
“I never had any intention of leaving, both my family and I are very happy in
Turin. The Agnelli family has always been very good to me and I owe it to them,
and the club, to stay. It’s my duty to help Juventus get back to the top”.

“I’ve written that off. Serie B is my Champions League now. If we achieve
promotion with a 17 point penalty, it will taste just as sweet”.

- Pavel Nedved

也许不会再看足球赛了,心态变了,连世界杯都会觉得不干净,一代代喜欢的球星追风而来又随风而去,乐趣越来越少,叹息越来越多,看到的都是这个世界的影子。It's just a game, which I'm too old fashioned to join. 德哥,永不停息的战士,谢谢你的忠诚和执著,and enjoy.
