %mean pic 1*N for k = 1:(Num_subject * Train_num_image) xmean(k,:)=Data(k,:)-samplemean; %Normalize end %xmean is M*N ,each line is one pic %data(mean data) be normalized sigma = xmean *xmean'; %M*M , here is 120*120 [V D]=eig(sigma); %calculate the eigenvalue&eigenvector %eigenvalue in D,and vectors in V D1=diag(D); %the eigenvalues %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sorting and eliminating eigenvalues % At first : sort desc Dsort=flipud(D1); Vsort=fliplr(V); %choose part eigenvalues Dsum = sum(Dsort); %sum of the eigenvalues,we only choose 80% %we have different ways to choose %eigenvalues we need,90%,or>1…… temp_sum = 0; p = 0; while(temp_sum/Dsum<0.8) p = p+1; temp_sum = sum(Dsort(1:p)); end %End of sort part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Train Step: get the coordinate system i=1; while(i<=p && Dsort(i)>0) face_base(:,i) = Dsort(i)^(-1/2) * xmean' * Vsort (:,i); i=i+1; end % Dsort(i)^(-1/2) used to normalize, make variance=1 % face_base is N*p % xmean' * Vsort (:,i); is change small matrix to big matrix. CHACHENG(Chinese) %next sentence is vary important is our train result allcoor = Data * face_base; %End of training %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Draw part %draw CDF x = Dsort (1:p); x = flipud (x); for i=1:p y(i) = 1/p*i; end figure,plot(x,y,'r*'),hold on,plot(x,y,'b'); axis([0 inf 0 1]); title('CDF of selected values','fontsize',18); %draw the face (only use the first value) to show the result for k=1 temp = reshape(face_base(:,k),147,137); %1D to 2D end figure,imshow(mat2gray(temp)); %draw it title('one eigen face','fontsize',18); %draw the face (use 100 values) to show the result BigMap = []; for k=1:4 map = []; for j=1:4 temp = reshape(face_base(:,(k-1)*4+j),147,137);%1D to 2D map = cat(2,map,temp); end BigMap = cat (1,BigMap,map); end figure,imshow(mat2gray(BigMap)); %draw it Title ('Result of Chosen EigenValues','fontsize',18); %End of drwing part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Test Part Bingo = 0; for i=1:Num_subject for j=Test_num_image:Num_image %read the left 15*3 images path = sprintf('FaceDB_yaleA/%03d/%02d.jpg',i,j); test_pic = imread(path); test_pic_line = test_pic(1:147*137); test_pic_line = double(test_pic_line); tcoor= test_pic_line * face_base; %get the value for k=1:Num_subject* Train_num_image mdist(k)=norm(tcoor-allcoor(k,:)); %norm() distence end; %三阶近邻 [dist,index2] = sort(mdist); class1=floor( (index2(1)-1)/Train_num_image)+1; class2=floor((index2(2)-1)/Train_num_image)+1; class3=floor((index2(3)-1)/Train_num_image)+1; if class1~=class2 && class2~=class3 ID = class1; elseif (class1==class2) ID = class2; elseif (class2==class3) ID = class3; end; if ID==i Bingo=Bingo+1; end; end; end; accuracy = Bingo/45; %output the result disp(accuracy); % End of Test