项目集成工具Apache Maven 1.1 Beta 2新版发布

项目集成工具Apache Maven近日宣布发行1.1 Beta 2新版本。



下载地址: http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/brett/archives/001168_maven_11_beta_2_released.htm
Maven 1.1 Beta 2 Released
[ Brett ] <medateheader>17:08, Monday, 12 September 2005</medateheader>

Just pushed out Maven 1.1 Beta 2 to the mirrors. Notable improvements:
- problems with deployment have been fixed
- support for forkmode="once" on tests
- validation of the POM before building
- latest plugin updates

-> Release Notes

-> Download

This knocks quite a few minutes off the Geronimo build in my environment, so give it a whirl and let us know if it works for you so we can push towards a final 1.1 release!
