

湖南大学 谢祁衡


摘 要

多指针设备输入在很多情况下有很大的优势。但是微软的Windows本身并不支持此技术,让程序在Windows下支持多个指针设备,并且控制各自独立的光标就成了软件设计者问题。本文介绍了目前可行的,底层和利用框架软件实现的两大类方法。在底层实现中,详细讲述了利用RawInput技术实现多鼠标输入的原理。在框架软件实现中,详细讲述了一种多鼠标输入框架软件Single Display Groupware Toolkit的实现原理。并对各种方法进行了简单描述和总的对比,其中开发过滤式鼠标驱动的方法主要用来开发框架级程序;RawInput技术因为优点明显,被各层次的软件所利用;CPNmouse库是对通用多指针输入软件开发很好的尝试,但是并不是太成功;MultiPoint SDK虽然由微软推出,可是目前并不成熟;Single Display Groupware Toolkit综合了以上各技术的很多优点,缺点比较少,软件相对成熟,使用比较简单。本文推荐实现Windows中多指针输入技术的方法为使用Single Display Groupware Toolkit。最后简单介绍了Single Display Groupware的具体使用方法。因为Single Display Groupware Toolkit在MFC中使用不是那么方便,所以最后讨论一下在MFC中怎么自己实现和利用此技术,然后给出两个实例研究。


implementation and application of multiple pointing devices inputing in the Windows


There are comparative advantages of multiple pointing input devices in many conditions. But Microsoft Windows does not natively support this technique, so programmers have to control independent mice and cursors themselves. In this paper, I described two kinds of general solutions, included implementation from bottom level and applying the framworks. And I described how to use RawInput and represented how Single Display Groupware Toolkit works in detail. In this paper, I compared five solutions. Developing filter mouse drive mainly used by the framework software; Because of RawInput technique’s distinct advantages, this technique is used by various layers software; CPNmouse library is a good attempt to implement, but it is not all succeed; Though MultiPoint SDK developed by Microsoft, it is not mature; Single Display Groupware Toolkit integrated many advantages of the technique I mentioned before, and less shortcomings, more mature than them. And it is very easy to use, so I recommended the Single Display Groupware Toolkit in this paper to implement multiple pointing devices inputing in the Windows. In the end of this paper, I presented how to use it.

Key Words: computer;Windows;SDG;multiple pointing devices;multiple mice



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