Option Explicit ' (c) Désirée und Wolfram, 3/2005 ' Modifiziert: 11/2007 - Bilder mit runden Ecken versehen ' Bilder aus Winword im Originalformat exportieren. ' Nur für WD2002 und WD2003 unter Win2000/XP/2003/Vista. ' ' Änderung3.11.2007: RundeEcken Shape Seitenverhältnis sperren ' Änderung4.11.2007: Table Pictures Contextmenu hinzugefügt ' Änderung4.11.2007: Inlineshape Position wird erhalten, Section Delete ' Änderung5.11.2007: Bilder in Header/Footer unterstützen Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" _ (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetEnhMetaFileBits Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hEMF As Long, ByVal cbBuffer As Long, lpbBuffer As Byte) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _ (pDest As Any, pSource As Any, ByVal cbLength As Long) Private Const CF_ENHMETAFILE = 14 Private emf() As Byte, imgData() As Byte Private Type EmfRecord ' private emf-type id As Long len As Long End Type Private Type GDI_Comment ' private GDI type len As Long Type As Long data As Long End Type Function ExportSelectedPicture(Filename As String) As String Dim pBMI As Long, pDIB As Long, ext As String, picType As Integer, s As String On Error Resume Next Erase imgData: Erase emf GetImage Selection If ExportEMFPlusImageData(pBMI, pDIB) Then CopyMemory picType, imgData(0), 2 Select Case picType Case &HD8FF: ext = "jpg" Case &H4947: ext = "gif" Case &H5089: ext = "png" Case &H1:ext = "emf" Case &HCDD7: ext = "wmf" Case &H4D42: ext = "bmp" Case &H4949: ext = "tif" Case &H50A:ext = "pcx" Case &H100:ext = "tga" Case &HD0C5:ext = "eps" Case &H2100:ext = "cgm" Case Else: ext = "bmp" End Select s = Filename & "." & ext If Len(Dir(s)) Then Kill s SaveRawImageData s ExportSelectedPicture = s Else MsgBox "Fehler beim Export des selektierten Bildes" End If End Function Function GetImage(ByVal r) Dim hEMF As Long, n As Long If Val(Application.Version) >= 11 Then ' EnhMetaFileBits liefert für Office 11 den raw EMF-stream ' Bug: Clipboard muss vorher geleert werden If OpenClipboard(0&) Then EmptyClipboard CloseClipboard End If emf = CallByName(r, "EnhMetaFileBits", VbGet): DoEvents Else ' für Office <=10 Ersatz über Clipboard. Vorsicht: In Office 11 ' liefert CopyAsPicture nur eine EMF-Kopie, nicht den raw Stream. r.CopyAsPicture If OpenClipboard(0&) Then hEMF = GetClipboardData(CF_ENHMETAFILE) CloseClipboard End If If hEMF Then n = GetEnhMetaFileBits(hEMF, 0, ByVal 0&) If n Then ReDim emf(n - 1) GetEnhMetaFileBits hEMF, n, emf(0) End If End If End If End Function Function ExportEMFPlusImageData(pBMI As Long, pDIB As Long) As Boolean ' aus dem EMF-Stream die GDI+ (EMF+) Image-Daten extrahieren Dim pEMF As Long, lEmf As Long, n As Long, state As Long, pNext As Long Dim recEMF As EmfRecord, recEMFplus As GDI_Comment, pImgData As Long Dim nextblock As Boolean, pCmd As Long, imgtype As Long, toff As Long Dim WMFhdr As Long, WMFhsz As Integer, misalign As Boolean, big As Boolean Dim dib As Boolean, dibits As Long, bmi As Long, imgend As Boolean On Error Resume Next n = UBound(emf) If n < 7 Or Err <> 0 Then Exit Function Do CopyMemory recEMF, emf(pEMF), 8 'Debug.Print Hex$(pEMF), Hex$(recEMF.id), Hex$(recEMF.len) Select Case state Case 0: ' header If recEMF.id <> 1 Or recEMF.len = 0 Then Exit Function ' wrong header state = 1 Case 1: ' wait for GDI_COMMENT Begin Group If recEMF.id = 70 And recEMF.len > 23 Then CopyMemory recEMFplus, emf(pEMF + 8), 12 If recEMFplus.type = &H43494447 And recEMFplus.data = 2 Then ' GDIC state = 2 End If End If Case 2: ' wait for GDI_COMMENT EMF+ (GDI+) records If recEMF.id = 70 And recEMF.len >= 20 Then CopyMemory recEMFplus, emf(pEMF + 8), 12 'Debug.Print "+", Hex$(recEMFplus.type), Hex$(recEMFplus.data) If (recEMFplus.type = &H2B464D45) And (Not imgend) Then ' GDI+ record pNext = pEMF + 16 pCmd = recEMFplus.data Do While (pCmd And &HFFFF&) <> &H4008' wait for cmd Image CopyMemory n, emf(pNext + 4), 4' len of command pNext = pNext + n If pNext >= pEMF + recEMF.len Then Exit Do CopyMemory pCmd, emf(pNext), 4 ' next command Loop If (pCmd And &HFFFFFFF) = &H5004008 Then' cmd Image + Flags big = (pCmd And &H80000000) = &H80000000 toff = IIf(big, pNext + 20, pNext + 16) If Not (big And nextblock) Then CopyMemory imgtype, emf(toff), 4 If imgtype = 1 Then' bitmap ReDim imgData(recEMF.len - toff - 24 + pEMF - 1) CopyMemory imgData(0), emf(toff + 24), recEMF.len - toff - 24 + pEMF ElseIf imgtype = 2 Then' metafile ReDim imgData(recEMF.len - toff - 12 + pEMF - 1): misalign = False CopyMemory WMFhdr, emf(toff + 12), 4 CopyMemory WMFhsz, emf(toff + 12 + 22 + 2), 2 If WMFhdr = &H9AC6CDD7 Then' WMF APM Header? misalign = WMFhsz <> 9 ' check Std WMF hdr misaling End If If misalign Then ' correct GDI+ misalign-bug CopyMemory imgData(0), emf(toff + 12), 22' APM header CopyMemory imgData(22), emf(toff + 12 + 22 + 2), recEMF.len - toff - 12 + pEMF - 22 - 2 ReDim Preserve imgData(UBound(imgData) - 2) Else CopyMemory imgData(0), emf(toff + 12), recEMF.len - toff - 12 + pEMF End If Else Exit Do' unknown type End If' imgtype If big Then nextblock = True Else imgend = True Else n = UBound(imgData) ReDim Preserve imgData(n + recEMF.len - &H20) CopyMemory imgData(n + 1), emf(pEMF + &H20), recEMF.len - &H20 End If' not (big and next) End If ' cmd image ElseIf recEMFplus.type = &H43494447 And recEMFplus.data = 3 Then ' GDIC end Exit Do ' EMF+ group end End If ElseIf recEMF.id = 81 And recEMF.len >= 88 And (Not dib) Then ' EMR_StrechDibits dib = True CopyMemory n, emf(pEMF + 48), 4' BMIoffset (0x50) bmi = pEMF + n ' BIHdr CopyMemory n, emf(pEMF + 56), 4' dibits = pEMF + n' DIBits End If End Select pEMF = pEMF + recEMF.len Loop Until pEMF > UBound(emf) n = 0: n = UBound(imgData) If n = 0 Then' if image not found, copy enh metafile bits ReDim imgData(UBound(emf)): CopyMemory imgData(0), emf(0), UBound(emf) + 1 Else: pDIB = dibits: pBMI = bmi End If ExportEMFPlusImageData = True End Function Function SaveRawImageData(ByVal Filename As String) Dim f As Long f = FreeFile Open Filename For Binary Access Write As f Put f, 1, imgData Close f End Function Sub GrafikMitRundenEcken() Dim ils As InlineShape, fBaseName As String, fName As String Dim w As Single, h As Single, sh As Shape, sh1 As Shape Dim sr As Single, sa As Range, sl As Single, st As Single Dim sla As Long, srh As Long, srv As Long, szp As Long Dim swo As Long, sdb As Single, sdl As Single, sdr As Single, hf As HeaderFooter Dim sdt As Single, ssi As Long, swt As Long, n As Long, r As Range, s As Long fBaseName = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdTempFilePath) & "\~temppic" s = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndSectionNumber) Select Case Selection.StoryType ' HeaderFooter Shapes Case wdEvenPagesHeaderStory ' 6 Set hf = ActiveDocument.Sections(s).Headers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages) Case wdPrimaryHeaderStory ' 7 Set hf = ActiveDocument.Sections(s).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary) Case wdEvenPagesFooterStory ' 8 Set hf = ActiveDocument.Sections(s).Footers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages) Case wdPrimaryFooterStory '9 Set hf = ActiveDocument.Sections(s).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary) Case wdFirstPageHeaderStory ' 10 Set hf = ActiveDocument.Sections(s).Headers(wdHeaderFooterFirstPage) Case wdFirstPageFooterStory ' 11 Set hf = ActiveDocument.Sections(s).Footers(wdHeaderFooterFirstPage) End Select Select Case Selection.type Case wdSelectionInlineShape Set ils = Selection.InlineShapes(1) w = ils.Width h = ils.Height fName = ExportSelectedPicture(fBaseName) If Len(fName) Then 'n = Selection.Start - Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start Selection.Delete If Selection.StoryType >= 6 And Selection.StoryType <= 11 Then Set sh = hf.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, 0, 0, w, h, Selection.Range) Set r = hf.Range r.SetRange Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start, Selection.Start n = r.Characters.Count Else Set sh = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, 0, 0, w, h, Selection.Range) n = ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start, Selection.Start).Characters.Count End If sh.Fill.UserPicture fName sh.Line.Visible = msoFalse sh.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue sh.Select CommandBars.FindControl(id:=5934).Execute' Ersatz für ConvertToInlineshape If n Then' ILS war nicht zu nicht zu Absatzbeginn Selection.Cut Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, n ' an vorherige Position schieben Selection.Paste End If End If Case wdSelectionShape Set sh1 = Selection.ShapeRange(1) w = sh1.Width h = sh1.Height sr = sh1.Rotation Set sa = sh1.Anchor sl = sh1.Left st = sh1.Top sla = sh1.LockAnchor srh = sh1.RelativeHorizontalPosition srv = sh1.RelativeVerticalPosition szp = sh1.ZOrderPosition swo = sh1.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap sdb = sh1.WrapFormat.DistanceBottom sdl = sh1.WrapFormat.DistanceLeft sdr = sh1.WrapFormat.DistanceRight sdt = sh1.WrapFormat.DistanceTop ssi = sh1.WrapFormat.Side swt = sh1.WrapFormat.type fName = ExportSelectedPicture(fBaseName) If Len(fName) Then sh1.Delete If Selection.StoryType >= 6 And Selection.StoryType <= 11 Then Set sh = hf.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, sl, st, w, h, sa) Else Set sh = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, sl, st, w, h, sa) End If sh.Fill.UserPicture fName sh.Line.Visible = msoFalse sh.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue sh.Rotation = sr sh.LockAnchor = sla sh.RelativeHorizontalPosition = srh sh.RelativeVerticalPosition = srv sh.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap = swo sh.WrapFormat.DistanceBottom = sdb sh.WrapFormat.DistanceLeft = sdl sh.WrapFormat.DistanceRight = sdr sh.WrapFormat.DistanceTop = sdt sh.WrapFormat.Side = ssi sh.WrapFormat.type = swt End If End Select End Sub Sub AddContextMenu1() Const myId = "RundeEckenGrafik" CustomizationContext = ThisDocument Dim c As CommandBarControl, CBname As Variant, cbx As Variant CBname = Array("Inline Picture", "Floating Picture", "Table Pictures") For Each cbx In CBname For Each c In Application.CommandBars(cbx).Controls If c.Tag = myId Then c.Delete: Exit For Next With Application.CommandBars(cbx).Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , 4) .Tag = myId .Caption = "Grafik mit runden Ecken" .OnAction = "GrafikMitRundenEcken" End With Next cbx End Sub |