dwr annotation(DWR注解使用)

DWR Annotations

DWR annotations can be used as a replacement as well as in conjunction with dwr.xml.

Annotation support was written by Maik Schreiber.


To use DWR with annotations you need to specify a different DWR controller servlet in your web.xml:

  <description>DWR controller servlet</description>
  <servlet-name>DWR controller servlet</servlet-name>

The classes servlet parameter must provide a comma-separated list of the fully-qualified class names of all annotated classes to be used with DWR.

The syntax for inner classes is to use '$' notation (as used by Class.forName()) rather than '.' notation (as used by import statements). For example, use java.util.Map$Entry and not java.util.Map.Entry.

Remote Class Access

To make a simple class available for remote access, use the @Create and @RemoteMethod annotations:

public class RemoteFunctions {
    public int calculateFoo() {
       return 42;

Any method not annotated with @RemoteMethod will not be available for remote access.

To use a scripting name different from the class name, use the name attribute of @RemoteProxy:

public class RemoteFunctions {

Object Conversion

To make simple bean classes available for remote access, use the @DataTransferObject and @RemoteProperty annotations:

public class Foo {
    private int foo;

    public int getFoo() {
        return foo;

    public int getBar() {
        return foo * 42;

To use more sophisticated converters see the converter attribute of the @DataTransferObject annotation.
