

Ken: Adriana,what are you hobbies?
Ken: Adriana,你的兴趣爱好是什么呢?

Adriana: I used to love cooking. I used to cook a big meal every Friday and invite my friends over for dinner.
Adriana: 我以前很喜欢做菜.每个星期五都会做一大桌的菜还请朋友过来吃晚饭品尝.

Ken: Why don't you do it any more? I would love to be invited to your house for a nice dinner.
Ken: 那为什么现在不了呢? 要是能请我到你家吃晚饭那该有多好啊.

Adriana: Well, I had an accident a few years age. I shredded my knuckles on a cheese grater and it really put me off cooking.
Adriana: 呣,几年前我出了次事故.我的指关节在奶酪粉碎机上弄伤了接着我就再也不敢做菜做饭了.

Ken: Maybe you need to deal with this. It seems like the only way to get over you fear of cooking is to make a fantastic meal for me tonight.
Ken: 可能你需要重新面对.看起来这是克服恐惧的唯一方法,那你今晚就为我做顿饭吧.

Adriana: I don't think you really care about my fear of cooking, you just want a free meal!
Adriana: 我想你可不在乎我害不害怕做饭,你只想要顿免费的晚餐.
