Family Album CD7 对白

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Hi, Vincent!
Hi, guys, how are you?
Lotta fun today!
Vincent, come on... come on. Let's go!
Hello, Mr. Wang. Thank you for picking up all those children.
Oh, my pleasure. Mrs. Washington, this is my wife, Mei-Lin.
Nice to meet you, Mrs. Wang.
She's still working on her English, but she's learning fast. She wants to apply for citizenship.
So nice to meet you.
Vincent really enjoys your program.
Oh, we enjoy having him. He's such a good-natured child.
Thank you.
He just loves baseball. My wife and I want to thank Miss Casey for her efforts. We're so glad you hired her.
Oh, I am, too. She's right over there, organizing the three-legged race.
On your marks... get set... GO!
Good race, huh? The winners, ladies and gentlemen!
Look at the gooks.
They make me sick.
Nice going, you two!
Mom, Dad... we won! We won!
Congratulations! Well done!
Gongxi, nimen yin le.
Oh! Miss Casey, I want you to meet my wife, Mei-Lin.
Hello. Glad to meet you.
So nice to meet you.
I have to tell you it is a pleasure to have your son at the after-school program.
We have quite a team here...
Yes, they really like to win... don't you, Alex?
Uh huh. Hey, Vincent, let's play softball.
Be careful!
Would you like something to drink?
Please, Yes.
Who else needs a drink?

Jimmy, you're eating too much! How many hot dogs have you had?
This many.
You're gonna get sick.
Save some for the other kids, OK?
OK. I'll have a cheeseburger.
All right, you're up now...
OK, everybody ready?
Here you go.
Keep your eyes on the ball, Alex, remember.
Hey, why don't you kick her off first base, huh?
Just a tip, just a tip...
How 'bout a double high five?
Wanna get some food?
You bet.
Hey! Hey you! You, get out of there! You, hey!
Emma, what happened?
Hey! What are you... Get outta here! Get outta here!
Oh... I don't know... who were they?
Who would do this?
Where do they get all that energy? I'm beat!
Me, too.
Oh! I almost forgot to give this to you. It's from Alberto.
Oh, it's an invitation to your parents' retirement party next week.
Right. It's going to be quite the affair. By the way, I hope you'll save a dance for me.
I have to warn you I don't dance very well.
Don't worry, I do only the slow ones. But I can teach you some Latin dances...
I'd like that.
Where's Alex?
Oh, he's over there with Vincent.
Hey! Look at that hit! You taught him to be a good ballplayer.
Well, he learns real fast. You've done a good job with him.
We had some hard times right after his mother and I got divorced. But we're doing better now.
When did you get divorced?
Four years ago.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked, it's not my business...
No, no, it's all right... really. My ex-wife recently remarried. They're moving to Los Angeles, actually. I just found out. He, her husband, got a job there.They want Alex to live with them in L.A.
I can't imagine you without Alex.
I can't either.
What are you gonna do? You're not going to let him go, are you?
His mother and I are trying to work things out. It's not gonna be easy.
I'm sorry it didn't work out... between you two.
We were just kids when we got married. We had a lot of problems, no time to work them out with two careers.
What does Alex think of moving to L.A.?
He doesn't know yet.

Hey, Chink. Slanty eyes.
Why don't you go back to where you came from?
Chink chink, Chinaman sittin' on a fence, tryin' to make a dollar out of ninety nine cents.
Hey, Chink, you know karate? Wanna do karate for us? Karate kid...
Hey, Vincent, watch out!
Hey, leave him alone!
Why don't you make me...?
Hey! Get outta here! Get out of here. If I catch you here again, I'll call the police. Understand?
You should be ashamed of yourselves. Just because those kids are jerks, you don't have to act like jerks, too!
Mr. Wang, it's all right. They're gone. It's over.
It is not all right.
I'm sorry. Those kids weren't from our program.
But these children were laughing at Vincent... They were laughing at those names. How could they? What are you teaching them here?
I'm really sorry. I was trying to watch them. I kept an eye on them...
Come, Vincent. Let's go home.
I'm OK, Dad. I want to stay.
Vincent! Don't argue with me!
What's going on?
Some troublemakers called Vincent racist names. Alex tried to stop them and got in a fight.
Some of our kids stood around and laughed.
How did this happen? I thought you were watching them...
I sat down for a minute... It happened so fast. IIt was my fault.
Oh, no. Where are the Wangs going?
They're taking Vincent home.
Mr. Wang.
We don't want to talk about it, Mrs. Washington.
Mr. Wang, prejudice is everywhere. We have to fight it... together. If we walk away, there'll be more of it.
I didn't bring my son here to be called names.
I'm sorry this happened, but I promise... it will not happen again.
We're leaving.
I'm sorry, Vincent.
What just happened was a terrible thing. Those boys were wrong to call Vincent names... and you were wrong to laugh.
You should be ashamed of yourselves! Do you know how much you hurt Vincent?
I know what it feels like... People have called me names like spic and wetback. I'm sure this has happened to some of you, too. How does it feel?
Yeah, feels pretty bad right?
So you shouldn't do it to other people, right?
I tried to make them stop, but...
I know, Alex.
I wanted to kill those kids!
I know how you feel, Alex, but you should fight back with words, not with violence. Nobody taught them right from wrong.
I got one of them-pow-right in the nose.
Alex... cut it Out!

Boys and girls, now we're all here today because we're going to do something very special. Now I need to tell you that I feel terrible about what happened to Vincent at the picnic the other day... and I know some of you feel badly, too. So today we're gonna talk about it and I want to introduce you to someone who's very, very special. OK?
Boys and girls, this is Officer Jones. Officer Jones is from the Richmond precinct.
OK. Let's talk about what happened. Who wants to start?
Some boys started calling Vincent names.
Alex told them to stop.
Did you see or hear anything else?
There was a fight.
One of the boys just tripped Vincent and he just started crying.
And how did you feel when you saw that?
I got so mad, I even punched one of them.
Well, that's a natural reaction, but we don't want to treat violence with violence... What those boys did to Vincent was a crime.
You mean someone could go to jail for that?
That's right. What we're talking about is a 'hate crime'... Now the law says that a hate crime is a crime motivated by bias against someone's race, religion, skin color, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender.
Now Vincent is a Chinese-American. Those boys attacked him just because he's a Chinese-American. He didn't do anything wrong.
When this incident happened, did any of you laugh?
Some of you laughed, didn't you? Hm? Was it funny?

Do you like it when someone laughs at you?
No... Can I say something?
Go right ahead, Mrs. Washington.
Now, what happened is called prejudice. Prejudice is when someone doesn't like somebody else because of their race, their religion, where they come from... How many of you have ever experienced 'prejudice'?
Mm-hm. It doesn't feel good, does it?
No, it's not nice. And those boys treated Vincent that way simply because he's different from them. But guess what? We're all different. Well, maybe not... You look exactly like him...
Are you sure? Look at each other!
Ah, yeah, we don't look alike.
I must be confused... You look exactly like her.
C'mon, you have on the same hat.
I don't even have a hat on!
You don't? Oh, then it's you who looks like him... Oh, you two are the same. You're sisters, aren't you?
Oh, c'mon, Alex, this is your twin sister! Actually, you're identical twins. No?
We're all different. What-if we all looked the same, it would be boring, wouldn't it?
Yeah. So, that's what happens when people treat people badly because they're different. It's kind a crazy because we're all different. Now, unfortunately, Vincent's parents don't want him to come back to the program.
But the boys who tripped Vincent don't go to our program.
That's true, but it happened at our picnic, and some of our students laughed. That's when it became our problem. So I think we need to do something about it. I think we need to write some letters, draw some pictures... What do ya think?
Yeah, we can let him know how we feel about what happened.
That's a great idea.

There was a fox... who was very hungry... She was looking for food...
Mom, why can't I go back to the after-school program? I miss my friends.
Children who laugh at you are not your friends.
Alex didn't laugh at me. He tried to help me. He's my friend.
I know, Vincent. I know.
Please let me go back, Mommy.
Class, Elizabeth did a wonderful card: 'To Vincent, you are my friend.' Isn't that nice?
'Hope you can come back soon. Steven.' That's nice, Steven.
'To Vincent, I hope you can forgive me.'
Were you one who laughed?
Why did you laugh?
Well, I just thought it was funny...
You don't think it's funny now, do you?
No, I don't.
Baseball, our favorite game. He'll like that drawing of baseball...
That's good. That's very good. 'Please come back to the after-school program. We want you back, Jonathan.'
How's your card coming along, Alex?
Pretty good.
Let me see...
'To Vincent, from Alex. Vincent, you have to come back. We are a team. I miss you. Alex.'
Oh, that's sweet, Alex. And you have the two team members on there. That's great. He's gonna like that.
I hope so.

Let's hope these cards and letters will persuade Mr. Wang to let Vincent come back.
I've talked to him several times on the telephone. He's very polite. He's just not ready to change his mind.
He knows Vincent loved the program. Maybe the cards will convince him that the program's good for Vincent.
Well, let's keep our fingers crossed.
Ah... hello, Mrs. Washington. And hello, Miss Casey.
Hello, Mr. Wang. The children from the after-school program made these cards for Vincent. We all want to say how sorry we are about what happened.
I see.
We also held a prejudice-awareness workshop. A policewoman came in to help the children understand what happened, and why it was wrong. We're sorry about what happened. We miss Vincent very much. And we hope you'll let him come back.
Thank you. Vincent will be very happy to see these.
I want to apologize, again. I feel partly responsible for what happened to Vincent. I also wanna say how much we want Vincent to come back to the program.
Thank you. I know that Vincent misses his friends, too. But we don't want him to get hurt. Some parents don't teach their children how to behave. It's a problem in this country.
May I speak frankly?
I'm an African-American woman. All my life I've had to deal with prejudice. When I was a little girl, kids made fun of me. They called me names. It hurt a lot... especially as a child. But I got through it and so will Vincent.
I understand that there is hate in this world, but Vincent is just a child. Parents must protect their children.
Now, I know you love your son. And I know that you have to do what you think is right for him. But we think it'd be good for him and the other children if you allow him to come back. It'd teach them that it's possible to overcome prejudice... but only when we work together.
Thank you for your concern. I know that you both care... but this is a very difficult decision for our family.
Mrs. Washington and, uh, Miss Casey brought these for you.
Look... this one's from Alex! 'Vincent, you have to come back. We are a team. I miss you. Alex.'
'Hope you can come back soon. Steven.'
Dad, can't I go back?
We'll see.

So, do you think you can handle it? We'll do it nice and slow. I'll count you off: one... two... one, two, three, four...
Do you think Vincent's coming back?
I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Wang gave it some thought, but I'm not very optimistic.
Good afternoon.
Hi, Alex.
Hi. Is Vincent coming back?
Oh, we don't know yet.
Why don't you go in and sit down? I'll be right there.
Egypt, c'mon, honey, c'mon. How are you today?
Good to see you.
Vincent! Mrs. Wang! Come in! Have a seat, please.
I'm so happy that Vincent is back.
I'm sorry about my English. Um... My husband and I have zuo chu jue ding.
... made a decision.
... made a decision. Vincent not coming back to program. We want to return guitar.
I'm disappointed to hear that. I'm sorry Vincent won't be in the program. Vincent, we were happy to have you here. We'll miss you very much.
It was nice here. I liked it a lot...
I'm sorry, Mrs. Washington, but my mother says we have to go now. Thank you.
Alex, I have some bad news--Vincent's not coming back to the program. His parents think it's the best thing for him. We're gonna tell the other students tomorrow.
I knew it.
Alex, is your father picking you up today?

Hi, Alex. How was your day? Hello, Rebecca.
Hi, Ram¨.n. Do you have a minute?
Mrs. Wang stopped by today and told us that Vincent is not coming back to the program.
That's too bad.
But I have an idea: I think I'll ask the Wangs if I can give guitar lessons to Vincent and Alex at Vincent's house.
What do you think, Alex?
Yeah! I'd like that.
That way, they can keep up the friendship while they learn to play the guitar. I'll throw in the lessons for free.
Great idea. But I must pay for Alex's lessons.
No. They're free, I insist. I feel so bad about what happened, this is my way of doing something about it.
You can do whatever you want with the Wangs, but, please, let me pay for Alex.
But... I don't want you or the Wangs to pay...
I insist. Listen, Vincent is Alex's best friend. It's the least a father can do. Right, pal?
So, when do we start?
I don't know. I have to ask the Wangs first.
Today, right?
Take it easy, champ.
Hello, Mrs. Wang. This is Miss Casey-from the after-school program.
Yes, Miss Casey. I'm coming down.
Hi, Mrs. Wang.
Miss Casey, very nice to see you. Please, sit down.
Thank you.

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