

<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ --> package com.deity.ranking.util;import java.util.List;   import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;   import org.springframework.jdbc.core.support.JdbcDaoSupport;    /* * * 分页函数 * * @author allenpan */ public class Pagination extends JdbcDaoSupport{    public static final int NUMBERS_PER_PAGE = 10 ;    // 一页显示的记录数    private int numPerPage;    // 记录总数    private int totalRows;    // 总页数    private int totalPages;    // 当前页码    private int currentPage;    // 起始行数    private int startIndex;    // 结束行数    private int lastIndex;    // 结果集存放List    private List resultList;    // JdbcTemplate jTemplate    private JdbcTemplate jTemplate;    /* *   * 每页显示10条记录的构造函数,使用该函数必须先给Pagination设置currentPage,jTemplate初值   * @param sql oracle语句    */    public Pagination(String sql){    if (jTemplate == null ){    throw new IllegalArgumentException( " com.deity.ranking.util.Pagination.jTemplate is null,please initial it first. " );   } else if (sql.equals( "" )){    throw new IllegalArgumentException( " com.deity.ranking.util.Pagination.sql is empty,please initial it first. " );   }    new Pagination(sql,currentPage,NUMBERS_PER_PAGE,jTemplate);   }    /* *分页构造函数   * @param sql 根据传入的sql语句得到一些基本分页信息   * @param currentPage 当前页   * @param numPerPage 每页记录数   * @param jTemplate JdbcTemplate实例    */    public Pagination(String sql, int currentPage, int numPerPage,JdbcTemplate jTemplate){    if (jTemplate == null ){    throw new IllegalArgumentException( " com.deity.ranking.util.Pagination.jTemplate is null,please initial it first. " );   } else if (sql == null || sql.equals( "" )){    throw new IllegalArgumentException( " com.deity.ranking.util.Pagination.sql is empty,please initial it first. " );   }    // 设置每页显示记录数   setNumPerPage(numPerPage);    // 设置要显示的页数   setCurrentPage(currentPage);    // 计算总记录数   StringBuffer totalSQL = new StringBuffer( " SELECT count(*) FROM ( " );   totalSQL.append(sql);   totalSQL.append( " ) totalTable " );    // 给JdbcTemplate赋值   setJdbcTemplate(jTemplate);    // 总记录数   setTotalRows(getJdbcTemplate().queryForInt(totalSQL.toString()));    // 计算总页数   setTotalPages();    // 计算起始行数   setStartIndex();    // 计算结束行数   setLastIndex();   System. out .println( " lastIndex= " + lastIndex); //////////////////    // 构造oracle数据库的分页语句   StringBuffer paginationSQL = new StringBuffer( " SELECT * FROM ( " );   paginationSQL.append( " SELECT temp.* ,ROWNUM num FROM ( " );   paginationSQL.append(sql);   paginationSQL.append( "  ) temp where ROWNUM <= " + lastIndex);   paginationSQL.append( " ) WHERE num > " + startIndex);    // 装入结果集   setResultList(getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(paginationSQL.toString()));   }    /* *   * @param args    */    public static void main(String[] args) {    // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    public int getCurrentPage() {    return currentPage;   }    public void setCurrentPage( int currentPage) {    this .currentPage = currentPage;   }    public int getNumPerPage() {    return numPerPage;   }    public void setNumPerPage( int numPerPage) {    this .numPerPage = numPerPage;   }    public List getResultList() {    return resultList;    }    public void setResultList(List resultList) {    this .resultList = resultList;   }    public int getTotalPages() {    return totalPages;   }    // 计算总页数    public void setTotalPages() {    if (totalRows % numPerPage == 0 ){    this .totalPages = totalRows / numPerPage;   } else {    this .totalPages  = (totalRows / numPerPage) + 1 ;   }   }    public int getTotalRows() {    return totalRows;   }    public void setTotalRows( int totalRows) {    this .totalRows = totalRows;   }    public int getStartIndex() {    return startIndex;   }    public void setStartIndex() {    this .startIndex = (currentPage - 1 ) * numPerPage;   }    public int getLastIndex() {    return lastIndex;   }    public JdbcTemplate getJTemplate() {    return jTemplate;   }    public void setJTemplate(JdbcTemplate template) {   jTemplate = template;   }    // 计算结束时候的索引    public void setLastIndex() {   System. out .println( " totalRows= " + totalRows); ///////// //   System. out .println( " numPerPage= " + numPerPage); ///////// //    if ( totalRows < numPerPage){    this .lastIndex = totalRows;   } else if ((totalRows % numPerPage == 0 ) || (totalRows % numPerPage != 0 && currentPage < totalPages)){    this .lastIndex = currentPage * numPerPage;   } else if (totalRows % numPerPage != 0 && currentPage == totalPages){ // 最后一页    this .lastIndex = totalRows ;   }   }}在我的业务逻辑代码中:    /* *   * find season ranking list from DC   * @param areaId 选手区域id   * @param rankDate 赛季   * @param category 类别   * @param characterName 角色名   * @return List    */    public List findSeasonRankingList(Long areaId, int rankYear, int rankMonth,   Long categoryId,String characterName) {    // SQL语句   StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer( " SELECT C.USERID userid,D.POSNAME posname,C.GAMEID gameid,C.AMOUNT amount,C.RANK rank FROM " );    // 表            sql.append(" (SELECT B.USERID USERID,");   sql.append( " B.POSID POSID, " );   sql.append( " A.DISTRICT_CODE DISTRICTCODE, " );   sql.append( " A.GAMEID GAMEID, " );   sql.append( " AMOUNT AMOUNT, " );   sql.append( " RANK RANK " );   sql.append( " FROM TB_FS_RANK A " );   sql.append( " LEFT JOIN TB_CHARACTER_INFO B " );   sql.append( " ON A.DISTRICT_CODE = B.DISTRICT_CODE " );   sql.append( " AND A.GAMEID = B.GAMEID " );    // 附加条件    if (areaId != null && areaId.intValue() != 0 ){   sql.append( " and A.DISTRICT_CODE = " + areaId.intValue());   }    if ( rankYear > 1970 && rankMonth > 0 ){    // hql.append(" and sas.id.dt >= to_date('" + rankYear + "-" + rankMonth + "-01 00:00:00'," + "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS");    // hql.append(" and sas.id.dt <= to_date('" + rankYear + "-" + rankMonth + "-" + TimeTool.findMaxDateInMonth(rankYear,rankMonth) + " 23:59:59'," + "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS");   sql.append( " and A.DT = fn_time_convert(to_date(' " + rankYear + " - " + rankMonth + " ', " + " 'YYYY-MM')) " );   }    if (categoryId != null && categoryId.intValue() != 0 ){   sql.append( " and A.CID = " + categoryId.intValue());   }    if (characterName != null && ! characterName.trim().equals( "" )){   sql.append( " and A.GAMEID = ' " + characterName.trim() + " ' " );   }   sql.append( " ORDER BY RANK ASC) C " );   sql.append( " LEFT JOIN TB_FS_POSITION D " );   sql.append( " ON C.POSID = D.POSID " );   sql.append( " ORDER BY C.RANK " );   System. out .println( " hql= " + sql.toString()); /////////////// /    // 使用自己的分页程序控制结果集   Pagination pageInfo = new Pagination(sql.toString(), 1 , 10 ,getJdbcTemplate());    return pageInfo.getResultList();    // return getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(sql.toString());   }


