

However, and this is a big one, you can't learn CSS from a book. Understanding comes from experimentation. If all you do is replicate somebody elses work then you do not learn. If something goes wrong, without the deeper understanding of what is happening you will not be able to fix it. CSS is the raw data, reading books will provide knowledge, experimentation will give you understanding.

So go for Eric Mayer's book to get the knowledge but use Zeldman to help with the understanding.

Or buy neither. Get online and use the many, many FREE tutorials to discover how it works. You really can't go wrong with these three here:

So go for Eric Mayer's book to get the knowledge but use Zeldman to help with the understanding.

W3C Schools CSS Tutorial http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
Mulders Stylesheets Tutorial http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/authoring/stylesheets/tutorials/tutorial1.html
Htmlite http://www.htmlite.com/CSSintro.php
