Apple Faces Suit Over Patents

台湾芯片设计商义隆电子(Elan Microelectronics Co.)称,公司已就苹果公司(Apple Inc.)侵权一事向美国法院提起诉讼,称后者生产的MacBookiPhone及iPod Touch产品涉嫌侵犯该公司的两项专利。义隆电子从事电脑触控板的生产。该公司说,它拥有的 摸屏技术被苹果公司用于探测手指在屏幕或触控板上的位置。这项所谓的多点 控技术是苹果iPhone上的一个重要功能,用户可以藉此伸缩或旋转图片。2006年,义隆电子曾对Synaptics提起过类似的诉讼。义隆电子表示将申请法院禁止令,禁止苹果公司生产使用或销售侵犯了该公司专利的产品。苹果亚洲有限公司发言人Jill Tan拒绝就诉讼置评。Jessie Ho相关阅读智能手机一枝独秀 2009-04-06新版Safari浏览器胜在速度 2009-03-30苹果公司升级iPhone操作系统 2009-03-18小小Shuffle 会说话 2009-03-18 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月09日10:17', '2458.TW'));义隆电子英文名称:Elan Microelectronics Co.总部地点:台湾上市地点:台湾证交所股票代码:2458document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月09日10:17', 'AAPL'));苹果公司英文名称:Apple Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:AAPL

Taiwan chip designer Elan Microelectronics Corp. said it has filed a suit against Apple Inc. in a U.S. court, alleging the company infringed two patents in the production of its MacBook, iPhone and iPod Touch products.Elan, which makes touch pads for computers, said it owned the rights to touch-screen technology that allowed Apple's products to detect the position of fingers on a screen or touchpad.The so-called multitouch technology is a key feature of Apple's iPhone, allowing users to zoom or rotate images.Elan, which in 2006 filed a similar lawsuit against Synaptics Inc., said it would be seeking an injunction that would forbid Apple to produce, use and sell products that had infringed on its patents.Jill Tan, a spokeswoman for Apple in Asia, declined to comment on the lawsuit.Jessie Ho
