
JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4
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Interface EJBObject

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public interface EJBObject
extends Remote

The EJBObject interface is extended by all enterprise Beans' remote interfaces. An enterprise Bean's remote interface provides the remote client view of an EJB object. An enterprise Bean's remote interface defines the business methods callable by a remote client. 所有企业Bean的远程接口均继承EJBObject接口。企业Bean的远程接口提供EJB对象的远程客户端视图。企业Bean的远程接口定义了远程客户端可调用的业务方法。

The remote interface must extend the javax.ejb.EJBObject interface, and define the enterprise Bean specific business methods. 远程接口必须继承javax.ejb.EJBObject接口,定义企业Bean专有的业务方法。

The enterprise Bean's remote interface is defined by the enterprise Bean provider and implemented by the enterprise Bean container. 企业Bean的远程接口由企业Bean提供者定义,由企业Bean容器实现。

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Method Summary
EJBHome getEJBHome()
Obtain the enterprise Bean's remote home interface. 获得企业Bean的远程home接口。
Handle getHandle()
Obtain a handle for the EJB object. 获得EJB对象的句柄。
Object getPrimaryKey()
Obtain the primary key of the EJB object. 获得EJB对象的主键。
boolean isIdentical(EJBObjectobj)
Test if a given EJB object is identical to the invoked EJB object. 测试指定的EJB对象是否和调用的EJB对象为同一对象。
void remove()
Remove the EJB object. 删除EJB对象。

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Method Detail
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public EJBHome getEJBHome()
                   throws RemoteException
Obtain the enterprise Bean's remote home interface. The remote home interface defines the enterprise Bean's create, finder, remove, and home business methods. 获得企业Bean的远程home接口。远程home接口定义企业Bean的create、finder、remove和home业务方法。

A reference to the enterprise Bean's home interface. 企业Bean的home接口引用。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。

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public Object getPrimaryKey()
                     throws RemoteException
Obtain the primary key of the EJB object. 获得EJB对象的主键。

This method can be called on an entity bean. An attempt to invoke this method on a session bean will result in RemoteException. 实体bean可以调用该方法。会话bean试图调用该方法会造成RemoteException。

The EJB object's primary key. EJB对象的主键。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure or when invoked on a session bean. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误或者因为会话bean调用引起的失败。

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public void remove()
            throws RemoteException,
Remove the EJB object. 删除EJB对象。

RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。
RemoveException - The enterprise Bean or the container does not allow destruction of the object. 企业Bean或容器不允许清除该对象时抛出。

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public Handle getHandle()
                 throws RemoteException
Obtain a handle for the EJB object. The handle can be used at later time to re-obtain a reference to the EJB object, possibly in a different Java Virtual Machine. 获得EJB对象的句柄。句柄可以随后用于重新获得EJB对象的引用,可能是在不同Java虚拟机中。

A handle for the EJB object. EJB对象的句柄。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。

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public boolean isIdentical(EJBObjectobj)
                    throws RemoteException
Test if a given EJB object is identical to the invoked EJB object. 测试指定的EJB对象是否和调用的EJB对象为同一对象。

obj - An object to test for identity with the invoked object. 与调用对象比较是否相同的对象。
True if the given EJB object is identical to the invoked object, false otherwise. 如果指定的EJB对象和调用对象相同,返回true,否则为false。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。
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JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4
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