# ==========================================================================
'spam_leech_dos': ('Anti-Spam/Leech/DOS',
'These settings help limiting ressource usage and avoiding abuse.',
('hosts_deny', [], "List of denied IPs; if an IP ends with a dot, it denies a whole subnet (class A, B or C)"),
{# allow max. <count> <action> requests per <dt> secs
# action: (count, dt)
'all': (30, 30), # all requests (except cache/AttachFile action) count for this limit
'default': (30, 60), # default limit for actions without a specific limit
'show': (30, 60),
'recall': (10, 120),
'raw': (20, 40), # some people use this for css
'diff': (30, 60),
'fullsearch': (10, 120),
'edit': (30, 300), # can be lowered after making preview different from edit
'rss_rc': (1, 60),
# The following actions are often used for images - to avoid pages with lots of images
# (like photo galleries) triggering surge protection, we assign rather high limits:
'AttachFile': (90, 60),
'cache': (600, 30), # cache action is very cheap/efficient
"Surge protection tries to deny clients causing too much load/traffic, see /SurgeProtection."),
('surge_lockout_time', 3600, "time [s] someone gets locked out when ignoring the warnings"),
('textchas', None,
"Spam protection setup using site-specific questions/answers, see HelpOnTextChas."),
('textchas_disabled_group', None,
"Name of a group of trusted users who do not get asked TextCha questions."),
('antispam_master_url', "http://master.moinmo.in/?action=xmlrpc2",
"where antispam security policy fetches spam pattern updates (if it is enabled)"),
# a regex of HTTP_USER_AGENTS that should be excluded from logging
# and receive a FORBIDDEN for anything except viewing a page
# list must not contain 'java' because of twikidraw wanting to save drawing uses this useragent
'microsoft.url.control|mirror| mj12bot|msnbot|msrbot|neomo|nutbot|omniexplorer|puf|robot|scooter|seekbot|'
"A regex of HTTP_USER_AGENTs that should be excluded from logging and are not allowed to use actions."),
('unzip_single_file_size', 2.0 * 1000 ** 2,
"max. size of a single file in the archive which will be extracted [bytes]"),
('unzip_attachments_space', 200.0 * 1000 ** 2,
"max. total amount of bytes can be used to unzip files [bytes]"),
('unzip_attachments_count', 101,
"max. number of files which are extracted from the zip file"),
# ==========================================================================
'style': ('Style / Theme / UI related',
'These settings control how the wiki user interface will look like.',
('sitename', u'Untitled Wiki',
"Short description of your wiki site, displayed below the logo on each page, and used in RSS documents as the channel title [Unicode]"),
('interwikiname', None, "unique and stable InterWiki name (prefix, moniker) of the site [Unicode], or None"),
('logo_string', None, "The wiki logo top of page, HTML is allowed (`<img>` is possible as well) [Unicode]"),
('html_pagetitle', None, "Allows you to set a specific HTML page title (if None, it defaults to the value of `sitename`)"),
('navi_bar', [u'RecentChanges', u'FindPage', u'HelpContents', ],
'Most important page names. Users can add more names in their quick links in user preferences. To link to URL, use `u"[[url|link title]]"`, to use a shortened name for long page name, use `u"[[LongLongPageName|title]]"`. [list of Unicode strings]'),
('theme_default', 'modern',
"the name of the theme that is used by default (see HelpOnThemes)"),
('theme_force', False,
"if True, do not allow to change the theme"),
('stylesheets', [],
"List of tuples (media, csshref) to insert after theme css, before user css, see HelpOnThemes."),