latch row cache objects 等待事件 说明

Row Cache Objects:

The row cache objects latch contention usually means there is contention in the data dictionary. This problem may also be a symptom of excessive parsing of SQL statements that depend on public synonyms. Increasing the shared pool usually solves this latch problem.

You usually increase the shared pool for a library cache latch problem well before this one is a problem.

根据上面的这段蚊子说明, 增大shared pool 通常可以解决这种latch 问题。 不过具体情况还是需要具体对待,可以做HANGANALYZESYSTEM STATE DUMP来帮助定位为题。 参考:

Oracle oradebug 命令 使用说明

Oracle HANGANALYZE 功能诊断 DB hanging



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DBA1 群:62697716(); DBA2 群:62697977() DBA3 群:62697850()

DBA 超级群:63306533(); DBA4 群: 83829929 DBA5群: 142216823

DBA6 群:158654907 聊天 群:40132017 聊天2群:69087192

