Q: Does this come with easy instructions to follow?
Answer: Yes! In fact, there are some pictures to follow as well! I understand that most of this concept is foreign to most people. In fact, only about 20% of esthetic centers offer this type of service. You must realize that Skin Care is a multi Billion dollar industry. There is money in the treatment, not the cure. Most products out there are so deficient in actual usable ingredients, that you only see a glimmer of hope after each use. Well, that glimmer is what keeps you coming back for more and more. Finally, your skin will stop reacting to it because your skin acclimates to the acidity or protein. Remember too that pure protein used in skin care is very expense. Industry uses fillers and thickeners that are cheap and essentially useless to fill up a 5 oz. bottle that contains about 1 gram of real protein. Your skin has no way to harvest the protein because the other 30 ingredients like fragrance and parabens are not bioidentical to your skin. It would be like eating a plastic bag that contained 1 leaf of lettuce. You are consuming a lot of nothing to aquire a very little amount of something. The plastic bag represents ingredients that your skin cannot register or identify with, while the leaf of lettuce is what your skin craves. Poly and Methyl Parabens are approved preservatives that are compounded into cosmetics and skincare products in order for a large company to be able to mass produce without any fear of expiration. Any product that is worth applying to your skin should not contain preservatives. Your skin has no way to metabolize these ingredients. Like oil and water do not mix, your skins naturally occuring DNA will not accept synthetic preservative. What happens next is mind blowing: Take for example ANTI-AGING CREAM. The most expensive cream on the market contains enough parabens to keep it sitting in a warehouse for up to 7 years without the active protein either rotting, drying out or becoming acidic. When you apply these 'anti-aging' creams onto your skin, your own DNA secretions which are comprised of collagen, elastin, oil, sebum (good), melanin, protein and collagen bands, etc. begin to retreat deeper into the epidermis in order to preserve the supply.
Remember: YOUR SKIN IS AN ORGAN. It is self basting from the inside and has a hydration system far more complicated then the biggest and most expensive ECO system in the world! Your skin knows how to hydrate itself. The protein that your skin secretes is worth millions and can never be massed produced or duplicated or replaced. It can be mimicked though through bio-identical compounding. Your skin knows how to surge an abundent supply of collagen and the secret to stopping the aging process is to fool the skin into secreting an abundent supply of protein by excelling the New SkinCell Turnover Rate. Our skin turns over on its own every 27-30 days or so. The secret to stopping the aging process is to repeat that cycle (the correct way) 1 more time. The secret to reversing the aging process is to repeat the cycle 2 or more times. Now, the question is: How do you do it the RIGHT way?
"What is a HOT PEEL?"A 'hot peel' in the industry is defined as a peel that causes TRAUMA to the upper epidermis and stratum layer.
"Is it true a HOT PEEL will cause the skin to age faster?" Although it may not seem like it at the time you finish from one of these peels, Yes. If your skin spends more time healing from a caustic chemical peel then it does peeling, then your skin will show faster signs of aging then if you had never done the peel. You see, the purpose of a peel is to turn the skin over in its cycle. The whole purpose of the peel is to FOOL the skin into surging the surface cells with repairitive proteins. You aren't suppose to actually HAVE a wound from your peel because those protein bands end up HEALING the skin instead of nourishing the new growth. You actually end up where you started, or worse. The amount of protein you will secrete to heal a bad TCA or Glyolic burn is usually a 3 month supply. Doing these hot peels often can actually burn and/or damage the glands that hold these proteins within the folicle wall. When you deplete this source, your skin will not hydrate itself much like the skin of someone 80 years old.
When you do a CORRECT peel, like APEEL DAILY or APEEL CORRECT your skin will not secrete what is called 'wound repair.' Wound repair secretes antibodies, water, pus, melanin (scar pigment) and scar repair. In these bands of protein you will find collagen and elastin bands. If you burn your skin to the point of creating a wound, then all of the protein that is suppose to nourish your new skincells, will be wasted on healing the burned ones. This is called a trauma peel and it is caused when you do a peel that is too high in acidity, ph or both. TCA should never be used over 20% for full face resurfacing. If you use high doses of TCA (most cheap grades are industrial grade TCA which is far worse) on your skin, you risk permanent scarring, pigment (hyper / hypo) stains and you may risk depleting your epidermal protein supply by burning the glands that these invaluable proteins travel through via folicles.
Q: Julie, What are the benefits of Hyaluronic Protein?
A: TOPICAL products will not work like injectible filler. You cannot get topical HYALURONIC acid into a nasal labial fold. However, you can get it a full micron under live skin growth by compressing with it. Hyaluronic protein at this strength is thick and pure protein so NO preservative or parabens interrupt the process. Much like a nicotine patch or birthcontrol patch can pass into the skin, liposomes work similar (not blood born). Example: When you take a long bath and soak, your fingers prune. If you tried to pick the skin..you could remove it painlessly. In about 20 minutes post bath, you will notice your finger is sore where pulled the skin off! Suddenly it hurts where before you felt nothing as it looked like dead skin! Through "pruning" (actually called infusion) during the bath, water entered into the live epidermis and flooded the oil glands and once the water drys, your oil glands and sensitivity return. This is the same concept of applying Hyaluronic Protein in compress form. It is not a moistuizer. It is a *bio-identical protein that your skin can metabolise without interrupting your natural occuring enzymes. Your body contains hyaluronic acid so your skin recognizes the structure of it and you oil and natural dna mix well with it. Hyaluronic Acid is the only protein used in opthamalogy where it is used in this form and structure to heal inner eye damage.