
今天看到了这则消息.一点惊异的感觉也没有.总觉得这是迟早的事情.而且此举的出现.看来各大杀毒软件公司又要做好准备开发全新的 for mac 版本的杀毒软件啦...

据网上的消息.此病毒是由InfoSec Sellout这个安全组织开发,利用mDNSResponder漏洞并加以变化,可影响1.0.4以上的版本.这个病毒叫"Rape"并在1500台MAC机组成的局域网内测试成功.

高兴的是,组织声称不会散布此病毒.并已经对APPLE报告该漏洞的.不过好像苹果的FANS非常抵制.依然大部分人都依然坚信.苹果系统不会出现蠕虫..( 我不明白他们为何如此坚持 )



New OS X vulnerability found: worm released in lab?

Look, we're fine with Apple gloating about the security of OS X in their Mac vs. PC adverts. After all, we have yet to see a large-scale worm released into the Macintosh community. However, the fact that a worm hasn't been released on a Windows-esque scale likely has less to do with Apple's superior coding than the size of their market share, i.e., OS X is a smaller target. That might soon change, however. A vulnerability has reportedly been found and more importantly, exploited by an "independent researcher" known only as "InfoSec Sellout." Apparently, a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the OS X mDNSResponder (which Apple has patched before) allowed Sir Sellout to cobble together a worm dubbed "Rape.osx." InfoSec Sellout claims to have released the worm into a controlled environment thereby infecting a network of about 1,500 OS X systems by nabbing root and dumping a text file as an evidentiary foot print. However, the worm's author claims that it can be broadly weaponised with a payload of choice across both PPC and Intel-class Macs with just a bit more work. InfoSec Sellout will disclose the vulnerability to Apple only after his/her "research is complete" and after an appropriate level of compensation (er, InfoSec Ransom?) received. Dubious as that sounds, for better or worse, it's the way the game's currently played.

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