Malaysia Retools Finance

马来西亚周一公布了大规模开放金融行业的计划,承诺到2011年向至多九家金融机构颁发新执照,并提高外资在一些特定领域的持股上限。就在上述举措宣布前,马来西亚政府上周宣布取消一项已有十年历史的限制,外国投资者投资马来西亚服务业的某些领域将不再需要携手本地合作伙伴。Bloomberg News马来西亚央行行长泽蒂这一最新举措彰显出马来西亚总理纳吉布(Najib Razak)计划吸引外国投资,实现增长源头多样化的决心。马来西亚今年将颁发至多两张从事传统银行业务的新执照,这将是该国十多年来首次向外资机构发放此类执照。纳吉布在一个新闻发布会上表示,马来西亚还将向外国投资者颁发两张运营伊斯兰银行的执照;两张从事伊斯兰保险业务的新执照;并将在2011年再发放三张传统银行业务的执照。本月早些时候,纳吉布出任马来西亚总理兼财政部长。他表示,新执照将颁发给能给马来西亚带来显著价值的世界级银行。他还说,外资在本地伊斯兰银行投资银行传统保险和伊斯兰保险业务的持股上限将从目前的49%上调至70%。但纳吉布说,外资持股传统银行30%的上限将不会改变。现有规定还禁止单一外国投资者持有一家本地银行超过20%的股份。他表示,新的伊斯兰银行必须至少拥有10亿美元的实收资本。纳吉布说,这些将于2009年至2012年间实施的开放举措符合政府推动经济内部结构性调整的计划。他还表示,放松伊斯兰金融方面的规定将有助于增强马来西亚作为国际伊斯兰金融中心的地位。分析师称,这一举措表明马来西亚政府认为本地银行已经做好和国际同行竞争的准备。在纳吉布宣布上述消息后,马来西亚央行行长泽蒂(Zeti Akhtar Aziz)召开新闻发布会表示,将颁发的九份新执照将不受外资持股限制,这意味着它们可以是外商独资公司。泽蒂还说,到2010年底,在马来西亚的外资传统银行可以各开设至多四家新支行。她表示,如果外资能够推动马来西亚保险行业的一体化和合理化,将按照具体情况考虑是否提高外资在保险公司中70%的持股上限。Elffie Chew / KP Lee相关阅读马来西亚3月份CPI较上年同期升3.5%;预计上升3.6% 2009-04-22亚行:东亚各国自由贸易协议利大于弊 2009-04-15外国企业抗议中国保护主义政策 2009-04-28更新:中国央行顾问:中国今年经济增速仍可达7-8% 2009-04-24世界银行下调东亚经济今年增长预期 2009-04-07

Malaysia unveiled a big-bang liberalization of its financial sector Monday, vowing to issue new licenses for up to nine financial institutions by 2011 and allowing higher foreign-equity participation in select sectors.The move comes close on the heels of the government's announcement last week that foreign investors putting money in some segments of the services sector will no longer need to join hands with ethnic-Malay partners, scrapping a decades-old requirement.The latest move also underscores Prime Minister Najib Razak's intent to attract foreign investment and diversify sources of growth.Malaysia will, this year, grant up to two new licenses to conventional banks, making it the first time in more than a decade that licenses are being offered to foreign operators.The country will also grant two licenses to foreign investors to operate Islamic Banks; two to new Takaful - or Islamic insurance - operators; and three additional conventional bank licenses in 2011, Najib said at a press conference.Najib, who took office earlier this month and is also the finance minister, said the new licenses will be issued to 'world-class banks' that offer 'significant value proposition' to Malaysia.Additionally, the cap on foreign equity shareholdings in local Islamic banks, investment banks, conventional insurance and takaful operators will be raised to 70% from 49% now, he said.However, the 30% foreign equity shareholding cap for conventional banks will be retained, he said. Current rules also prohibit a single foreign investor from holding more than a 20% stake in a local bank.    Najib said the new Islamic banks must have a minimum of $1 billion in paid-up capital.The liberalization measures, to be implemented between 2009 and 2012, are in line with plans to 'promote structural change within the economy,' he said.Najib also said that the relaxed rules on Islamic financing will help to enhance Malaysia's status as an international Islamic finance hub.Analysts said the latest measures indicate that the authorities are of the view that the domestic banks are ready to compete with international players.Central bank governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz told a press conference following the prime minister's announcement that the nine new licensees will be exempted from the foreign equity rules, which means that they are allowed to be 100% foreign-owned.Zeti also said that foreign-owned conventional banks operating in Malaysia will each be allowed to open up to four new branches in the country by end 2010.'A higher foreign equity limit beyond 70% for insurance companies will be considered on a case-by-case basis for players who can facilitate consolidation and rationalization of the insurance industry,' she said.Elffie Chew / KP Lee
