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- You'll need a working computer running Microsoft Windows with a USB port available. - A copy of the Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy .ISO file (it's 750MB). - A copy of Qemu (this is the program that allows nba jerseysUbuntu to actually run on Windows). - A copy of Kqemu accelerator. This helps Qemu speed up Ubuntu. - A copy of startubuntu.tar - This file holds two custom batch and img files. - The HP-USB format tool to clear your USB drive. Imagine if there was a way to take any computer running Windows switch to your Linux desktop with the click of a button... You click an icon and there's your Linux desktop, your wallpaper, your mp3's... all without ever rebooting. And when your finfl jerseysnished with Linux, click shutdown and you return to your Windows desktop. Well, that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do! The following article is going to teach you everything you need to know in order to make a working USB flash drive with Ubuntu Linux installed, similar to the ones sold at However, there are a few things that you should to know first: mlb jerseys 1. This method will not work with every brand of flash drive, please be aware of that fact before you start. I tested this method on a SanDisk 2GB cruzer drive. 2. This should be a no-brainer, but you will lose all data you currently have on the flash drive. 3. Depending on your computer and internet connection this could take you anywhere from a few hours to a few days. nba jerseys Okay, now let's get started... Let's start with everything you are going to need to pull this off: nhl jerseys - Obviously you need a USB flash drive (at least 2GB). 4. Download the Kqemu accelerator. Now create a folder inside the Qemu folder on your flash drive and name it "Kqemu". Now extract the contents of the Kqemu tar.gz file to the "Kqemu" folder you just made on the flash drivu folder. 6. Download the startubuntu.tar file. Take the two files inside the startubuntu.tar file and move them to the Qemu folder on your flash drive (the same folder you just put the .ISO file).nux installed on it... but wait... how do I USE it? nhl jerseys 1. Go to the Qemu folder on your flash drive and locate the ubuntu.bat file. Double click it... this should start Ubuntu. 2a. You will soon see the Ubuntu boot screen. You have 30 seconds to make a choice... you will choose "usb" from the list, but wait! You need to do something special before hitti That's it. You now have the same basic flash drive that they sell at In theory, you could use any version of Linux on the USB drive, but because of the user support found on the Ubuntu forums, I went with them. Now go play with your new Linux flash dirve!
