<?php /************************************************************ * Filename : function file 2.0 * * Address: New York * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 * *************************************************************/ // 防注入 function inject($str) { if(!empty($str)){ $pour=eregi('select|insert|update|delete|\'|\/\*|\*|\.\.\/|\.\/|<|>|\"|union|into|load_file|outfile', $str); if($pour){ exit("<script>alert(' $str is wrong !');history.back(1)</script>"); }else{ return $str; } }else{ exit("<script>alert(' content is empty !');history.back(1)</script>"); } } // 返回正整数 function isint($str){ if(!empty($str)){ $pour=preg_match("/^[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$/",$str); if($pour){ return $str; }else{ exit("<script>alert(' $str is wrong !');history.back(1)</script>"); } }else{ exit("<script>alert(' Number is empty !');history.back(1)</script>"); } } // 截取字段 function all_substr($str, $start, $length){ $pa="/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|\xe0[\xa0-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xe1-\xef][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|"; $pa.="\xf0[\x90-\xbf][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xf1-\xf7][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]/"; preg_match_all($pa, $str, $t_string); if(count($t_string[0]) - $start > $length){ return join('', array_slice($t_string[0], $start, $length)) . "..."; }else{ return join('', array_slice($t_string[0], $start, $length)); } } // 检测用户名 function user($str,$tips){ if(empty($str)){ exit("<script>alert('".$tips." can not be empty !');history.back(1);</script>"); }else{ $pour=preg_match("/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]{3,15}$/i", $str); if($pour){ return inject($str); }else{ exit("<script>alert(' Username is made up of 3 - 15 characters !');history.back(1)</script>"); } } } // 检测是否为空 function is_empty($str,$tips){ if(empty($str)){ exit("<script>alert('".$tips." can not be empty !');history.back(1);</script>"); }else{ return inject($str); } } // 验证邮件地址 function isEmail($str){ $pour=preg_match("/^[_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,4}$/i",$str); if($pour){ return $str; }else{ exit("<script>alert(' $str is wrong !');history.back(1)</script>"); } } // 验证是否为数组 function is_arr($arr){ if(is_array($arr)){ return $arr; }else{ exit("<script>alert(' No datas !');history.back(1)</script>"); } } // 返回图片 function html_img($path,$add = '',$alt = '',$title = ''){ if(!empty($alt)){ $alt = "alt=\"".$alt."\""; } if(!empty($title)){ $title = "title=\"".$title."\""; } return "<img src=\"".$path."\" ".$add." ".$alt." ".$title." />"; } // 返回链接 function html_link($path,$title,$add = '',$target = ''){ if(!empty($target)){ $target = "target=\"".$target."\""; } return "<a href=\"".$path."\" ".$target." ".$add.">".$title."</a>"; } // 返回地址 function gotoUrl($url='',$tips=''){ if(empty($url) && empty($tips)){ exit("<script type=\"text/javascript\">history.back(1);</script>"); }elseif(!empty($url) && empty($tips)){ exit("<script type=\"text/javascript\">location='".$url."'</script>"); }elseif(empty($url) && !empty($tips)){ exit("<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('".$tips."');history.back(1);</script>"); }else{ exit("<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('".$tips."');location='".$url."'</script>"); } } // 验证url地址 function url($str){ return (preg_match("/^http:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\"\"])*$/",$str))?true:"URL format error!"; } // 获取html中图片的地址 function getImg($str){ $str = stripslashes($str); $pattern = "/<img[^>]*src\=\"(([^>]*)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg))\"/"; //获取所有图片标签的全部信息 preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches); return $matches[1]; //$matches[1]中就是所想匹配的结果,结果为数组 } // 非法字符 function isvalidname($username){ $badkey = array("\\", '|', ' ', ' ', "'", '"', '/', '*', ',', '~', ';', '<', '>', '$', "\r", "\t", "\n",'#','*','?',':','@','!','(',')','~','`','^','&'); foreach ($badkey as $value){ if (strpos($username, $value) !== false){ return false; exit; } } return true; } // 去除html标签 function isbare($str){ return strip_tags($str); } // 在指定的预定义字符前添加反斜杠 function addline($str){ return addslashes($str); } // 去除预定义字符前添加反斜杠 function delline($str){ return stripslashes($str); } // 截取字段 function firstPath($str,$end){ return substr( $str,0,strpos( $str, $end)) ; } function lastPath($str,$end){ return substr( $str,strrpos($str, $end)) ; } // 返回路径中的文件名部分 function urlName($path,$suffix){ if(empty($suffix)){ return basename($path); //显示带有文件扩展名的文件名 }else{ return basename($path,$suffix); //显示不带有文件扩展名的文件名 } } // GD库是否开启 function gd(){ if(extension_loaded('gd')) { if(function_exists('gd_info')) { echo '<pre>'; print_r(gd_info()); echo '</pre>'; exit; }else{ exit('OOOOPS, this GD Version is so low !'); } }else exit(' We can not find GD !'); } // 返回图片信息 function myimg($img,$btn = 0){ $getinfor = @getimagesize($img); if($btn == 1){ return $arr = array($getinfor[0],$getinfor[1]); }elseif($btn == 2){ switch($getinfor[2]){ case 1: return 'gif'; break; case 2: return 'jpg'; break; case 3: return 'png'; break; case 6: return 'bmp'; break; } }else{ echo '<pre>'; print_r($getinfor); echo '</pre>'; exit; } } // 打印函数 function printer($arr,$add = 1){ echo '<pre>'; if($add !=1 ){ var_dump($arr); }else{ print_r($arr); } echo '</pre>'; exit; } //返回结果为1只有数字,2只有字符,3两者都有 function checkVS($str){ $a=0; $b=0; for($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++){ $v=ord(substr($str,$i,1)); if($v>=48 and $v<=57){ $a=1; }else{ $b=2; } } return $a+$b; } // 返回数组中最大值 function maxi($arr){ sort($arr); return $arr[count($arr)-1]; } // 删除文件夹目录(允许有多级目录) /***** *@dir - Directory to destroy *@virtual[optional]- whether a virtual directory */ function destroyDir($dir, $virtual = false) { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir = $virtual ? realpath($dir) : $dir; $dir = substr($dir, -1) == $ds ? substr($dir, 0, -1) : $dir; if (is_dir($dir) && $handle = opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } elseif (is_dir($dir.$ds.$file)) { destroyDir($dir.$ds.$file); } else { unlink($dir.$ds.$file); } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); return true; } else { return false; } } // 列出目录内容 $dir 不要加 '/' function list_files($dir) { if(is_dir($dir)) { if($handle = opendir($dir)) { while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "Thumbs.db") { echo '<a target="_blank" href="'.$dir.'/'.$file.'">'.$file.'</a><br>'."\n"; } } closedir($handle); } } } // 删除指定文件 function delFile($path){ if(is_file($path)){ @unlink($path); } } // 移动(目录要存在)或者修改名字 function moveFile($oldName,$newName){ @rename($oldName,$newName); } // 创建相应的文件夹 function createdir($dir=''){ if (!is_dir($dir)){ $temp = explode('/',$dir); $cur_dir = ''; for($i=0;$i<count($temp);$i++){ $cur_dir .= $temp[$i].'/'; if (!is_dir($cur_dir)){ @mkdir($cur_dir,0777); } } } } // IP 地址 function getip(){ if(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"), "unknown")){ $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"); }else if (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"), "unknown")){ $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"); }else if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") && strcasecmp(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "unknown")){ $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); }else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "unknown")){ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; }else{ $ip = "unknown"; } return($ip); } // 跳转 function flyTo($title='',$message='',$url=''){ $html ="<html><head>"; if(!empty($url)){ $html .="<meta http-equiv='refresh' content=\"3;url='".$url."'\">"; //$html .="<link href='../templates/style.css' type=text/css rel=stylesheet><style type='text/css'>"; $html .="<style type='text/css'>"; $html .="*{font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px;} table{border-collapse:collapse;} .m_title{background:#DADAFF;} .line_1{background:#FFFAF6;}"; $html .="</style></head><body><br><br>"; $html .="<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='1' width='450' align='center'>"; $html .="<tr><td bgcolor='#ffffff'>"; $html .="<table border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='4' width='100%'>"; $html .="<tr class='m_title'>"; $html .="<td>".$title."</td></tr>"; $html .="<tr class='line_1'><td align='center' height='60'>"; $html .="<br>".$message."<br><br>"; $html .="The system will return in 3 seconds. <br /> If your browser does not automatically return, <br />please click [<a href=".$url." target=_self> Here </a>] Enter ."; //$html .="<br><br> [<a href='#' onclick='history.go(-1)'> Back </a>]"; $html .="<br><br></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"; $html .="</body></html>"; echo $html; } exit; } /* include("function.php"); $total=mysql_num_rows($result); pageft($total,10); $result=mysql_query("select * from wp_shoutlugmap order by id desc limit $firstcount,$displaypg"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // display something } echo $pagenav; */ function pageft($totle,$displaypg=20,$url=''){ global $page,$firstcount,$pagenav,$_SERVER; $GLOBALS["displaypg"]=$displaypg; if(!$page){$page=1;} if(!$url){$url=$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];} $parse_url=parse_url($url); $url_query=$parse_url["query"]; if($url_query){ $url_query=ereg_replace("(^|&)page=$page","",$url_query); $url=str_replace($parse_url["query"],$url_query,$url); if($url_query){$url.="&page";}else{$url.="page";} }else { $url.="?page"; } $lastpg=ceil($totle/$displaypg); $page=min($lastpg,$page); $prepg=$page-1; $nextpg=($page==$lastpg ? 0 : $page+1); $firstcount=($page-1)*$displaypg; $pagenav="显示第 <B>".($totle?($firstcount+1):0)."</B>-<B>".min($firstcount+$displaypg,$totle)."</B> 条记录,共 $totle 条记录<BR>"; if($lastpg<=1){return false;} $pagenav.=" <a href='$url=1'>首页</a> "; if($prepg){$pagenav.=" <a href='$url=$prepg'>前页</a> ";}else{$pagenav.=" 前页 ";} if($nextpg){$pagenav.=" <a href='$url=$nextpg'>后页</a> ";}else{$pagenav.=" 后页 ";} $pagenav.=" <a href='$url=$lastpg'>尾页</a> "; $pagenav.=" 到第 <select name='topage' size='1' onchange='window.location=\"$url=\"+this.value'>\n"; for($i=1;$i<=$lastpg;$i++){ if($i==$page){ $pagenav.="<option value='$i' selected>$i</option>\n"; }else{ $pagenav.="<option value='$i'>$i</option>\n"; } } $pagenav.="</select> 页,共 $lastpg 页"; } // 产生随机字符串函数 function random($length) { $hash = ''; $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $max = strlen($chars) - 1; mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $hash .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)]; } return $hash; } // 获得文件后缀 function extend($file_name){ $extend = pathinfo($file_name); $extend = strtolower($extend["extension"]); return $extend; } // 该函数将 URL 和 E-mail 地址字符串转换为可点击的超级链接。 function makeLinks($text) { $text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)','<a href="\1">\1</a>', $text); $text = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)','\1<a href="http://\2">\2</a>', $text); $text = eregi_replace('([_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.)+[a-z]{2,3})','<a href="mailto:\1">\1</a>', $text); return $text; } // 随着 WordPress 越来越普及,Gravatar 也随之流行。由于 Gravatar 提供了易于使用的API,将其纳入应用程序也变得十分方便。 /****************** *@email - Email address to show gravatar for *@size - size of gravatar *@default - URL of default gravatar to use *@rating - rating of Gravatar(G, PG, R, X) */ function show_gravatar($email, $size, $default, $rating) { echo '<img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id='.md5($email). '&default='.$default.'&size='.$size.'&rating='.$rating.'" width="'.$size.'px" height="'.$size.'px" />'; } // 创建标签云 function getCloud( $data = array(), $minFontSize = 12, $maxFontSize = 30 ) { $minimumCount = min( array_values( $data ) ); $maximumCount = max( array_values( $data ) ); $spread = $maximumCount - $minimumCount; $cloudHTML = ''; $cloudTags = array(); $spread == 0 && $spread = 1; foreach( $data as $tag => $count ) { $size = $minFontSize + ( $count - $minimumCount ) * ( $maxFontSize - $minFontSize ) / $spread; $cloudTags[] = '<a style="font-size: ' . floor( $size ) . 'px' . '" href="#" title="\'' . $tag . '\' returned a count of ' . $count . '">' . htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $tag ) ) . '</a>'; } return join( "\n", $cloudTags ) . "\n"; } /************************** **** Sample usage ***/ /* $arr = Array('Actionscript' => 35, 'Adobe' => 22, 'Array' => 44, 'Background' => 43, 'Blur' => 18, 'Canvas' => 33, 'Class' => 15, 'Color Palette' => 11, 'Crop' => 42, 'Delimiter' => 13, 'Depth' => 34, 'Design' => 8, 'Encode' => 12, 'Encryption' => 30, 'Extract' => 28, 'Filters' => 42); echo getCloud($arr, 12, 36); */ // 为用户提供强制性的文件下载功能。 /******************** *@file - path to file * eg: force_download('10.png'); */ function force_download($file) { if ((isset($file))&&(file_exists($file))) { header("Content-length: ".filesize($file)); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"'); readfile("$file"); } else { echo "No file selected"; } } // 建用户友好的日志缩略名。 function create_slug($string){ $slug=preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-]+/', '-', $string); return $slug; } /**************************************************************************************** * $dir_name = 'message/templates'; //返回哪个目录的总文件数 * * $file_count = get_file_count($dir_name); * * echo $dir_name.'目录下文件总数:<font color="red">'.count($file_count).'</font><br />'; * * print_r($file_count); * *****************************************************************************************/ function get_file_count($dir_name){ //得到目录下的文件函数 global $files; //申明全局变量有于统计 $od = opendir($dir_name); //打开目录,返回连接号 while ($name = readdir($od)){ //读取目录 $file_path = $dir_name.'/'.$name; //目录 用于使用 is_file() if (is_file($file_path)){ //是一个文件 $files[] = $file_path; //添加,用于最后的统计 }elseif (($name !='.') && ($name !='..')){ //输出$name看看就知道 get_file_count($file_path); //递归的调用 } } return $files; //返回目录下的总文件数 } // // Function: 获取远程图片并把它保存到本地 // // 确定您有把文件写入本地服务器的权限 // // 变量说明: // $url 是远程图片的完整URL地址,不能为空。 // $filename 是可选变量: 如果为空,本地文件名将基于时间和日期 // 自动生成. function GrabImage($url,$filename='') { if($url == ''){return false;} if($filename == '') { $ext = strrchr($url,'.'); if($ext != '.gif' && $ext != '.jpg'){return false;} $filename = date('dMYHis').$ext; } ob_start(); readfile($url); $img = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $size = strlen($img); $fp2 = @fopen($filename, 'a'); fwrite($fp2,$img); fclose($fp2); return $filename; } /* $img = GrabImage('http://dl.iteye.com/upload/picture/pic/55053/2d4fa08f-4e39-3ca2-8087-fc2fd1c836ec.jpg',''); if($img){ echo '<pre><img src="'.$img.'"></pre>'; }else{ echo 'false'; } */ /* 计算复活节 echo easter(); 默认为今年 */ function easter($year = ''){ return empty($year) ? date("m-d-Y", easter_date()) : date("m-d-Y", easter_date($year)); } /*********************************************** 求相对路径 $path_a = "/mytest/jquery.js"; $path_b = "/willdo/church/index.php"; echo compara_path($path_a, $path_b); ************************************************/ function compara_path($path_a, $path_b) { //切割路径. $array_a = explode('/', $path_a); $array_b = explode('/', $path_b); //从数组中删除最后的文件,剩下的全为文件夹名称. $file_a = array_pop($array_a); $file_b = array_pop($array_b); //子目录个数. $a_len = count($array_a); $b_len = count($array_b); //循环求出第几个目录不同. for ( $i = 0; $i < $a_len; $i++ ) { if ($array_a[$i] != $array_b[$i] ) { break; } } //求出相对路径. $com_path = ''; for ( $j = 0; $j < $a_len - $i; $j++ ) { $com_path .= '../'; } for ( $i; $i< $b_len; $i++ ) { $com_path .= $array_b[$i] . '/'; } $com_path .= $file_b; return $com_path; } ?>