WhatCPU CPUID & Maximum Speed Benchmark Results

WhatCPU CPUID & Maximum Speed Benchmark Results

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Description Example Results Logs Features Code
Model Code Comparison Version 1 Comparison Version 2/3
Comparison Intel MIPS Comparison AMD MIPS Comparison Intel SP FP
Comparison AMD SP FP Comparison Intel DP FP Comparison AMD DP FP
Version 1 Results Pentium, MMX, Pro Celeron a, M, PII +3
Pentium II, III Pentium M, 4 +3 Pentium 4, 4E +3
Pentium D, Xeon, Core 2 Duo +3 AMD K63, K62+, Duron AMD Athlon, XP, MP
AMD Athlon XP, 64 AMD Athlon 64, Opteron AMD Athlon/Turion 64 Dual +3
64 Bit Results Dual Core Log File Dual Core Results

+3 Includes Version 3 SSE2 Integer MIPS


The CPUID benchmark uses special CPU instructions identify the type of CPU and to measure speed in MHz. Then it executes add instructions via 1, 2, 3 and 4 registers to identify maximum speeds of integer, floating point and MMX areas. Version 2.0 includes tests for SSE, SSE2 and 3DNow instructions, when available. Version 2.0 also includes double precision floating point calculations besides single precision. These generally produce the same speeds but are provided to compare with results of the new instructions. Pre-compiled versions of the benchmarks can be found in WhatCPU.zip which also contains the source code and more detailed explanations. See also My Main Page for other PC benchmarks and results.

Performance is measured in terms of Integer Millions of Instructions Per Second (Integer MIPS) and Millions of Floating Point Operations Per Second (MFLOPS). For MMX instructions, that use 64 bit registers, Version 1 showed MMX MIPS. As two 32 bit integers are added via one instruction, new results are twice those in Version 1, with a different definition.

A version compiled to run at 64 bits via WinXP x64 is also available. See Win64.htm and below. As this measures 64 bit Integer MIPS and 32/64 bit SSE2 Integer MIPS for comparison purposes, Version 3 of the 32 bit variety was produced to include the latter. This also includes changes to the configuration information. See Example Log File. Where available, the additional SSE2 speeds are included with the results (see +3 in Contents). These benchmarks are in Win64.zip.

Further 32 and 64 bit versions are available to demonstrate performance of up to 4 processors. See DualCore.htm and below. The benchmarks are in DualCore.zip.


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Example Results Log Files

      CPU ID and Speed Test Version 2.0 Sun Nov 28 13:36:08 2004
                 Copyright Roy Longbottom 2000 - 2002

 Windows NT Version 5.1, build 2600, Service Pack 1
 Has SSE OS Support, Has SSE2 OS Support, 
 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F34, 3001 MHz
 Has MMX, Has SSE, Has SSE2, No 3DNow,

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     3300         6207         7132         8252
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      499         1000         1496         1996
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      500         1000         1499         1997
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     3000         6000         6000         6000
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2397         4783         6001         5994
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1198         2393         2996         3001

  Note Pentium 4 with Hyper-Threading is identified as having 2 CPUs
   CPU ID and Speed Test 32 bit Version 3.0 Sun Nov 06 23:58:56 2005
          Assembled with Microsoft ml.exe Version 6.15.8803

                 Copyright Roy Longbottom 2000 - 2005

  CPUID and RDTSC Assembly Code
  CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F34
  Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Measured 3001 MHz
  Has MMX, Has SSE, Has SSE2, Has SSE3, No 3DNow,
  Windows GetSystemInfo, GetVersionEx, GlobalMemoryStatus
  Intel processor architecture, 2 CPUs 
  Windows NT  Version 5.1, build 2600, Service Pack 1
  Memory 1024 MB, Free 495 MB
  User Virtual Space 2048 MB, Free 2022 MB

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     3285         6189         7146         8217
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      499          996         1499         1999
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      499          995         1492         1999
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2998         5994         5970         5972
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2399         4775         5996         5998
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1194         2400         2985         2985
 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    5997         5998         5970         5993
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    1194         2400         3000         2985

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Features Code

The following are for the standard Features Code used. The original Pentium CPU had a code of 000001BF. That is bits 0, 1, 2, 3 (F) then 4, 5, 7 (B) and 8 (1).

  0  FPU   Floating Point Unit On-Chip
  1  VME   Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements
  2  DE    Debugging Extensions
  3  PSE   Page Size Extension

  4  TSC   Time Stamp Counter
  5  MSR   Model Specific Registers RDMSR and WRMSR Instructions
  6  PAE   Physical Address Extension
  7  MCE   Machine Check Exception

  8  CX8   CMPXCHG8B Instruction
  9  APIC  APIC On-Chip Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller 
 10  Res   Reserved
 11  SEP   SYSENTER and SYSEXIT Instructions

 12  MTRR  Memory Type Range Registers
 13  PGE   PTE Global Bit
 14  MCA   Machine Check Architecture
 15  CMOV  Conditional Move Instructions

 16  PAT   Page Attribute Table
 17  PSE36 32-Bit Page Size Extension
 18  PSN   Processor Serial Number
 19  CLFSH CLFLUSH Instruction

 20  Res   Reserved
 21  DS    Debug Store
 22  ACPI  Thermal Monitor and Software Controlled Clock Facilities
 23  MMX   Intel MMX Technology

 24  FXSR  FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instructions
 25  SSE   SSE. The processor supports the SSE extensions
 26  SSE2  SSE2. The processor supports the SSE2 extensions
 27  SS    Self Snoop. 

 28  HTT   Hyper-Threading Technology
 29  TM    Thermal Monitor
 30  Res   Reserved
 31  PBE   Pending Break Enable


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Model Code

The last three digits of the model code (originally known as Family, Model, Stepping) can be as follows. Some models are not shown. Intel Xeon, Celeron and AMD Duron, Sempron etc. can have the same CPU core as other processors and have the same model identification. Later AMD CPUs use more than 3 digits. At this time it became difficult to obtain details of the AMD Model Codes for the vast array of different processors produced. The codes for most Opterons, Semprons, Turions and Athlon 64 FX and Mobile CPUs are not shown as they can be the same as Athlon 64.

The Model Codes reflect the manufacturing process and updates (Stepping) and is now of little use for identifying CPUs. All recent CPUs have an additional ID string which identifies the model such as:

Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz or
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+

 CPU GenuineIntel

 Pentium              51x          Pentium              52x
 Pentium overdrive    53x          Pentium MMX          54x
 Pentium MMX mobile   58x          Pentium Pro          61x
 Pentium II           65x          Celeron              65x
 Pentium II mobile    66x          Celeron A            66x
 Celeron Mobile       66x          Pentium III          67x
 Pentium III HS cache 68x          Celeron 2            68x
 Celeron Mobile       68x          Xeon Pentium III     68x
 Pentium M            69x          Celeron M            69x
 Pentium III Tualatin 6Bx          Celeron              6Bx
 Celeron Mobile       6Bx          Pentium M            6Dx
 Celeron M            6Dx          Celeron              6Ex      
 Core Solo/Duo        6Ex          Pentium Dual Core M  6Ex
 Core 2 Duo 65nm      6Fx          Core 2 Quad          6Fx
 Celeron              6Fx          Core Solo            6Fx
 Core 2 Extreme       6Fx          Pentium Dual Core    6Fx
 Core 2 Extreme Mob   6Fx          Core 2 Duo Mobile    6Fx
 Celeron Dual Core M  6Fx          Pentium Dual Core M  6Fx
 Xeon Core 2 Duo      6Fx          Xeon Core 2 Quad     6Fx
 Celeron 65nm         1066x        Celeron M            1066x
 Core Solo            1066x        Core 2 Duo 45nm      1067x
 Core 2 Extreme Duo   1067x        Core 2 Extreme Mob   1067x
 Core 2 Extreme Quad  1067x        Core 2 Duo Mobile    1067x
 Xeon Core 2 Duo      1067x        Core 2 Quad          1067x
 Xeon Core 2 Quad     1067x

 Pentium 4            F0x          Xeon Pentium 4       F1x
 Pentium 4            F1x          Celeron              F1x
 Xeon Pentium 4       F1x          Pentium 4 Northwood  F2x
 Pentium 4 Mobile     F2x          Xeon Pentium 4       F2x
 Celeron              F2x          Celeron Mobile       F2x
 Pentium 4E Prescott  F3x          Xeon Pentium 4       F3x
 Celeron              F3x          Pentium 4 Mobile     F3x
 Pentium 4D Dual Core F4x          Celeron D 90 nm      F4x
 Pentium 4 Mobile     F4x          Xeon Pentium 4       F4x
 Xeon Pentium 4 Dual  F4x          Pentium 4D Dual 65nm F6x
 Xeon Pentium 4       F6x          Xeon Pentium 4 Dual  F6x
 Celeron D 65 nm      F6x
   To Start

 CPU AuthenticAMD

 K6-II                58x          K6-III               59x
 K6-II+               5Dx          Athlon               62x
 Duron                63x          Athlon Thunderbird   64x
 Athlon Palomino      66x          Duron                66x
 Duron  Morgan        67x          Athlon XP T'bred     68x
 Athlon XP Barton     6Ax          Opteron              F5x
 Sempron Thoroughbred 68x          Sempron   Barton     6Ax
 Athlon 64            10F40        Athlon 64 Mobile     10F40
 Athlon XP-M Mobile   10F40        Opteron              10F50
 Athlon 64 FX         10F50        Athlon 64            10F70
 Athlon 64 FX         10F70        Athlon 64 FX         10F80
 Athlon 64 Mobile     10F80        Sempron Mobile       10F80
 Athlon XP-M Mobile   10F80        Athlon 64            10FB0
 Athlon 64            10FC0        Athlon 64 Mobile     10FC0
 Sempron              10FC0        Sempron Mobile       10FC0
 Athlon XP-M Mobile   10FC0        Athlon 64            10FF0
 Sempron              10FF0        Opteron Dual Core    20F12
 Sempron              20F31        Opteron Dual Core    20F32
 Athlon 64 X2 Dual    20F32        Athlon 64 Mobile     20F42
 Turion Mobile        20F42        Opteron              20F51
 Opteron              20F71        Athlon 64            20F71
 Athlon 64 FX         20F71        Athlon 64 X2 Dual    20FB1
 Sempron              20FC0        Sempron              20FC2
 Sempron Mobile       20FC2        Athlon 64            20FF0
 Sempron              20FF0        Athlon 64            20FF2
 Sempron              20FF2        Opteron Dual Core    40F12
 Opteron Dual Core    40F13        Opteron Dual Core    40F32
 Athlon 64 X2 Dual    40F32        Athlon 64 FX Dual    40F32
 Opteron Dual Core    40F33        Athlon 64 X2 Dual    40F33
 Athlon 64 FX Dual    40F33        Turion 64 X2 Dual    40F82
 Athlon 64 X2 Dual    40FB2        Athlon 64            40FC2
 Sempron              40FC2        Sempron Mobile       40FC2
 Athlon 64            40FF2        Sempron              40FF2
 Athlon 64            50FF2        Sempron              50FF2
 Athlon 64            50FF3        Athlon               50FF3
 Athlon 64 X2 Dual    60F81        Athlon 64 X2 Dual    60F82
 Turion 64 X2 Dual    60F82        Athlon 64 X2 Dual    60FB1
 Athlon    X2 Dual    60FB1        Athlon 64 X2 Dual    60FB2
 Athlon    X2 Dual    60FB2        Sempron Mobile       60FC2
 Athlon 64            60FF2        Sempron Mobile       70FC2
 Athlon 64            70FF1        Athlon 64 FX         C0F13
 Opteron Dual Core   100F22        Opteron Quad Core   100F22
 Phenom              100F22        Opteron Dual Core   100F23
 Opteron Quad Core   100F23        Phenom              100F23
 Opteron Dual Core   100F2A        Opteron Quad Core   100F2A
 Athlon    X2 Dual   200F31        Turion 64 X2 Dual   200F31


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Comparison Version 1

The following relative efficiency comparisons of 32 bit Integer MIPS, Double Precision MFLOPS and 64 bit MMX Integer MIPS have been converted to assume that the CPU runs at 100 MHz. Whereas variations of 5 MIPS or MFLOPS will be due to timing complications, larger differences indicate some architectural change. Pentium Pro is the same (except no MMX) as early Celerons, Pentium II and Pentium III. Similarly, AMD Durons and Athlons have the same core.

                   Integer MIPS             DP Float MFLOPS          MMX 64 bits MIPS
                   1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg 

 80486                91    91    91    83      8     8     8     8
 Pentium             104   200   192   200     32    66    95    95
 Pentium MMX         105   201   192   201     33    67    95    95     95   182   175   182
 Pentium Pro         106   162   193   197     33    67   100   100
 Celeron             105   159   192   196     33    66   100   100    100   146   134    82
 Pentium II          105   161   192   196     33    66    99    99     98   145   133    82
 Pentium III 68x     101   160   190   196     33    66   100   100     97   143   137    96
 Pentium III 6Bx     105   161   193   197     33    67   100   100     98   143   137    97
 Pentium 4 F0x       209   275   287   275     20    40    60    80     50   100   100   100
 Pentium 4 F1x       209   274   287   274     21    40    60    80     50   100   100   100
 AMD K6-II           109   168   191   198     48    33    33    33     99   133   150   132
 AMD K6-III          110   169   191   200     49    33    33    33    100   133   150   133
 AMD Duron           109   219   208   219     25    50    75    99     50    99   149   181
 AMD Athlon 61x      110   220   209   220     25    50    75   100     50   100   150   182
 AMD Athlon 66x      110   220   209   220     25    50    75   100     50   100   150   182


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Comparison Versions 2/3

For Version 2 of the benchmark, relative efficiency comparisons are provided for 32 bit Integer MIPS, 32 bit MMX Integer MIPS, 32 bit Single Precision MFLOPS, 32 bit SSE MFLOPS, 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS for AMD, 64 bit Double Precision MFLOPS and 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS. This time results have been converted to assume that the CPU runs at 1000 MHz. A rating of 1000 MIPS or MFLOPS indicates that a CPU is executing at 1 i386/i387 instruction per clock cycle.

32 bit Integer MIPS - The instruction count for this includes those for loop control (10% extra). So, adding to one register can give a score of 1100. Early Pentium 4 CPUs indicate greater than 2000 for this test, the processor having capabilities to execute two integer instructions per clock cycle. Maximum, using 4 registers, is greater than 2000 for the latest CPUs, except Pentium/Celeron M.

32 bit MMX Integer MIPS - With a single pipeline operating on two 32 bit integers in 64 bit registers via SIMD action, a score of 2000 could be expected, as on Pentium 4. Later AMD processors obtain 4000, indicating two pipelines. MMX instructions use floating point pipelines.

32 bit Single Precision MFLOPS - Of the modern CPUs, Celeron/Pentium Ms are best on adding to a single register at 333 MFLOPS on a 1 GHz processor, followed by AMD at 250. AMD processors are best adding to 4 registers, running at 1 FP add per CPU clock cycle.

32 bit SSE MFLOPS - these SIMD instruction add four independent 32 bit floating point numbers with one instruction via 128 bit registers. Adding to one of these is faster than using 4 normal FPU registers on Intel CPUs but equal in AMD’s case. Fastest speeds shown are with MFLOPS at two times MHz.

AMD 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS - These use 64 bit MMX registers but maximum speeds are the same as SSE.

64 bit Double Precision MFLOPS - As expected, MFLOPS are the same as adding 32 bit numbers.

64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS - Using the same 128 bit registers as SSE, with 2 adds per instruction, measured speeds are half those for SSE. On AMD processors, maximum speed is the same as using normal FPU instructions.

32 bit SSE2 Integer MIPS - Version 3

64 bit SSE2 Integer MIPS - Version 3



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Comparison Intel MIPS, Estimated as 1000 MHz CPUs

                      Was  32 bit Integer MIPS      32 bit MMX Integer MIPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 Pentium       52C    199   1040  1985  1905  1985
 Pentium MMX   544    200   1040  1995  1910  1995   1900  3630  3490  3630

 Pentium Pro   617    199   1055  1613  1930  1970
 Celeron A     660    451   1051  1614  1922  1956   1987  2918  2670  1632
 Pentium II    652    401   1055  1618  1928  1960   2000  2923  2678  1641
 Pentium II    652    451   1053  1610  1898  1960   1991  2922  2678  1636
 Pentium III   683    551   1053  1615  1924  1966   1953  2886  2733  1931
 Pentium III   686    796   1057  1621  1930  1971   1957  2894  2776  1955

 Celeron M     6D8   1295   1053  1636  1944  1947   1903  2996  2913  2854
 Pentium M     6D8   1862   1075  1657  1967  1960   1936  3012  2929  2865

 Pentium 4     F12   1900   2088  2613  2874  2673    999  1997  2000  2000
 Pentium 4     F24   2533   2095  2749  2874  2749    998  2000  2000  2000
 Pentium 4     F27   3066   2129  2750  2875  2750    999  2000  2000  2000
 Xeon P4       F24   2175   2095  2749  2874  2749   1000  2000  2000  2000

 Pentium 4E    F34   3001   1100  2068  2377  2750   1000  1999  1999  1999
 Pentium 4E    F34   3200   1095  2070  2382  2739    994  1998  1998  1991
 Pentium 4D    F44   2800   1100  2095  2379  2750    997  1996  1996  2000

 Celeron C2 M 1661   2000   1082  1629  2170  2877   1962  2955  3628  3627
 Core 2 Duo M  6FD   1830   1090  1708  2174  2930   1966  2961  3649  3633
 Core 2 Duo    6F6   2400   1087  1630  2175  2933   1968  2963  3653  3637

                      Was  32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS     64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 Celeron M     6D8   1295   3571  2903  1938  1937    961   968   969   968
 Pentium 4     F12   1900   1983  1982  1988  1988    493   992   994   992
 Pentium 4E    F34   3001   1998  1999  1989  1997    398   800  1000   995
 Celeron C2 M 1661   2000   3940  5717  7285  7253    996  1900  1901  1900
 Core 2 Duo M  6FD   1830   3948  5730  7298  7266    994  1898  1904  1903
 Core 2 Duo    6F6   2400   3968  5733  7305  7273   1000  1905  1909  1905


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Comparison AMD MIPS, Estimated as 1000 MHz CPUs

                      Was  32 bit Integer MIPS      32 bit MMX Integer MIPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 K6-III        591    401   1092  1686  1621  1668   1990  3057  2778  3057
 K6-II+        5D4    501   1098  1689  1641  1691   1992  3070  2794  3074

 Duron         630    750   1096  2108  2084  2435    995  1992  2989  3984
 Athlon        642   1194   1099  2115  2087  2441    998  1998  2998  3993
 Athlon XP     662   1410   1099  2116  2091  2445    997  1999  2997  4000
 Athlon MP     662   1733   1100  2116  2091  2445   1001  2000  3001  4001
 Athlon XP     681   2079   1077  2074  2050  2398   1000  2000  3000  4000
 Athlon XP     6A0   1789   1099  2115  2091  2444    999  1999  2999  3999

 Turion 64    6F81   1900   1100  2196  2861  2924   1000  2000  3000  4000
 Athlon 64     F48   2150   1100  2200  2874  2932   1000  2000  2999  3999
 Athlon 64    2FB1   2211   1100  2200  2875  3330   1000  2000  3000  4000
 Opteron       F58   1991   1096  2200  2875  2934    995  1993  3001  4000

                      Was  32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS     64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 Turion 64    6F81   1900   1997  4000  4000  4000   1000  2000  2000  2000
 Athlon 64    2FB1   2211   2000  4000  3997  4018   1000  2000  2000  2000


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Comparison Intel SP MFLOPS, Estimated as 1000 MHz CPUs

                      Was  32 bit Float MFLOPS      32 bit SSE MFLOPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 Pentium       52C    199    332   663   945   945
 Pentium MMX   544    200    330   665   950   950

 Pentium Pro   617    199    332   668  1000  1000
 Celeron A     660    451    330   663   996   996
 Pentium II    652    401    334   666  1000  1000
 Pentium II    652    451    333   665   998   998
 Pentium III   683    551    332   664   998   998   1318  1833  1733  1773
 Pentium III   686    796    333   667  1000  1000   1315  1844  1737  1776

 Celeron M     6D8   1295    331   652   861   893   1313  1822  1817  1855
 Pentium M     6D8   1862    333   655   875   898   1321  1843  1828  1888

 Pentium 4     F12   1900    199   399   599   799    998  1997  1997  1997
 Pentium 4     F24   2533    200   400   599   800    998  1997  1997  1997
 Pentium 4     F27   3066    199   399   597   799    998  1999  1999  2000
 Xeon P4       F24   2175    200   400   600   800   1000  2000  2000  2000

 Pentium 4E    F34   3001    166   333   499   665    799  1594  2000  1997
 Pentium 4E    F34   3200    166   332   498   663    799  1599  1990  1989
 Pentium 4D    F44   2800    166   332   499   667    799  1598  1996  2000

 Celeron C2 M 1661   2000    325   664   983   981   1326  2654  3981  3990
 Core 2 Duo M  6FD   1830    331   660   989   999   1325  2664  3997  3997
 Core 2 Duo    6F6   2400    333   666  1000  1000   1333  2667  4000  4000


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Comparison AMD SP MFLOPS, Estimated as 1000 MHz CPUs

                      Was  32 bit Float MFLOPS      32 bit SSE MFLOPS      
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 K6-III        591    401    496   329   329   329                         
 K6-II+        5D4    501    499   331   331   331                         

 Duron         630    750    249   497   747   996                         
 Athlon        642   1194    249   499   749   999                         
 Athlon XP     662   1410    246   499   749   999    995  1998  1996  1999
 Athlon MP     662   1733    250   500   750  1000   1000  2001  2001  2001
 Athlon XP     681   2079    250   499   734   979    999  1999  1998  1999
 Athlon XP     6A0   1789    250   500   750   999    999  1999  1999  1999

 Turion 64    6F81   1900    249   499   750  1000    998  1998  1999  1999
 Athlon 64     F48   2150    250   500   750  1000   1000  2000  2000  2000
 Athlon 64    2FB1   2211    253   500   777  1000   1012  2050  2000  2051
 Opteron       F58   1991    249   498   748   996    995  1992  1991  1992

                      Was  32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 K6-III        591    401    993  1985  1988  1988
 K6-II+        5D4    501    998  1994  1996  1994

 Duron         630    750    497   996  1493  1991
 Athlon        642   1194    499   999  1498  1998
 Athlon XP     662   1410    367   999  1499  1999
 Athlon MP     662   1733    500  1000  1500  2001
 Athlon XP     681   2079    499   999  1499  1999
 Athlon XP     6A0   1789    500   999  1500  1999

 Turion 64    6F81   1900    499   999  1500  2000
 Athlon 64     F48   2150    500  1000  1500  2000
 Athlon 64    2FB1   2211    505  1024  1555  2000
 Opteron       F58   1991    497   996  1496  1992


To Start

Comparison Intel DP MFLOPS, Estimated as 1000 MHz CPUs

                      Was  64 bit Float MFLOPS      64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 Pentium       52C    199    332   663   950   945
 Pentium MMX   544    200    330   665   950   950

 Pentium Pro   617    199    332   668  1000  1000
 Celeron A     660    451    330   663   996   996
 Pentium II    652    401    334   666  1000  1000
 Pentium II    652    451    333   665   998   998
 Pentium III   683    551    332   664   996   998
 Pentium III   686    796    333   666  1000  1000

 Celeron M     6D8   1295    331   652   869   892    656   911   907   927
 Pentium M     6D8   1862    333   655   875   898    661   922   914   944

 Pentium 4     F12   1900    199   399   599   800    499   998   998   998
 Pentium 4     F24   2533    200   400   598   800    499   998   998   998
 Pentium 4     F27   3066    199   400   600   800    499  1000   999  1000
 Xeon P4       F24   2175    200   400   600   800    500  1000  1000  1000

 Pentium 4E    F34   3001    167   333   500   665    399   797   998  1000
 Pentium 4E    F34   3200    167   332   497   663    398   800  1000   995
 Pentium 4D    F44   2800    166   333   498   667    399   797   996   998

 Celeron C2 M 1661   2000    325   662   995   996    664  1327  1993  1995
 Core 2 Duo M  6FD   1830    327   665   999   999    662  1331  1998  1998
 Core 2 Duo    6F6   2400    333   667  1000  1000    667  1333  2000  2000


To Start

Comparison AMD DP MFLOPS, Estimated as 1000 MHz CPUs

                      Was  64 bit Float MFLOPS      64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS
             Model    MHz  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg  1 Reg 2 Reg 3 Reg 4 Reg

 K6-III        591    401    494   329   329   329
 K6-II+        5D4    501    499   331   331   331
 Duron         630    750    249   497   747   996
 Athlon        642   1194    250   499   750   999
 Athlon XP     662   1410    248   499   749   999
 Athlon MP     662   1733    250   500   750  1000
 Athlon XP     681   2079    250   492   734   979
 Athlon XP     6A0   1789    250   500   750   999

 Turion 64    6F81   1900    250   500   750  1000    499   999   999   999
 Athlon 64     F48   2150    250   500   750  1000    500  1000  1000  1000
 Athlon 64     2FB1  2211    253   500   750   999    506  1000  1024  1000
 Opteron       F58   1991    249   498   748   996    498   996   996   995


To Start

Version 1 Results



 80486DX2 66 MHz 

 Cannot use CPUID instruction on this CPU

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS             60           60           60           55
 DP Float MFLOPS           5            5            5            5

 Cyrix MediaGX 

  Cannot use CPUID instruction on this CPU

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            108          112          105          116
 DP Float MFLOPS          20           20           20           20

 Pentium 100 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000001, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x000001BF, Model Code 0x00000525
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 99 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            103          198          190          198
 DP Float MFLOPS          32           65           94           94
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 Pentium MMX 200 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000001, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x008001BF, Model Code 0x00000544
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 199 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            209          399          382          399
 DP Float MFLOPS          66          133          190          190
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        190          362          349          362

 Pentium Pro 200 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000002, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0000F9FF, Model Code 0x00000617
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 199 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            210          322          384          392
 DP Float MFLOPS          66          133          199          199

 Celeron 450 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000002, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0183F9FF, Model Code 0x00000660
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 450 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            472          715          866          884
 DP Float MFLOPS         149          299          448          448
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        448          656          601          367
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 Pentium II 300 MHz LapTop

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000002, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0183F9FF, Model Code 0x0000066A
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 299 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            314          481          574          587
 DP Float MFLOPS          99          198          297          297
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        294          435          398          244

 Pentium III 700 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000003, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0387F9FF, Model Code 0x00000683
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 701 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            709         1121         1334         1376
 DP Float MFLOPS         233          466          699          699
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        683         1000          957          676

 Pentium 3 Tualatin 1266 MHz (1 CPU of Dual)

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000002, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0383FBFF, Model Code 0x000006B1
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 1266 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS           1335         2036         2443         2494
 DP Float MFLOPS         422          843         1265         1265
 MMX 64 bits MIPS       1237         1812         1734         1225
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 Pentium 4 1400 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000002, GenuineIntel
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x3FEBF9FF, Model Code 0x00000F07
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 1406 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS           2941         3857         4033         3858
 DP Float MFLOPS         301          560          841         1119
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        701         1402         1401         1401

 AMD K6-II 380 MHz 

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000001, AuthenticAMD
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x008021BF, Model Code 0x0000058C
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 379 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            413          637          725          752
 DP Float MFLOPS         182          124          124          124
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        377          503          567          500

 AMD K6-III 450 MHz 

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000001, AuthenticAMD
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x008021BF, Model Code 0x00000591
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 451 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            495          762          863          901
 DP Float MFLOPS         220          150          150          150
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        450          601          676          600
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 AMD Duron 700 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000001, AuthenticAMD
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0183F9FF, Model Code 0x00000630
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 700 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            765         1532         1457         1532
 DP Float MFLOPS         174          348          522          696
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        348          696         1045         1267

 AMD Athlon 800 MHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000001, AuthenticAMD
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0081F9FF, Model Code 0x00000612
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 800 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS            878         1757         1670         1757
 DP Float MFLOPS         200          399          599          798
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        399          798         1197         1453

 AMD Athlon 4 MP 1.2 GHz

  CPUID function 0 - Features Code 0x00000001, AuthenticAMD
  CPUID function 1 - Features Code 0x0383FBFF, Model Code 0x00000661
  RDTSC Cycle Count Function - CPU Speed 1194 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 Integer MIPS           1313         2628         2496         2628
 DP Float MFLOPS         298          597          895         1194
 MMX 64 bits MIPS        597         1194         1791         2171
To Start

Version 2 Results

 Pentium 200 MHz 

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 000001BF, Model Code 0000052C, 199 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      207          395          379          395
 32 bit Float MFLOPS       66          132          188          188
 64 bit Float MFLOPS       66          132          189          188

 Pentium MMX 200 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 008001BF, Model Code 00000544, 200 MHz
 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      208          399          382          399
 32 bit Float MFLOPS       66          133          190          190
 64 bit Float MFLOPS       66          133          190          190
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS      380          726          698          726

 Pentium Pro 200 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 0000F9FF, Model Code 00000617, 199 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      210          321          384          392
 32 bit Float MFLOPS       66          133          199          199
 64 bit Float MFLOPS       66          133          199          199
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 Celeron A 450 MHz Win98

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 0183F9FF, Model Code 00000660, 451 MHz
 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      474          728          867          882
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      149          299          449          449
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      149          299          449          449
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS      896         1316         1204          736

 Celeron M 1295 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code AFE9F9FF, Model Code 000006D8, 1295 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     1364         2119         2517         2522
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      429          844         1115         1157
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      429          844         1126         1155
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2464         3880         3772         3696
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1700         2360         2353         2402
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS       850         1180         1175         1201

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    4624         3760         2510         2509
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    1245         1254         1255         1254

 Pentium II 400 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 0183F9FF, Model Code 00000652, 401 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      423          649          773          786
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      134          267          401          401
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      134          267          401          401
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS      802         1172         1074          658
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 Pentium II 450 MHz
 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 0183F9FF, Model Code 00000652, 451 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      475          726          856          884
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      150          300          450          450
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      150          300          450          450
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS      898         1318         1208          738

 Pentium III 550 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 0387F9FF, Model Code 00000683, 551 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      580          890         1060         1083
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      183          366          550          550
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      183          366          549          550
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1076         1590         1506         1064
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS        726         1010          955          977

 Pentium III 800 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 0383F9FF, Model Code 00000686, 796 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      841         1290         1536         1569
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      265          531          796          796
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      265          530          796          796
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1558         2304         2210         1556
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1047         1468         1383         1414
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 Pentium M 1862 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code AFE9FBFF, Model Code 000006D8, 1862 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2002         3086         3663         3649
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      620         1220         1629         1673
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      620         1220         1629         1673
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     3604         5608         5454         5334
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2460         3432         3404         3515
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1230         1716         1702         1758

 Pentium 4 1900 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 3FEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F12, 1900 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     3968         4965         5461         5078
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      378          759         1138         1518
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      379          759         1138         1520
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1898         3794         3800         3800
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1897         3795         3795         3794
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS       949         1897         1897         1896

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    3768         3766         3778         3777
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS     936         1884         1888         1884

 Pentium 4 2533 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 3FEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F24, 2533 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     5306         6963         7279         6963
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      506         1012         1518         2026
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      506         1012         1515         2026
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2528         5066         5066         5066
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2529         5058         5058         5058
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1264         2529         2529         2529
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 Pentium 4 3066 MHz Northwood

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F27, 3066 MHz
 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     6528         8431         8814         8431
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      611         1223         1830         2450
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      611         1225         1839         2453
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     3062         6132         6132         6132
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       3059         6130         6130         6132
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1531         3065         3063         3066

 Pentium 4E 3000 MHz HT Prescott

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F34, 3001 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     3300         6207         7132         8252
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      499         1000         1496         1996
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      500         1000         1499         1997
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     3000         6000         6000         6000
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2397         4783         6001         5994
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1198         2393         2996         3001

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    5997         5998         5970         5993
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    1194         2400         3000         2985

 Pentium 4E 3200 MHz HT Prescott

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F34, 3200 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers
 32 bit Integer MIPS    3503          6623         7621         8764
 32 bit Float MFLOPS     530          1061         1592         2123
 64 bit Float MFLOPS     533          1061         1590         2123
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS    3182          6392         6394         6370
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS      2558          5117         6367         6366
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS     1273          2559         3199         3184
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 Pentium 4D 820 2800 MHz Dual Core (1 CPU)

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F44, 2800 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     3080         5866         6661         7699
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      465          930         1397         1867
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      466          931         1395         1867
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2792         5590         5590         5600
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2236         4474         5588         5600
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1118         2231         2790         2795

 Celeron C2 Mobile 2000 MHz

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code AFEBFBFF, Model Code 00010661
 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          550  @ 2.00GHz Measured 1995 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2163         3257         4339         5754
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      650         1328         1966         1962
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      650         1323         1990         1992
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     3924         5910         7256         7254
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2651         5308         7961         7979
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1327         2654         3986         3990

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    7880        11434        14569        14505
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    1992         3799         3801         3799

 Core 2 Duo Mobile 1830 MHz (1 CPU)

  CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 000006FD
  Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5550  @ 1.83GHz Measured 1829 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     1995         3125         3978         5362
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      606         1208         1809         1829
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      598         1217         1829         1829
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     3598         5418         6678         6648
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2425         4876         7314         7314
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1212         2435         3657         3657

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    7224        10485        13355        13297
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    1819         3473         3485         3483

 Core 2 Duo 2400 MHz (1 CPU)

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code BFEBFBFF, Model Code 000006F6
 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz Measured 2402 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2608         3913         5221         7040
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      800         1598         2400         2400
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      800         1600         2400         2400
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     4722         7112         8766         8728
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       3200         6400         9601         9600
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1600         3200         4800         4800

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    9524        13758        17531        17455
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    2400         4572         4582         4572

 XEON 2200 MHz (P4)

 CPU GenuineIntel, Features Code 3FEBFBFF, Model Code 00000F24, 2175 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     4556         5980         6252         5980
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      435          870         1305         1740
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      435          870         1305         1740
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2174         4350         4350         4350
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2175         4349         4349         4350
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1087         2175         2174         2175
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 AMD K6-III 400 MHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 008021BF, Model Code 00000591, 401 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      438          676          650          669
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      199          132          132          132
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      198          132          132          132
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS      798         1226         1114         1226
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      398          796          797          797

 AMD K6-II+ 500 MHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 008021BF, Model Code 000005D4, 501 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      550          846          822          847
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      250          166          166          166
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      250          166          166          166
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS      998         1538         1400         1540
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      500          999         1000          999

 AMD Duron 750 MHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 0183F9FF, Model Code 00000630, 750 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS      822         1581         1563         1826
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      187          373          560          747
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      187          373          560          747
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS      746         1494         2242         2988
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      373          747         1120         1493
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 AMD Athlon Thuderbird 1.2 GHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 0183F9FF, Model Code 00000642, 1194 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     1312         2525         2492         2915
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      297          596          894         1193
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      298          596          895         1193
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1192         2386         3580         4768
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      596         1193         1789         2386

 AMD Athlon XP 1600 1.41 GHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 0383F9FF, Model Code 00000662, 1410 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     1549         2983         2948         3447
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      347          703         1056         1409
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      349          704         1056         1409
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1406         2818         4226         5640
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1403         2817         2814         2818
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      518         1409         2113         2818

 AMD Athlon MP 2100 1.733 GHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 0383FBFF, Model Code 00000662, 1733 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     1907         3667         3624         4237
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      433          867         1300         1733
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      433          866         1300         1733
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1734         3466         5200         6934
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1733         3467         3467         3467
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      866         1733         2599         3467
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 AMD XP 2600+ Thoroughbred 2.08 GHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 0383FBFF, Model Code 00000681, 2079 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2239         4312         4262         4986
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      519         1038         1527         2036
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      519         1023         1527         2036
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2078         4158         6238         8316
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2076         4155         4154         4155
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS     1038         2077         3116         4156

 AMD 2400 XP Barton Mobile 1.8 GHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 0383F9FF, Model Code 000006A0, 1789 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     1966         3784         3740         4372
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      447          894         1341         1788
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      447          894         1341         1788
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1788         3576         5366         7154
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1788         3576         3576         3576
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      894         1788         2683         3576

 AMD Athlon 64 2.15 GHz

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 078BFBFF, Model Code 00000F48, 2150 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2365         4729         6179         6304
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      537         1075         1612         2150
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      537         1075         1612         2150
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2150         4300         6448         8598
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2149         4299         4299         4299
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1075         2149         2149         2149
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS     1075         2149         3225         4299
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 AMD Turion 64 1.90 GHz 1 CPU of Dual Core

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 178BFBFF, Model Code 00060F81, 1900 MHz
 AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58 Measured 1900 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2090         4173         5435         5556
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      473          949         1425         1900
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      475          950         1425         1900
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1900         3800         5700         7600
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1897         3796         3798         3799
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS       949         1899         1898         1899
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      949         1899         2850         3800

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    3795         7600         7600         7600
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    1900         3800         3800         3800

 AMD Athlon 64 2.20 GHz 1 CPU of Dual Core

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 178BFBFF, Model Code 00020FB1, 2211 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2432         4864         6356         7363
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      559         1105         1718         2211
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      559         1105         1658         2209
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     2210         4422         6632         8844
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       2237         4533         4421         4534
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS      1119         2211         2264         2210
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS     1117         2265         3437         4422

 32 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    4421         8844         8837         8883
 64 bit SSE2 Int MIPS    2210         4422         4422         4422

 AMD Opteron 246 2 GHz 1 CPU of Dual

 CPU AuthenticAMD, Features Code 078BFBFF, Model Code 00000F58, 1991 MHz

 Speeds adding to     1 Register  2 Registers  3 Registers  4 Registers

 32 bit Integer MIPS     2182         4381         5725         5841
 32 bit Float MFLOPS      495          992         1489         1984
 64 bit Float MFLOPS      495          992         1489         1984
 32 bit MMX Int MIPS     1982         3968         5974         7964
 32 bit SSE MFLOPS       1981         3966         3965         3967
 64 bit SSE2 MFLOPS       991         1983         1983         1982
 32 bit 3DNow MFLOPS      990         1983         2979         3967


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