牛人盛赞《梦断代码(Dreaming in Code)》


Dreaming in Code is the first true successor to Tracy Kidder’s Soul of a New Machine, and is written with a combination of technical sophistication and narrative skill not seen in many years. Read it to understand what all these software wizards actually do.”
James Fallows, The Atlantic

“《梦断代码》乃承Tracy Kidder《新机器灵魂》血脉之初见者,融技术眼界与叙事功夫于一炉,实多年未见之奇书。读毕,当可了解软件术士辈之所为。”

——詹姆士·费罗斯(James Fallows),《大西洋月刊》

“Technology people like to call complicated problems ‘nontrivial.’ Scott Rosenberg has taken an extremely nontrivial topic and made it accessible. He plainly admires the people who create code, but shows them as the complex, flawed beings we all are. Dreaming in Code is stellar reporting and writing.”
Dan Gillmor, director of The Center for Citizen Media and author of We the Media


——丹·基尔默(Dan Gillmor),公民媒体中心及《自媒体(We the Media)》作者

Dreaming in Code is a fascinating and sobering exploration of how the challenges of programming both inspire and undermine our human drive to create new tools. Beautifully written, it’s a book for anyone interested in the roots of creativity and innovation, for coders and non-coders alike.”
Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad Is Good for You and Ghost Map


——史蒂芬·强森(Steven Johnson),《开机(Everything Bad Is Good for You)》及《幽灵地图(the Ghost Map)》作者

“Scott Rosenberg bravely goes where no nonprogrammer has dared to go before: into the whirlwind where human imagination struggles to become code. In Dreaming in Code he brilliantly interweaves the story of a start-up software company with the history of our (endless) attempts to rationalize the process of programming.”
Ellen Ullman, author of Close to the Machine


——艾伦·乌曼(Ellen Ullman),《走进机器(Close to the Machine)》作者

Dreaming in Code has drama, comedy, pathos, and poignancy — and at its center, in Mitch Kapor, one of the most fascinating and yet least understood figures of the digital revolution. It’s also as smart and insightful on its subject as any book I know.”
John Heilemann, author of Pride Before The Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates


——约翰·海勒曼(John Heilemann),《回光返照:拷问比尔·盖茨(Pride Before The Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates)》作者
