Find the visitor from the whole earth

The website ClustraMap( ) Just provide a free way to understand the visitors from all of the world, it will be used a link to it's website, it counts the number for our website, and by the link we can find the details.

The following just an example, showing the visitors have checked the blog(

<a href="" _fcksavedurl="""" _fcksavedurl="""" _fcksavedurl="""" _fcksavedurl="""" _fcksavedurl="""" id="clustrMapsLink"><img src="" style="border:1px solid;" alt="Locations of visitors to this page" title="Locations of visitors to this page" id="clustrMapsImg" onError="this.onError=null; this.src=''; document.getElementById('clustrMapsLink').href=''" />
