Friday May 27th

It is advisable to see a dentist regularly! 定期看牙医是明智的! 

The room is was all but empty!房间里几乎全空了!

make allowances for 考虑到 顾及;体谅,原谅

We must make allowances for his youth;我们应考虑到他还年轻!

These medical herbs are said to act on the heart.据说这些草原对心脏起作用!

Acting on my recommandation ,he has decided to read the novel once more!根据我的劝告,他决定把这本小说再读一遍!

For all her wealth ,she is not happy! 她虽然很富有,但并不幸福! for all 尽管 虽然

A system used to allcate a scarce commodity ,such as food ,only to those capable of derving the greates benefit from it;优先分配一种将有限资源,如食物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益的人的制度。

The restaurant have six parking space allocate in the public car park next door.隔壁的公共停车场里,这个餐馆有六个停车位.

