关于JPA规范中 EQL 查询的一点建议!

When I use JPA as ORM technology in my project,I have some problem.

    Following is my problem.

    4.8.2Constructor Expressions in the SELECT Clause

    A constructor may be used in the SELECT list to return an instance of a Java class. The specified class is not required to be an entity or to be mapped to the database. The constructor name must be fully qualified.
    If an entity class name is specified as the constructor name in the SELECT NEW clause, the resulting entity instances are in the new state.
    For example,

    SELECT NEW com.acme.example.CustomerDetails(c.id, c.status, o.count)
    FROM Customer c JOIN c.orders o
    WHERE o.count>100

    We can write EQL SQL like that

   SELECT NEW com.acme.example.CustomerDetails(c.id, c.status as cdStatus, o.count)
    FROM Customer c JOIN c.orders o
    WHERE o.count>100

    without having appropriate Constructor.(Because in real environment,We should randomly access entity's properties.)
    instead,JPA implmentation can invoke the get Mehtod.

    (like the native sql
        select c.id,c.status as cdStatus,o.count from cust c join order o on(c.id=o.cust_id) where o.count>100    random select clause)


    class CustomerDetails
        private String _id;
        private String _status;
        private String _count;

        public CustomerDetails()

        public void setId(String id)
            _id = id;
        public String getId()
            return _id;

        public void setCdStatus(String status)
            _status = status;

        public String getCdStatus()
            return _status;

        public void setCount(String count)
            _count = count;
        public String getCount()
            return _count;

