



import java.sql.Date;
public class TypeChange {
public TypeChange() {
//change the string type to the int type
public static int stringToInt(String intstr)
    Integer integer;
    integer = Integer.valueOf(intstr);
    return integer.intValue();
//change int type to the string type
public static String intToString(int value)
    Integer integer = new Integer(value);
    return integer.toString();
//change the string type to the float type
public static float stringToFloat(String floatstr)
    Float floatee;
    floatee = Float.valueOf(floatstr);
    return floatee.floatValue();
//change the float type to the string type
public static String floatToString(float value)
    Float floatee = new Float(value);
    return floatee.toString();
//change the string type to the sqlDate type
public static java.sql.Date stringToDate(String dateStr)
    return java.sql.Date.valueOf(dateStr);
//change the sqlDate type to the string type
public static String dateToString(java.sql.Date datee)
    return datee.toString();

public static void main(String[] args)
    java.sql.Date day ;
    day = TypeChange.stringToDate("2003-11-3");
    String strday = TypeChange.dateToString(day);


