
There's ...(that) I highly recommend.
There's a greate novel (that) I highly recommend.
There's a print press (that) I highly recommand.
Are there any recent movies (that) you highly recommend?

How about + N/V-ing...?
How about you? 你呢?
How about some water?来点水怎么样?
How about going on a picnic this Saturday?
How about collecting some related information first?

You'd better V...
特别要注意的是,"You'd better..."因为带有命令的口气,所以并不适用于正式场合。
You'd better give Claire a call now .=
You should give Claire a call now.
在表示"现在最好、应该"时,had better也可以用should代替。但是若要表示"一般来说做某事是恰当的、应该"时,
要注意只能用should而不能用had better。
You should always drive carefully.

I suggest.../May I suggest...?
I suggest that we arrange a second round of interviews.=
I suggest (our) arranging a second round of interviews.

The staff at customer services suggested that I talk to the manager.=
The staff at customer services suggested (my) talking to the manager.
May I suggest that we wait for the quotation before we jump to any conclusions?=
May I suggest (our) waiting for the quotation before we jump to any conclusion?
此外,还可以利用之前介绍过的would like 来表示自己想要提出某项建议。
I'd like to suggest that we hold a welcome party for our new staff members next Friday night.
I'd like to suggest that you send the brochure(册子) to us before the meeting.

I'd like to propose (that)/N/V-ing...
I'd like to propose (that) we arrange a factory tour for our new clients.
I'd like to propose a conference call next Tuesday.
I'd like to propose taking part in the trade fair this year.

I'm fed up with my boring life.Everything is so routine.

fed up with 忍受不了 ==I can't stand ==I can't put up with
routine 常规的;例行的
boring 无趣的;乏味的
gain 获得;添加
perspective 远景;展望

do you know any good restaurants for vegetarians?
There is one I can highly recommand.

Not again!My computer just crashed again!It's the third time this afternoon!
You'd better go ask for help.You may lose some important data.

Hi,I'm looking for a book written by this author.Can you help?
Please go to the information counter over there,and one of the staff will help you out with it.
counter 柜台
help out 帮助......摆脱困难

Hi,we're thinking of purchasing a large quantity of stationery regularly from your firm.Is
there anyone you suggest that I talk to?
Yes,I'd suggest you to talk to Mr.Dillon,our sales director.I'll get in touch with him now for
you.Please wait a minute.

I'll put you through now.Please hold on one second.我现在就帮你转接过去,请稍后。
I'd like to suggest that we postpone the meeting to Friday instead of Wednesday.
What do you think?
Yeah,it's fine with me.No problem.
in person 亲自

have influence on... 对......有影响

...is considered...
在协商的情境里,对话双发经常会有不一样的意见或看法,"...is considered..."便可以在要表达自己的
I understand what you mean,but it is considered unusual for us.
Your offer is considered for too different from what we expected from a supplier.
Working with you is considered one of the most important business relationnships for us.

We've made a great concession in/
We've made great concessions in...
We've made a great concession in the retail price.
As you know,we've made great concessions in the other terms.
So we would really hope you can agree on this one.

I must say (that)...
I must say (that) this is the most delicious soup I've ever had.
I must say (that) we might consider working with someone else in that case.
I must say (that) the price we offered was already the best one.

It's well-known that...
当要向协商一方表现或说明某个已经被大多数人所认同接受的事实时,可以使用"It's well-known that..."
It's well-known that we have a good reputation in the field.
It's well-known that we pay a lot of attention to our customers.

I know we've discussed it before,but we're still hoping that you can lower the price a litte futher.
I'm afraid we've offered you the best price.

cut down the cost 降低成本

3% commission is considered far too low for us.We hope you can raise
it to the usual practice in the market.
I hope we can have an agreement about all the terms,but I'll have to
consult our home office about it.

practice 习惯;常规
consult 商量

I'm afraid we've already made great concessions on several conditions in the contract.
I understand.I'll talk to the manager again and get back to you soon.

We need some extra time to double check that everything is done as required.
Is it possible to give us 3 more days?
I'm afraid it'll make things more difficult.The present schedule is pretty tight for us already.

I must say that your price is highter than some of the quotations we have received from elsewhere.
That may be so,but is is well-known that we provide products with better quality.

I'm afraid that your offer doesn't sound as attractive as others.
As I explained to you earlier,there are reasons.However,we'd love to hear what you think
and see if there're other possibilities.

I can't believe that Kelly is such a backstabber!
Don't let the gossip ruin your friendship.You'd better go ask her directly.

Hey,calm down and take it easy.
Yeah,don't take it too personally.Let's figure things out together,shall we?
personally (adv)针对个人地
figure out 相出

Vick,I'm afraid half of the products you sent have been damaged.
We can't sell them.
I'm sorry,Peggy.I will send someone to fix them tomorrow morning.

Paul,the lack of product is a big problem.We need you to come up with alternative
ways or it will look really bad.
I'm sorry,Jay.I'm trying to work it out as soon as possible.

As long as...,...
As long as是从属连词,引导附属从句。附属从句不单独存在,一定要有后面的主句才算完整。
As long as we keep practicing,we will be able to speak English fluently one day.
As long as you call to explain and apologize in advance,Mr. Bennett won't get too upset.

Don't worry!/Cheer up!
Don't worry!You did your best in the interview.
Hey,cheer up!It's no big deal to fail once.

It's going to be all right.
A:I blew it!I think they want to fire me now.我搞砸了!现在他们会想把我解雇了。
B:Calm down.It's going to be all right.
Jude,cheer up!Everything is going to be all right.

I understand.
A:It's really frustrating to find out my hard work is so valueless to others.
B:I understand.
在上个例句中,"I understand."还可以承接以下的名词从句:
I understand your feeling.
I understand how you feel.
I understand what you mean.
I understand how frustrating it is.
I understand how difficult it is.

A:James,though the presentation wasn't perfect,I can see you've put a lot of effort into it.
Good job!
B:Thank you Mr.Brennan.

A:We were just this close to reaching our sales goal this month.
B:Yeah,but it's not too bad.As long as we keep working hard on it,we still have
the chance next month.
this (adv.)这么地

A:I'm a bit nervous about my first presentation,and when I am nervous,I sweat a lot.
B:Don't worry.You can do it.Just take a deep breath before you start.

A:I have bufferfiles in my stomach.I don't think I can host this important conference.
B:Hey,you worry too much.I'm sure it's going to be all right.

A:I feel awful.My report didn't get as much positive feedback as I expected.我感觉糟透了。
B:Cheer up!With this experience,you'll do better next time.

A:Miranda turned me down for the third time.Why doesn't she want to go out on a date with me?
B:I'm sorry for you but I think she's got a boyfriend already.
turn down 拒绝
go out on a date with 与......约会

A:I was laid off just now.I can't believe it's happening to me!
B:Really?That's awful.I'm so sorry to hear that.Is there anything I can do for you?

A:As a working woman,I feel life is very stressful sometimes.I seldom have time for myself.
B:I understand,but I think you've done really well.

A:Thank you for helping with my work while I was absent.
B:You're welcome.I'm truly sorry for your loss of a beloved family member.
truly (adv.)真正地;如实地
loss (n.) 损失;失去
beloved (adj.) 心爱的

I don't want to be harsh/rude/impolite,but...
I don't want to be rude,but what you said didn't make any sense.
I don't want to be harsh,but this sample is quite different from what we expected to see.
I don't want to be impolite,but we should both work under the agreed schedule.
I don't want to be too aggressive,but this project is very important to me.

If I remember correctly,......
If I remember correctly,I did mention that I want the pink one instead of a blue one.
If I remember correctly,we talked about extending the contract to another 5 years,not 2 years.
If I remember correctly,I was asked to revise and finish the proposal in 2 weeks.

We're upset that/about/to...
We're upset that the sales volume wasn't as good as expected.
We're upset about the delay of the delivery.
We're upset to know that consumers find our product unsatisfying.
We're disappointed about/at the sales revenue.
We're disappointed that the latest product didn't sell well.

It's been...,and we still haven't...
It's been a while,and we still haven't received the quotation from you.
It's been more than a week since we talked,and we still haven't got the samples.
It's been two months,and we still haven't gotten a reply from you.

A:What's the matter?You don't look well
B: My blind date didn't show up last night!
show up 出席;露面
what's wrong (with you)?

A:Oh,I feel so dizzy.My runny nose is killing me.
B:Are you catching a cold or something?
dizzy (adj.) 头昏目眩的
runny nose 流鼻涕
unwell 不舒服
tired 疲倦
exhausted 精疲力竭的
driving me crazy 把我逼疯
driving me nuts

A:How come there's always so much work to do?
B:Well,that's the way we make a living.
how come 何以;为什么

A:Derek,I don't want to be harsh but you should know what you ignored may cause great damage to us.
B:I'm really sorry for this,Mr.Fisher.I'll try my best to fix it.
harsh (adj.) 严厉的

A:Joanna,if I remember correctly,I did mention that we need to revise the agreement before
sending it to our clients.
B:Yes,Mr.Sullivan.I'm very sorry for sending the wrong file.I will send the correct one to you now.

A:Alexandra,frankly,,we're quite upset about the delay without notice.
B:I'm sorry,Hillary.We thought it was just temporary.
frankly (adv.) 老实说
temporary (adj.) 暂时的
to be honest
to tell the truth
disappointed 失望的

A:Laura,it's been a week,and I still haven't received the documents you mentioned.We're running
out of time here.
B:I'm sorry,Brenda.I will have them sent to you by special delivery today.
run out of 用尽;花完
special delivery=express delivery 快递

A:Mr.Miller,I'm afraid there're too many customers complaining about your services.We need to
discuss it and get the problem solved as soon as possible.
B:I'm sorry about it,Mr.Johnson.May I pay a visit to you on Tuesday morning?
pay a visit to 拜访;参观

A:I claimed a refund two weeks ago but haven't heard from anyone yet.我在两周前要求退款
B:I'm sorry for this.Would you please give me your ID number so I can check up on
the refund for you?
claim (v.) 要求;索赔
refund (n.) 退还;退款
check up 核对;调查

A:I've been calling your customer service,but I was always asked to hold.
B:I'm truly sorry to keep you waiting.All of our lines were busy.How may I help you?有什么我可以帮你的吗?
hold (v.) 不挂断电话;持续在电话上
line (n.) 电话线路

Good job!/Well done!
You did it well!
You did good.
Good!/You did a good job!
Great!/You did a great job!
Wonderful!/You did a wonderful job!
Excellent!/You did an excellent job!

...be satisfied with...
Mr. Harris was satisfied with the product design we provided.
I couldn't tell if Mr. Sanders was satisfied with report.
要在同辈之间或是非正式的场合中表达自己对某事感到满意时,还可以使用"be happy with"的用法。
Judy wasn't happy with our decision.
Are you happy with it now?你现在满意了吗?

以-ing结尾的分词形容词satisfying,用来描述引起感觉的人或事物。这里介绍的"find it satisfying"
We hope you find the product satisfying.
Erica found the dinner satisfying.
It's satisfying to know the project is very successful.
It's satisfying that we can have our coffee refilled for free here.

A:The food here is really tasty.
B:Yeah,Peter always knows where to go for a dinner party.
tasty 美味的;可口的
yummy 好吃的
mouth-watering 垂涎欲滴的

A:Mr. Graham,how do you like the food here?
B:Oh,I enjoy it.It's delicious!
savory a.美味可口的;芳香开胃的

A:Janet,you look amazing today!
B:Thank you.You look great,too.
charming 迷人的
astonishing 惊人的

A:Clark,here's the data and figures you want.
B:Thanks,Brandon.You did an excellent job!

A:Kevin,well done.The presentation was really impressive!
B:Thank you,Mr. Kestler.

A:Phil,I've got good new for you.I heard the manager was very satisfied with your
performance was really impressive!
B:Really?That's wonderful!

A:I heard that we'll be able to apply for overtime pay starting from next month.
B:That's really a comforting policy.

A:I must say that your customer service has really done a great job!
B:Thank you for the compliment.
compliment 赞美;称赞

A:Mr. Harnett,thank you for the agreement.It takes care of all details,and we're very
happy with it.
B:Mr. O'Neil,I'm glad that you find it satisfying.

A:Mr. Owen,we're very impressed by the quality of your products.It'll be our pleasure to be
your sole distributor for another 5 years.
B:I'm glad to hear that,Mr Delmont.
the quality of your products is very impressive.

I can't/don't believe (that)...
I can't believe that Rosa took the report without telling me!
I don't believe what I just saw!
若是要回应对方的谈话内容时,也可以说"I can't/don't believe it!"或是"I don't believe you!"
特别要注意的是,因为can有表示"能力"的意思,如果说"I can't believe you!"会有怀疑对方是否难以信任的含义,

No way!/No kiding!
A:I heard Emily is going to quit.
B:No way!I thought she loved this job!
A:Stella went out on a date with Jason last night.
B:No kidding!I heard Jason is going to get married next month!
"No kidding!"除了可以用在表现惊讶之外,也可以表示"我不骗你"的意思,这时不用声调上扬的惊讶语气,
No kidding,Debbie.You look great in the red dress.

I am/feel surprised that/at...
I am surprised that Angelina can speak three languages fluently.
I feel surprised at the outcome of the vote.

It's surprising that...
It's surprising that Abby would volunteer to help.
It's surprising that this laptop model would sell so well.

I never knew/I didn't realize that...
I never knew that Frank is so good at computers.
I didn't realize that Richard would care that much about what people say about him.

in the same boat 处在相同情况下

Have you heard that at least 10 people are going to be laid off this season?
No way!Is it really happening?
lay off 解雇
season 季节
Are you kidding me?你在跟我开玩笑吗?
No kidding!别开玩笑了!

A:I have no idea why Tim was promoted instead of Benjamin.
B:I know what you mean.I was surprised,too.

A:Honestly,we're quite concerned about the quality of the new product.
B:I'm surprised at what you said since we've been working with each other for such a long time.

A:The document was faxed to you the day before yesterday.Would you please check again?
B:To tell the truth,I can't believe what I just heard.We've checked,and we're sure that
we didn't even receive any phone call from you to confirm!

A:I think the marketing strategy wat not made carefully in the beginning which caused our
losing some customers.
B:Mr. Neilson,it's surprising to hear you say that.
It's surprising for you to say so.
I found it surprising to hear you say so.

A:kevin,your speech was unbelievable!I never knew that you're so persuasive!
B:Thank you,Mr. Leister.

A:Jill,I didn't realize that you are so good at computers.
B:I've taken some courses but that's it.

A:OK,I've finished the graph.Here you go.拿去吧
B:Wow,how did you do it?It definitely makes our presentation look better!

A:Do you know that Gina can speak six language?
B:Are you kidding me?Wow,she's really something.她真是厉害。
something 具有某种特质、特色的人

insist that/on...
"on+V-ing"表示坚持的内容之外,也可以单独和主语使用:"I insist"(我坚持)
Vicky insisted that she didn't tell anybody about my secret.
Brad insisted on returning my CDs.
The manager insisted that I (should) finish the report by today.

I still think/believe (that) ...
I still think (that) we should start the project in the beginning of next month.
I still believe (that) we should go over the agreement again.

We do understand your...,but...
We do understand your concern about the quality,but it is well-known that we provide only
quality products.
We do understand your point,but we hope you can take our suggestions into consideration.

Although/Though Sandy was sick,she came to work today.=
Sandy came to work today although/though she was sick.=
Sandy was sick,but she came to work today.
Although/Though you are right about the market trend,we believe that there are other factors
involved as well.

A:I just won a $2000 lottery,and I insist the dinner is on me tonight.
B:All right.Thanks a lot!
lottery 奖券

A:I know you don't like the restaurant I recommended,but I still think it's a good place for
our get-together.
B:All right.If everyone's going,I have on reason not to.
get-together (n.) 聚会活动

A:Carl,I believe that you forgot to email me the meeting agenda again.
B:Really?How can that be possible?I did send you one.

A:I still think it's not fair for us to bear extra work responsibilities.
B:You tell me!(那还用说)

A:I'm still wondering if it is necessary to spend so much money on packaging.
B:I know,but most people believe that wrapping which catches the eye will help push the sales.
wrapping (n.) 包装;包装材料
catch the eye 吸引目光
push the sales 刺激购买欲

A:We do understand your concern about the schedule but we'd still like to stick to the original plan.
B:I see.We'll try our best in that case.我明白了。既然如此,我们会尽力的。

A:We insist on receiving the signed agreement first or we will be unable to proceed.
B:I understand.We'll wait till you receive it.

A:Although the color of the sample isn't what you requested earlier,there's not much difference
between them.
B:I'm afraid it makes a huge difference to us,and we'd really like you to provide us another sample
in the right color as soon as you can.

A:I'm afraid the rate of commisssion you offered is far from what we expected.
B:I'm sorry to hear it.Even though it doesn't satisfy you,these are the same terms that we offer
all our agents around the world.

A:Mr. White,your insistence on a prompt delivery date is indeed a difficult task for us.
B:I'm sorry to hear that.If that's the case,I'm afraid we might have to call off the whole deal.
prompt 即时的
call off 取消

I'm sorry/I'd love to,but...
I'd love to也可以说"I'd like to"
Brandon,I'm sorry,but I can't make it to library today.
A:Would you like some more wine?
B:I'd love to,but I'd better not.

I'm afraid (that) I have litte interest in...

It's better (for you) to...
Ask for the terms,it's better for you to talk to Mr. Francis in person.

I'm afraid it's too...to...
I'm afraid it's too late to change the schedule now.
I'm afraid this project is too difficult to carry out.

A:Becky,would you do me a favor and make some copies now?
B:I'm afraid I can't.I'm occupied at the moment.我现在正忙
occupy vt.占,占用,占领;使忙碌,使从事

A:Tom,can't you help me with the report?
B:I'm sorry but I really can't.I have some emergency mail to reply to.
emergency n.紧急情况,不测事件,非常时刻

A:Would you like to go to the fair this weekend with us?
B:I'm afraid I have little interest in that.

A:Dave,you really should come to our dinner party tonight.实在应该
B:I'd love to but I can't.I've promised my daughter to take her out for dinner tonight.

A:Ken,I'm sorry to bring it up at the last moment,but we might need you to stay after work today
to help us with the presentation.
B:I'm sorry but I have an important appointment that can't be canceled.

A:Nick,Mr.Wilson wants to know if you're interested in visiting some customers in Japan with
Frank's team for 5 days next week.
B:Wow,I'd love to,but it's kind of rush now.Can I decide tomorrow?

A:By the way,would you please tell Stella that we'd like to extend the term of contract to
5 years?
B:I think it's better for you to talk to her about it directly.I'll ask her to call you back
after the meeting.Is that all right?

A:We'd like an annual sale of 500 pianos for a sole distributor in Taiwan.
B:I'm afraid it's too big a number to be acceptable.

A:4% commission is considered far too low for us.We hope you can raise it to 6%。
B:Though we hope we can reach a consensus about all terms,we still can't make it 6%.
It's over the usual practice in the market.
consensus n.(意见等)一致,一致同意

I'm sorry (to say this),but I have a different thought.
A:I don't think it's a good idea to expand our business so quickly.
B:I'm sorry (to say this),but I have a different thought.=
I'm afraid that I have a different thought.
I'm glad to hear your opinion,but I have a different thought.=
I'm glad to hear your opinion,but I'm afraid that I have a different thought.=
I'm glad to hear your opinion,but I look at it differently.=
I'm glad to hear your opinion,but I see it in a different way.

I'm afraid I disagreen with...
I'm afraid I disagreen with Tom on that issue.(议题)
I'm afraid I disagreen with this policy.

I don't think it's a good idea/It's not a good idea...
I don't think it's a good idea to postpone the meeting.
I don't think it's a good idea that we postpone the meeting.=
It's not a good idea to postpone the meeting.

I disapprove (of)...

I'm afraid that I oppose...
oppose 为及物动词
I'm afraid that I oppose your suggestion on the issue.
I'm afraid that I oppose the closing of the factory.

A:I've had enough drinks tonight.I'm leaving.
B:Let me call you a cab.It's definitely a bad idea of you to drive now.

A:I can't stand working overtime every day.I'm off now.
B:I'm afraid you can't because we need to finish this report together by today.

A:I think if the director finds me working overtime on this project,I'll have
more chance to be promoted.
B:I'm sorry,but I don't think so.

A:I don't see meetings as an efficient way to improve our work performance.
B:Well,I have a different point of view from yours.

A:According to the graph,it's clear that the future growth of our product is positive.
B:I'm afraid I have to disagreen with your opinion here.

A:How about starting a new advertising campaign?
B:I don't think it's a good idea since we don't have the budget.

A:Tom,what do you think about this scheme?
B:I' sorry,but it doesn't seem quite suitable to me.

A:We're hoping that you'd agree to give us more time for the delivery.
B:I'm afraid it's impossible for us to further extend the date of delivery now.

A:I disapprove of continuing this project since the market is in chaos for the time being.
B:That's true.We'll take it into consideration.
chaos n.混乱,紊乱

A:If you asked me,I'd strongly oppose this marketing policy.
B:We'd love to hear your opinion.

I agree that/with/to...
同意对方的内容若要重述时,后面可接that从句。此外,表示"同意某人、某个意见或政策"时要用"agree with",
"同意、接受某件事或某项建议"时,要用"agree to"。
The manager agreed that we could hand in the report a day later.
I totally agree with you.
Do you agree with the new policy?
Patrcia agreed to our request.
We might agree to your suggestion if you lower the price.

I know what you mean/meant.
同样地,你也可以说"I know." "I understand."或"I see"来表示了解、理解对方所说的话。

I'm with you.
A:I don't find the policy advantageous to us.
B:I'm with you.

You're right.
You're absolutely right!

Why not?
A:Perhaps I should ask for a pay raise.
B:Yeah,why not?

A:I totally agree with you on this issue!

A:I know what you mean,and I can't agree more.
B:Thank you for being understanding.谢谢你的体谅
understanding n.协议;理解(力);相互理解 a.体谅的

A:I'll definitely do the same as you!
B:You will? 是吗?

A:Tom,I think you made the right decision.
B:Thank you for supporting me.

A:Dose anybody want to go out for a drink after work tonight?
B:Yes,count me in!

A:I think we should tell Tom that his nasty behavior has caused us some problems,and
he should stop it now.
B:I'm with you!
nasty a.令人讨厌的;困难的;恶劣的;下流的

A:I believe that we employees are assets of the company.
B:You're absolutely right!

A:As for the way of packaging,how about going for Tom's suggestion?
B:You're right.That's really a good idea.

A:I'm not sure if I should bring up my concerns in the meeting.
B:Why not?I think it's helpful.Don't worry.I'll back you up.
concern n.关切的事;担心 vt.有关于;使担心

A:I'm personally in favor of Lisa's proposal.How about you?
B:To be honest,I prefer Pitt's to hers.

I (don't) think/believe...
I don't think (that) Susan is coming to the party tonight.
I believe (that) this offer is the best in the market.
I (do't) believe 后面可以直接接宾语。
I don't believe it!
在同意或不同意对方意见时可以说"I think so"或是"I don't think so".

What I'm thinking is...
What I'm thinking is we don't have enough budget for this.
What I'm thinking is how to increase greaty sales in a short time.
另外一个意思相同且也很常见的句型是"What I have in mind is..."
What I have in mind is that Josh might find out the truth and be very angry.

From my personal point of view/In my opinion,...
From my personal point of view,this agreement is well drafted.
In my opinion,this chances are small that we'll be given annual bonus this year.
From my personal point of view 通常指"就某人的角色或地位的立场来看"
We should judge a company from the employer's point of view.

If you asked me,I would say......
If you asked me,I would say (that) it is not such a good idea.
If I were you,I might deal with it in different way.
If you called Sharon,she could pick us up on her way to the office.

around the corner 在附近
just(adv.) (口语)非常;实在
on the corner by the park 在公园的一角
near the bookstore 靠近书店处
in the neighborhood 在附近

A:What do you think about the recent layooffs?
B:Well,I think it's an important trend to consider.We must keep ourselves competitive all the time.
layoff (n.) 临时解雇
trend (n.) 趋势;潮流
competitive (adj.) 有竞争力的
recent (adj.) 最近的

A:If you don't mind,I'd like to share my view on the topic.(我想要针对主题分享我的看法)
B:Sure.We'd love to hear it.

A:I think it's a good idea to take some language courses after work.
B:Yeah,I think so too.
do a workout in a gym 在健身房做训练

A:I personally think that this policy will cause some problems afterwards.
B:Why would you say that?
personally (adv.) 个人地
afterwards (adv.) 之后

A:I don't think it's fair to cut down salaries while hiring mroe people at the same time.
B:I know what you mean.

A:What I'm thinking is that we may lose some loyal customers if we don't take needs into consideration.
B:Yeah,there's the risk.
loyal (adj.) 忠实的
take sth. into consideration 将......纳入考量
What I have in mind
What I'm concerned about

A:From my personal point of view,this marketing research wasn't done considerately.
B:I'm sorry to hear that,but I believe we've done our best.
considerately (adv.) 周到地;谨慎地

A:If you asked me,I'd say this design is too plain.(太过朴素了)
B:Yeah,I kind of feel the same,too.
fancy 花俏的
complicated 复杂的

A:In my opinion,we should give the new product a try to see the market response.
B:Yeah,and then we decide how to proceed further.

We'll/I'll need you to...
Tom,I'll need you to meet me in the lobby at 2PM.在大厅
n.大厅,休息室;院外活动集团 v.进行游说
Tom,I'll need you to finish the report by Friday.

Would you do me a favor?
Would you do me a favor and turn on the light?

need/give a hand(with)
I need a hand with my report.Can you have a look at it when you have time?
This bag is too heavy.Can you give me a hand (with it)?

Please + V
Please give me a call when you receive the samples.
Please make sure there're 10 pages of documents
Please have a look at the agreement.

A:Tom,I'll need you to send us the specifications by Monday.
B:Though it's kind of short notice,I'll try my best.虽然这很赶,但我会尽力的。
specification 规范;明确说明;说明书

A:We'll need to have the quotation before the meeting tomorrow.
B:I will have it send to you as soon as possible.

A:Tom,I need further assistance in the marketing survey.Can you help?
B:I'm afraid I can't.I have to finish this report today.

A:Tom,would you do me a favor and pass this form to Mark?
B:Sure,I'm just going to see him.

A:Tom,can you give me a hand with this?I need 20 copies for the conference.
B:Sure,would you like black-and-white or color copies?

A:Paul,I need a hand here.Do you mind?
B:No,let me help carry some bags for you.

A:It's an emergency.I need to talk to Steve about the delivery immediately.
B:I will get him on the phone.Please hold on one second.
emergency n.紧急情况,不测事件,非常时刻
right now
right away
One moment,please
Please hold the line
Please wait a minute

A:Tom,our meeting on Friday will require some 4-color printed samples.Can you
do something about it?彩色印刷的样张。你能否替我想想办法?
B:I'll see what I can do and call you back soon.

A:Tom,please make a phone call to Tom and tell him that the meeting this afternoon has
been postponed.
B:Yes,Mr. Jacobs.

A:Mike,please make sure there's a projector in the conference room and that it works before
the meeting starts.
B:Ok.I am on my way.我这就去。
