
⌘T: Go To File,这个每天要用到N次
Esc: 自动补全
⌃W: 选中当前word

For Rails:
⌘R: Run
⌃|: ...
⌥⌘⇧↓ : Go to...
⌃⇧H:生成partial template

ctrl + ⌘ +上下键:移动整行
ctrl + shift + K: 删除整行
ctrl + shift +D:复制整行

I read the textmate book published by pragmatic programmer, and I took this note for myself.

In Windows:
Quick edit in safari: ctrl+apple+E, apple+S, apple+W
Show/Hide Project Drawer: ctrl+option+apple+D
Move in tabs: apple+1 to apple+9, option+apple+(left or right, arrow key)
Auto wrap: option+apple+w
History of Clip board: ctrl+option+apple+V (if you use apple+X multiple times, it's all in history)
Changing the language of syntax:ctrl+shift+option+first word of language name
TODO: ctrl+shift+T

Go To File: apple+T
Go to Symbol: shift+apple+T
Go to Line with number: apple+L

Move in Document:
Begin: apple+up
End: apple+down
Begin of Line: apple+left
End of Line: apple+right

Move in words:
Beginning of word: ctrl or option + left
End of word: ctrl or option + right

Select one line form left: shift+apple+right
Select one line form right: shift+apple+left
Select a block: option + mouse (Draw a rectangle area to be selected)
Move selected words up: ctrl+apple+up
Move selected words down: ctrl+apple+down

Text indent:
Add indent: apple+]
Reduce indent: apple+[

auto generate by macro: marcro name(usualy is the tag name)+tab, eg.:doctype+tab, head+tab
auto generate tag: tag name after ctrl+shift+<
validate this file: ctrl+shift+v
template macro: ctrl+shift+>
Preview: ctrl+option+apple+P
Color picker: shift+apple+C

Comment Line: ctrl+/

command + G : 搜索当前选中的word
